The Sunday School Lesson Stewardship by David McGee
May 30, 2010
Stewardship (37:55)
Referenced Scriptures:
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Balancing giving and receiving
The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
They were looking at stewardship and we want to. I like to think of any aspect of the winners and gracious gracious in giving as receiving as gracious in receiving as giving something for the gamers but terrible receivers and something for our great receivers, but they don't want to get. I solved the challenge is for the balance of what you see how can God, how can God bless us, we won't let go of what we already got so if we don't share what we already have. How would we get more and if I had always open and giving in. There is always coming into our life. What a weekend hobby in the way. So it's it's a balance of being able to be gracious in giving as we are receiving. Be gracious in receiving as we are giving and so if you're a gamer 's more more of your note giver. It's hard to receive and if your receiver. It's hard to get. That's the personality so we generally are one way or the other when not, they doesn't seem like people are 50-50. I'm perfectly balanced in all that I do in our anise that person is you have/ will do in that person doesn't exist now, so we are one. One extreme or the other, or it or some variation of it, and generally what sticks out are the individuals that are extremely greedy you are always grew always in need and for no matter what they have never enough and then we find out what they have. They haven't all stashed corded things like that. But anyhow that's that's just the way some people are so the Charles Dennis Ross to look at August, this idea of generosity. So, Philippians, chapter two verses five and eight. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross central truth. Christians are to be generous with Chapter two of simply twenty one ten and Philippians two and he also saw a poor widow, but in two foot into very small copper coins. I tell you the truth, he said, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gain their gifts out of there. Well, but she the poverty put in all that she had to live on in reply Jesus said a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell in the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A Samaritan, as he traveled, came when a man was, and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, look into and in and took care of him the next day, two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper look after him. He said, and when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. Which of these radio think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the the robber expert in Milan replied one who had mercy on him, told him go and do likewise. Philippians two, your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God exalted him on highest place and gave him the name is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the glory of God the father. So when we think of stewardship and I think of generosity. What does it mean to be generous, was immediately generous can easily. I like easily give that getting gimme is again easily without stimulus, what is generous. A person is generous, unselfish one from you guys think they been fishing and I think that outgoing and nails, generous among the on some other guys go okay so abundantly on the way we have a new and idea name of being a generous individual, now what we can be generous with well you know if I would just win the lottery I would give ten percent of the Lord and Violet in okay that was allegedly generous wit is what I'm okay but nothing became artists are found in the generous with what we possess you know, I ended like that. The own during the offering reach up and get the wall of the person in front of you give like you've always wanted to check in a generally only taken being generous. What we need to be taken in the context of what we already have. So are we generous with what we already have. That's the question and an end. How generous are we to be and should I give everything July give everything I have, so that some needy person will be better off and I won't be seen as old as it is a challenge in all of this, but the challenge is the balance and that we aren't to be gracious in saving our sometimes were not last because we refuse to receive, and sometimes were not blessed because we refuse to get so who determines that it waited so I have high determine how much I'll grade whatever the blessing is an outline and where do we draw the line in when we stop giving when we stop doing what were doing or do we not stop there. We just continue to today. The people collect the long selling and reading and you will get according to what you have so and I I agree and I disagree that you cannot so we can expect to harvest corn, salt allowed selling and reaping the law of sowing and reaping is that whatsoever man. So what that shall he also reap. So we are looking at Sturgeon and from the idea on what began what we know how much were going to sell and what were going to give or not give. Now most of the time. Whenever we think of stewardship. We think of what we don't have a down side. The lot of people. Not everybody but again, this is what would you have what we don't have listed that way. So what do we possess in their timeout that little earlier, life, our time, our talents, Wilson Nielsen and personality. You thought I was his dogma money to stewardship is the total package. Your here to Thailand personality UK were bankrupt already but the but you see is not true. Our personality is who we are in each of us have a responsibility to give up what we have and to get it unselfishly because of who we are in our relationship with Christ. So if we have the right relationship in the right understanding of our relationship right and the right understanding of the Scriptures that God has placed in our own mind and heart our own personalities and how that what we've done with our life and our how are we investing in or how are we going to multiply the value of what we have to do. We are as an individual, as Sturgis was it in Hawaii. Stewards on one of Scripture talks about how that okay. The Bible says your life is not euro. I belong to God, so there more, we are running an account of my life to God when it's all over Dublin lives all over. When I got to go to God and in how they want God. This is what I give my life for this one I thought was because it belongs to me, and you see it doesn't matter by Sandy because I'm not hurting anybody but myself, but the idea of stewardship is that my life is not my own, and whenever I hurt myself, I'm actually hurting God and what God 's intent for my life is so whenever I do while we hear people say while I'm just doing it and it doesn't matter because it's just it's nice my life. I can do with it as I please. So therefore they are not a steward of their life to God they think of themselves as an old in the values anything when you stand before God because already there I am, I thought in this one friend neutral, meaning they would be buried with their list. So, whenever when they get to have an example out and say okay God is like, I don't think so you can be buried with your list if you want, but so is, we think of this in as being a wise steward in Hawaii story is recognizing the value of our life, because if you don't value what you have, you won't value what you get to if you don't value what you already possess. How is more than a change in so and so it is if Yahoo don't value your time. More time is an estrangement. If you don't value your finances and what you know and be wise stewards of it. I was more going to change anything as a result, it is it if we don't value what we have been adding to it won't change. So if we place a value on our life our time, our talents, our personality if we put a value on these things. We will then do our best to develop the value of our life and developing R-value is developing our work of service to God in each of these the so as we develop that we are as a person. We find them to become better stewards of what we went God has planted within those. So one has God planted in our life part one archive time we all had time inside the same. We all have the same twenty four hours in a day and what we deal with it is up to us in out what availability. We all have talents that we all have things that you need to us as individuals, are we going to develop them. We all have a personality howling on a development in a harvest about the strengths of our personality and overcome the weaknesses of our personality as every personality strengths and weaknesses and how we can use the excuse life just the way I have regularly been and what is that saying means on life-changing. If you want to be around the UK, so we say these things is as being in place, though as I was thinking of this storage. It can begins with starship begins with God because he is a wise owner who has placed it within our hands. So God has given to us who we are as an individual is given us our time, our talent while you are yet in your mother 's womb. He formed you a new you hear what your days were set is aware in motion before you were ever born... inability to choose just the I know the first roommate. He knows were right, so, God put all this implies is all our stewardship begins with God that God has placed this in our lives, and then we choose how we were going to develop this person that God has given us and they are highly a and it goes with the idea in my in my thinking because of the idea that our body houses are life, and when the body is gone. The life continues. So what have we done with the life within the house is taken. The people in front of him. There essays out once for your that will allow long as you does that mean will the facet that so what are we going, he also our body is now that this is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The body. But what are we done with the life that God is given a so God has given to each one of us a measure of faith. So God has given us a measure of faith. Why have we done with our investment in with me in our life and our time or talent in our personality and God has given us a measure of faith. How have we used that faith for the development of our life. I could never do that I took when I was a library that whenever I very than I could. I knew you knew God, you read where you don't solve waiting ACLU does Donovan asked the guy, and so therefore I took what I was an you get back what you gave me, so you'll be happy. And the answer is not go away for me because I don't even know you. So what we do with our faith and our faith is, how do we develop our life known in the classic taking is like GEF to read what other people post in the discussion boards. They have to read what some people post and I read this one in. I asked my wife to commit a recent and job either. They are from another country and just learning the English language or I don't know how I don't how they got involved as they can't write it all. They have no punctuation. No sentence structure and you know it was was very extremely, extremely poor and neither is said, maybe they are intelligent and from another country and just getting here or they have a very low mentality and no one had responded to their to their blog that they were writing so course I did but I wanted into two. They said that Bob Holman, God was with them, and had I was the only positive thing I saw the whole old couple paragraphs. It is written, so I took that and I said while I'm sure that you try to explain a lot of things and in and a brief period of time and lots perspective of really what you're trying to say something like that but the most important thing is that God you know that God has a purpose for your life, and God has in what God is begun and you he will complete and so maybe it all being in college and writing is not your forte and I did say that money, but the ideas that God has a purpose for you, even if it isn't in this type of a class setting. God has a purpose for your life and for me. I never had faith in my ability to take tests, hence add to the class setting. So I got an a in the last test itself. That's that help your our lobby open open book test," that I used about in him and another, the one that I missed. They had two different answers. The answer in one paper that was passed that he printed off the Internet from the class was right and the book it was wrong, so I used the paper that got wrongs like you know Professor 's head. " I think you're wrong not. I does that mean they know which answer is correct. That's basically what I said but what type of faith we have in our life do a lot blow that I've done this. I've done that you know where that when does God say he is no longer to have faith in what he has given you your time while I'm busy. I have designed that way. What is our faith in our time my time is that God will give us the ability to have wisdom to put together a manager time correctly, our talents, there isn't a talent that doesn't have to be nurtured. There is a talented, it doesn't have to be developed. Wednesday night I was sitting on the on the stage at the graduate back to Larry as I know with this. Students they want me to set you on every other year, you just set up the side are set down in the in the audience and then when it's time for you to speak you go up and going public with this year they wanted to sit there on a platform with them. There is it on another teacher myself, volume statements and thinking a long time since I sat with the graduating class and I didn't tell them it was nineteen sixty seven that I graduated from high school and I never thought in a million years. I never thought I would ever be in a platform and addressing students and addressing himself parents and so on. It ended in a baccalaureate or things like that but the talent you know, I was never speaker. Maybe I still will, but I'm but I like to do it and and I hopefully it's it accomplishes something I saw two people. This morning, sunny in preaching on what respect learned so David McNally spoke again with no conquering the giant David and Goliath Stowe. I gave it something like that but I do that. Did I read it again. Out of her directly, but AI to people this morning for breakfast, and so on the topic told waste stop the Icelanders, though now I know I is known for that window. I know it is I you have given stones didn't know about having around as those as well at all. Amen, amen, when" no one is, but I have conquered in the Giants held at different times. Anyhow, the idea is that how do we have faith in our talents to be able to develop them. I held to be able to speak or develop our personality. Now we're not stuck in the rut. This is a lie and he used to. If you don't like map of the chick retreat and all that type of mentality and in and out. We just can't do that in a legally bad to recognize there are darker qualities of our personalities and bad, so the want to invest what to invest in that there is no return. Is there anything that you invested that there is not a return knowing of the stock market bottomed out last lots of money but would put things in there expecting an investment boom. What do they invest in that we know that there's no return and ended the challenges frosts that God has a purpose like the missionaries who were in China and they spend an entire lifetime and never have one. Convert what that because that culture was not accepting of foreigners. It wasn't until after their death. That is a big culture began to exempt what they were teaching and they were a number of converts and from that missionary work, though there's there is a Christian work going on in that part of China from those missionaries and they can. They were killed for their faith yet to see that's where investment with no return is that if we don't bother to change or try to change or try to look at our time, talents, personality, our life if we don't try to see these things as as things that will grow and develop. So what if I fail. That's still okay. See investing with no return is not even try investing with no return is giving up giving up giving in and falling out and yell stewardship is that we continue to invest in what God has given us, and in his kingdom, and of course finances. This is part of our financial investment is that that we are looking at our personality, talents, time in life and that we are all wise stewards of our time have our finances and of our finances are not in order they were not going to have other things in order so a ELR finances are very much a part of our home, our stewardship, but so how much do we have to invest in the in the Scripture talks about the way though one with two minus the rich man, Cathy Ms. gets into the treasury. And you know, everybody's impressed with how much the rich man did they and Jesus was saying while the woman who gave the two whites are the data. The two coins were worth less than a penny game more than the man who threw in the bond, and it also. God is going to honor our faithfulness to him and honor that that that provision that has far lives as so as we did a lot of the, what we have. We are trusting God with the rest 's always going to know if we give them say okay God, it's your responsibility. You make me wealthy now we get from the perspective that God is going to be involved in all of these parts of our life. So even our finances. I member of one guy sued the church to get his money back and test the preacher said, if you give God will increase your income. Any proof that he didn't make more of that year. Then he moved that the year before and he wanted his money back. Anyone is slow but the finances part is that that if God. We are going to increase in our financial income in our life, we have to be willing to look at our life, our total package, and how we going to change that God can continue to bless us. Sometimes the lessons right will write sometimes elude us. Sometimes he'll change. Sometimes it'll change the place we work or whatever, but the idea is that if the whole thing is an investment not just our finances that are whole the whole person. The whole thing. We are a social stewardship and is a complete package. Our total life and if we focus just on one aspect of our life and say while that's it. Your talents that you got a time or we all recognize. Now it's the whole thing personality. I can work on my talents yelled till I'm blue in the face, but if I got a terrible personality nine change amount to want to signal like me. I thought about working on my talents it out and Diane God bless me in the charge. You know what happened, and work the whole package. So God is working the whole package to the introduction of so all that we have is an investment in God 's kingdom. Everything everything we are. We are is an investment in the kingdom of God. Our relationships, our relationships, what is the love the Lord thy God with all our heart, soul, mind neighbors yourself. I can do that God stuff, but a touch and my neighbor. What is it about the neighbor that robbed your personality. The long way and now sometimes the personality is that that person needs to change, not necessarily. You sometimes you need to change. Sometimes we need to stick up for what is the right thing in the bolt and sometimes we need to soon, maybe be a little loving and more loving and kind, but to see. That's why no one can come to you and say you know what you need now. We need to allow as we put this stewardship and action. We need to allow the word of God to touch our life, because the disciples were impressed with the rich man enough with the widow will the woman to put in the lesson. Lesson depending and the good Samaritan and now he's on the road I and EEE find the guide is be nothing left for dead and found that the priests and Levites and guys were supposed to be concerned. Didn't have time for him, but a Samaritan, the despised individual. It was concerning to Karen for Muslim donkey took and paid is in a paper stayed in and did you know that there is a good Samaritan in on the road from Jericho to converse on the Jericho still there and anyhow. Then the disciples would have no look at it one way and this is an and this is I guess a challenge for myself. How often do we see things just a certain way and that's all we know, and sometimes being right. Sometimes it is not right. And how do we know when that time is, and because sometimes we have to stick to the art are guns and say this is the truth and cannot I cannot deviate from and sometimes went to say, well, wait a minute, you know, maybe I do need to look at this different and each one of us is responsible for that stewardship of growing and developing and changing and sometimes we need to change, and sometimes we need to be strong and steadfast unmovable in our faith, and sometimes we need to know when it's time to say it's okay. Stewardship came in take-up of offering of time, talent, how much time getting into the church was time to seize more than just giving times of church giving time for God, your daily life giving time to develop your talents, giving time to develop your personality to make your life better not bitter at all part of the stewardship father, thank you for blessing us and giving us helping us to be wise stewards of what you are placed in the hands for ultimately large. We are in control of what we allow you to do in us, so, God, we ask you to guide us guide our faith guide our thoughts guide your word is its place within us, and we ask you Lord to do this in the name of our Savior, the name that is above every name in the power that is above all power your name, Jesus Christ our Lord and payment They were looking at stewardship and we want to. I like to think of any aspect of the winners and gracious gracious in giving as receiving as gracious in receiving as giving something for the gamers but terrible receivers and something for our great receivers, but they don't want to get. I solved the challenge is for the balance of what you see how can God, how can God bless us, we won't let go of what we already got so if we don't share what we already have. How would we get more and if I had always open and giving in. There is always coming into our life. What a weekend hobby in the way. So it's it's a balance of being able to be gracious in giving as we are receiving. Be gracious in receiving as we are giving and so if you're a gamer 's more more of your note giver. It's hard to receive and if your receiver. It's hard to get. That's the personality so we generally are one way or the other when not, they doesn't seem like people are 50-50. I'm perfectly balanced in all that I do in our anise that person is you have/ will do in that person doesn't exist now, so we are one. One extreme or the other, or it or some variation of it, and generally what sticks out are the individuals that are extremely greedy you are always grew always in need and for no matter what they have never enough and then we find out what they have. They haven't all stashed corded things like that. But anyhow that's that's just the way some people are so the Charles Dennis Ross to look at August, this idea of generosity. So, Philippians, chapter two verses five and eight. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus, he humbled himself and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross central truth. Christians are to be generous with Chapter two of simply twenty one ten and Philippians two and he also saw a poor widow, but in two foot into very small copper coins. I tell you the truth, he said, this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gain their gifts out of there. Well, but she the poverty put in all that she had to live on in reply Jesus said a man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho when he fell in the hands of robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him and went away, leaving him half dead. A Samaritan, as he traveled, came when a man was, and when he saw him, he took pity on him. He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, look into and in and took care of him the next day, two silver coins and gave them to the innkeeper look after him. He said, and when I return I will reimburse you for any extra expense you may have. Which of these radio think, was a neighbor to the man who fell into the the robber expert in Milan replied one who had mercy on him, told him go and do likewise. Philippians two, your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus, who, being in the very nature of God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death, even the death of the cross. Therefore God exalted him on highest place and gave him the name is above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord the glory of God the father. So when we think of stewardship and I think of generosity. What does it mean to be generous, was immediately generous can easily. I like easily give that getting gimme is again easily without stimulus, what is generous. A person is generous, unselfish one from you guys think they been fishing and I think that outgoing and nails, generous among the on some other guys go okay so abundantly on the way we have a new and idea name of being a generous individual, now what we can be generous with well you know if I would just win the lottery I would give ten percent of the Lord and Violet in okay that was allegedly generous wit is what I'm okay but nothing became artists are found in the generous with what we possess you know, I ended like that. The own during the offering reach up and get the wall of the person in front of you give like you've always wanted to check in a generally only taken being generous. What we need to be taken in the context of what we already have. So are we generous with what we already have. That's the question and an end. How generous are we to be and should I give everything July give everything I have, so that some needy person will be better off and I won't be seen as old as it is a challenge in all of this, but the challenge is the balance and that we aren't to be gracious in saving our sometimes were not last because we refuse to receive, and sometimes were not blessed because we refuse to get so who determines that it waited so I have high determine how much I'll grade whatever the blessing is an outline and where do we draw the line in when we stop giving when we stop doing what were doing or do we not stop there. We just continue to today. The people collect the long selling and reading and you will get according to what you have so and I I agree and I disagree that you cannot so we can expect to harvest corn, salt allowed selling and reaping the law of sowing and reaping is that whatsoever man. So what that shall he also reap. So we are looking at Sturgeon and from the idea on what began what we know how much were going to sell and what were going to give or not give. Now most of the time. Whenever we think of stewardship. We think of what we don't have a down side. The lot of people. Not everybody but again, this is what would you have what we don't have listed that way. So what do we possess in their timeout that little earlier, life, our time, our talents, Wilson Nielsen and personality. You thought I was his dogma money to stewardship is the total package. Your here to Thailand personality UK were bankrupt already but the but you see is not true. Our personality is who we are in each of us have a responsibility to give up what we have and to get it unselfishly because of who we are in our relationship with Christ. So if we have the right relationship in the right understanding of our relationship right and the right understanding of the Scriptures that God has placed in our own mind and heart our own personalities and how that what we've done with our life and our how are we investing in or how are we going to multiply the value of what we have to do. We are as an individual, as Sturgis was it in Hawaii. Stewards on one of Scripture talks about how that okay. The Bible says your life is not euro. I belong to God, so there more, we are running an account of my life to God when it's all over Dublin lives all over. When I got to go to God and in how they want God. This is what I give my life for this one I thought was because it belongs to me, and you see it doesn't matter by Sandy because I'm not hurting anybody but myself, but the idea of stewardship is that my life is not my own, and whenever I hurt myself, I'm actually hurting God and what God 's intent for my life is so whenever I do while we hear people say while I'm just doing it and it doesn't matter because it's just it's nice my life. I can do with it as I please. So therefore they are not a steward of their life to God they think of themselves as an old in the values anything when you stand before God because already there I am, I thought in this one friend neutral, meaning they would be buried with their list. So, whenever when they get to have an example out and say okay God is like, I don't think so you can be buried with your list if you want, but so is, we think of this in as being a wise steward in Hawaii story is recognizing the value of our life, because if you don't value what you have, you won't value what you get to if you don't value what you already possess. How is more than a change in so and so it is if Yahoo don't value your time. More time is an estrangement. If you don't value your finances and what you know and be wise stewards of it. I was more going to change anything as a result, it is it if we don't value what we have been adding to it won't change. So if we place a value on our life our time, our talents, our personality if we put a value on these things. We will then do our best to develop the value of our life and developing R-value is developing our work of service to God in each of these the so as we develop that we are as a person. We find them to become better stewards of what we went God has planted within those. So one has God planted in our life part one archive time we all had time inside the same. We all have the same twenty four hours in a day and what we deal with it is up to us in out what availability. We all have talents that we all have things that you need to us as individuals, are we going to develop them. We all have a personality howling on a development in a harvest about the strengths of our personality and overcome the weaknesses of our personality as every personality strengths and weaknesses and how we can use the excuse life just the way I have regularly been and what is that saying means on life-changing. If you want to be around the UK, so we say these things is as being in place, though as I was thinking of this storage. It can begins with starship begins with God because he is a wise owner who has placed it within our hands. So God has given to us who we are as an individual is given us our time, our talent while you are yet in your mother 's womb. He formed you a new you hear what your days were set is aware in motion before you were ever born... inability to choose just the I know the first roommate. He knows were right, so, God put all this implies is all our stewardship begins with God that God has placed this in our lives, and then we choose how we were going to develop this person that God has given us and they are highly a and it goes with the idea in my in my thinking because of the idea that our body houses are life, and when the body is gone. The life continues. So what have we done with the life within the house is taken. The people in front of him. There essays out once for your that will allow long as you does that mean will the facet that so what are we going, he also our body is now that this is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The body. But what are we done with the life that God is given a so God has given to each one of us a measure of faith. So God has given us a measure of faith. Why have we done with our investment in with me in our life and our time or talent in our personality and God has given us a measure of faith. How have we used that faith for the development of our life. I could never do that I took when I was a library that whenever I very than I could. I knew you knew God, you read where you don't solve waiting ACLU does Donovan asked the guy, and so therefore I took what I was an you get back what you gave me, so you'll be happy. And the answer is not go away for me because I don't even know you. So what we do with our faith and our faith is, how do we develop our life known in the classic taking is like GEF to read what other people post in the discussion boards. They have to read what some people post and I read this one in. I asked my wife to commit a recent and job either. They are from another country and just learning the English language or I don't know how I don't how they got involved as they can't write it all. They have no punctuation. No sentence structure and you know it was was very extremely, extremely poor and neither is said, maybe they are intelligent and from another country and just getting here or they have a very low mentality and no one had responded to their to their blog that they were writing so course I did but I wanted into two. They said that Bob Holman, God was with them, and had I was the only positive thing I saw the whole old couple paragraphs. It is written, so I took that and I said while I'm sure that you try to explain a lot of things and in and a brief period of time and lots perspective of really what you're trying to say something like that but the most important thing is that God you know that God has a purpose for your life, and God has in what God is begun and you he will complete and so maybe it all being in college and writing is not your forte and I did say that money, but the ideas that God has a purpose for you, even if it isn't in this type of a class setting. God has a purpose for your life and for me. I never had faith in my ability to take tests, hence add to the class setting. So I got an a in the last test itself. That's that help your our lobby open open book test," that I used about in him and another, the one that I missed. They had two different answers. The answer in one paper that was passed that he printed off the Internet from the class was right and the book it was wrong, so I used the paper that got wrongs like you know Professor 's head. " I think you're wrong not. I does that mean they know which answer is correct. That's basically what I said but what type of faith we have in our life do a lot blow that I've done this. I've done that you know where that when does God say he is no longer to have faith in what he has given you your time while I'm busy. I have designed that way. What is our faith in our time my time is that God will give us the ability to have wisdom to put together a manager time correctly, our talents, there isn't a talent that doesn't have to be nurtured. There is a talented, it doesn't have to be developed. Wednesday night I was sitting on the on the stage at the graduate back to Larry as I know with this. Students they want me to set you on every other year, you just set up the side are set down in the in the audience and then when it's time for you to speak you go up and going public with this year they wanted to sit there on a platform with them. There is it on another teacher myself, volume statements and thinking a long time since I sat with the graduating class and I didn't tell them it was nineteen sixty seven that I graduated from high school and I never thought in a million years. I never thought I would ever be in a platform and addressing students and addressing himself parents and so on. It ended in a baccalaureate or things like that but the talent you know, I was never speaker. Maybe I still will, but I'm but I like to do it and and I hopefully it's it accomplishes something I saw two people. This morning, sunny in preaching on what respect learned so David McNally spoke again with no conquering the giant David and Goliath Stowe. I gave it something like that but I do that. Did I read it again. Out of her directly, but AI to people this morning for breakfast, and so on the topic told waste stop the Icelanders, though now I know I is known for that window. I know it is I you have given stones didn't know about having around as those as well at all. Amen, amen, when" no one is, but I have conquered in the Giants held at different times. Anyhow, the idea is that how do we have faith in our talents to be able to develop them. I held to be able to speak or develop our personality. Now we're not stuck in the rut. This is a lie and he used to. If you don't like map of the chick retreat and all that type of mentality and in and out. We just can't do that in a legally bad to recognize there are darker qualities of our personalities and bad, so the want to invest what to invest in that there is no return. Is there anything that you invested that there is not a return knowing of the stock market bottomed out last lots of money but would put things in there expecting an investment boom. What do they invest in that we know that there's no return and ended the challenges frosts that God has a purpose like the missionaries who were in China and they spend an entire lifetime and never have one. Convert what that because that culture was not accepting of foreigners. It wasn't until after their death. That is a big culture began to exempt what they were teaching and they were a number of converts and from that missionary work, though there's there is a Christian work going on in that part of China from those missionaries and they can. They were killed for their faith yet to see that's where investment with no return is that if we don't bother to change or try to change or try to look at our time, talents, personality, our life if we don't try to see these things as as things that will grow and develop. So what if I fail. That's still okay. See investing with no return is not even try investing with no return is giving up giving up giving in and falling out and yell stewardship is that we continue to invest in what God has given us, and in his kingdom, and of course finances. This is part of our financial investment is that that we are looking at our personality, talents, time in life and that we are all wise stewards of our time have our finances and of our finances are not in order they were not going to have other things in order so a ELR finances are very much a part of our home, our stewardship, but so how much do we have to invest in the in the Scripture talks about the way though one with two minus the rich man, Cathy Ms. gets into the treasury. And you know, everybody's impressed with how much the rich man did they and Jesus was saying while the woman who gave the two whites are the data. The two coins were worth less than a penny game more than the man who threw in the bond, and it also. God is going to honor our faithfulness to him and honor that that that provision that has far lives as so as we did a lot of the, what we have. We are trusting God with the rest 's always going to know if we give them say okay God, it's your responsibility. You make me wealthy now we get from the perspective that God is going to be involved in all of these parts of our life. So even our finances. I member of one guy sued the church to get his money back and test the preacher said, if you give God will increase your income. Any proof that he didn't make more of that year. Then he moved that the year before and he wanted his money back. Anyone is slow but the finances part is that that if God. We are going to increase in our financial income in our life, we have to be willing to look at our life, our total package, and how we going to change that God can continue to bless us. Sometimes the lessons right will write sometimes elude us. Sometimes he'll change. Sometimes it'll change the place we work or whatever, but the idea is that if the whole thing is an investment not just our finances that are whole the whole person. The whole thing. We are a social stewardship and is a complete package. Our total life and if we focus just on one aspect of our life and say while that's it. Your talents that you got a time or we all recognize. Now it's the whole thing personality. I can work on my talents yelled till I'm blue in the face, but if I got a terrible personality nine change amount to want to signal like me. I thought about working on my talents it out and Diane God bless me in the charge. You know what happened, and work the whole package. So God is working the whole package to the introduction of so all that we have is an investment in God 's kingdom. Everything everything we are. We are is an investment in the kingdom of God. Our relationships, our relationships, what is the love the Lord thy God with all our heart, soul, mind neighbors yourself. I can do that God stuff, but a touch and my neighbor. What is it about the neighbor that robbed your personality. The long way and now sometimes the personality is that that person needs to change, not necessarily. You sometimes you need to change. Sometimes we need to stick up for what is the right thing in the bolt and sometimes we need to soon, maybe be a little loving and more loving and kind, but to see. That's why no one can come to you and say you know what you need now. We need to allow as we put this stewardship and action. We need to allow the word of God to touch our life, because the disciples were impressed with the rich man enough with the widow will the woman to put in the lesson. Lesson depending and the good Samaritan and now he's on the road I and EEE find the guide is be nothing left for dead and found that the priests and Levites and guys were supposed to be concerned. Didn't have time for him, but a Samaritan, the despised individual. It was concerning to Karen for Muslim donkey took and paid is in a paper stayed in and did you know that there is a good Samaritan in on the road from Jericho to converse on the Jericho still there and anyhow. Then the disciples would have no look at it one way and this is an and this is I guess a challenge for myself. How often do we see things just a certain way and that's all we know, and sometimes being right. Sometimes it is not right. And how do we know when that time is, and because sometimes we have to stick to the art are guns and say this is the truth and cannot I cannot deviate from and sometimes went to say, well, wait a minute, you know, maybe I do need to look at this different and each one of us is responsible for that stewardship of growing and developing and changing and sometimes we need to change, and sometimes we need to be strong and steadfast unmovable in our faith, and sometimes we need to know when it's time to say it's okay. Stewardship came in take-up of offering of time, talent, how much time getting into the church was time to seize more than just giving times of church giving time for God, your daily life giving time to develop your talents, giving time to develop your personality to make your life better not bitter at all part of the stewardship father, thank you for blessing us and giving us helping us to be wise stewards of what you are placed in the hands for ultimately large. We are in control of what we allow you to do in us, so, God, we ask you to guide us guide our faith guide our thoughts guide your word is its place within us, and we ask you Lord to do this in the name of our Savior, the name that is above every name in the power that is above all power your name, Jesus Christ our Lord and payment