The Sunday School Lesson The Holy Spirit by David McGee
May 23, 2010
The Holy Spirit (43:16)
Referenced Scriptures:
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The Holy Spirit
The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
Father, we are grateful to you for the blessings that you give us and for your spirit of God that resides within our hearts and lives God, we thank you for this truth that comes to us because of your revelation to us by your spirit God, we ask for you to move upon us in a very special way the government, we might censure presents, and Lord knows there will we pray in Jesus name amen. While this morning will looking at why the Holy Spirit came in a a couple I just when you think about the Holy Spirit what you think of gay power that our move. Sorry I said related, high power, wealth, comfort, comfort wells in person, L, and the reason that we know that in this instance, in the lesson will say it again, but Christianity. We are the only were the only one who has this Holy Spirit all other religions have their founders. They have theirs books, but they don't have the person of the Spirit and its cut of a this new age of the New Age movement and whatever the talks about, like the spirit of of of the atmosphere the spirit of your spiritual mother nature spirit creations so they try to allude to some type of non- descriptive spirit, but in an in the Scriptures. We talk about the Holy Spirit, which is the third person of the Trinity, but equal, yet subordinate missiles that this is a thing I remember in the last class I had. I deface it. That's the one part of this morning, yet you will not estimate, but I I I can't do anything today on the school side of baseball last night so anyhow their person of the Trinity. Whenever we went overlooking a personality. Personality means it did, that it has character characteristics and it can be great. So while one of the characteristics of a person on the personality or of a person while these are the characteristics of God. Each of the God and father, son, Holy Spirit, three distinct yet one now. We sometimes mother some groups that try to say what you can't understand three and one in also there for you. You got a you have a misunderstanding was not true. It is the divine perspective of three and one, but it all. There are the if you does against the easiest one is water ice and Steve three distinct qualities of the same material but in the end, the idea of the spirit, the Holy Spirit and God and God the father, God the son God, the Holy Spirit are three distinct yet one, let us make man in our image soul is always deplorable what ever referred to reverse the God is never the singular has never let me make God in Miami Beach yell at me, make man in Miami, but those with Jehovah witnesses. They have they have taken that end, Mister translated it infected and translated it is made up. They did if there is no Hebrew. Maybe go back to the original Hebrew, and yet even even the behavior that the Hebrew scholars who are non-Christian will translate it the way that we haven't translated in the Scriptures of floral, so that's make up your own alphabetical, but anyhow the Holy Spirit and as a person and the person of the Spirit has come in the spirit has a distinct purpose. So, and what I think is that getting what you come up here and know that we talked about that a downstairs test I can't describe for me. Judy I began as knowledge asked Linda, I think we will not will not hazard people to describe to love her enough not to know a deliberate and delivered drama and I missed both week flattering. It was clear that they are so we have woman to take mother grandma Fran only be more a thing that they had faith in him... and I just wanted to get one out, but the ideas there are there are those the person in the characteristic of the person and you and the UN and the like. The one lady years ago. She said you don't like map of the chick retreat that she had her opinion and it has an opinion that you are you doing what you're doing. I don't know what was that non- anon on her in-laws direct threat and so we have all the say thank you. You may be seated in the one at her allowed only when you go in there about loving, sensitive, caring and special visit of the guys the woman you know what that is is a hit-and-run that not more, right click looking at the slow cooker and then his behavior goal. But so really talk about the Holy Spirit, you know, we really writing guys that the spirit in the Holy Spirit is a person just as Julie's a person by Judy is also fulfills many roles as a person, so the Holy Spirit is God, and in any of the third person of the Trinity, but there are many characteristics that the Holy Spirit will fill and just as a person can be green, wore a person can be accepted on the work that influence can be received or accepted or rejected soul to the work and the leading of the Spirit. So whenever we're thinking about the Holy Spirit. We've gotten in the sense, make sure that we we we get the whole picture. It isn't just somebody something doing something. Isn't this non- embodied force that's good. Wainwright, non- embodied force that's not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who is everywhere present, but yet is a person just as the Godhead. Just as God is everywhere present, but no Jesus Christ yell. He is a person, but he is in our hearts think so whenever we read this, then of our lesson we want to know get this perspective or have this perspective on the Holy Spirit in an obvious person to get whenever we were reading about his character characteristics that we need to see that the characteristics are the person there than what the person does and just as Judy Islam loving, since it has been a success carried it the all that that that actions, but there is also a person there that is part of the I is him and in the exile bring flip-flop at the wool be around then rapidly and so why the Holy Spirit came the key verse is in John fifteen twenty six, when the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the father, he shall testify of me. So there is a mission the church coming. The Holy Spirit has a mission. I sense of truth, the Holy Spirit enables us to live for Christ, and makes the gospel known to the world what we know of God 's Spirit has revealed to us like the relationship seeing, knowing about a person in having a relationship with a person say there's a difference. I so whenever we have a knowledge of God, we can study the Bible and read we have knowledge about God the things of God. What he did the characteristics of God. That's a knowledge about God but enough about to know him is to experience his forgiveness and experience, the relationship and then the knowledge of the relationship come together so that we have this experience of a relationship with God not work of the spirit, the spirit enables that relationship to take place so without the spirit. We can't know God by John fourteen. The number of Scriptures John twelve will designate them as we go. John fourteen, sixteen and seventeen in our last I will give you another comforter to be with you forever the Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and you will be in and will be in you and ask you for all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. John fourteen twenty six but the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you and John sixteen thirteen but when he is Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you in Romans eight twenty six in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God 's will. In John fifteen twenty six, when the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the father, he will testify about me John sixteen seven. But I tell you the truth, it is for your good that I'm going away unless I go away, the counselor will not come to you, but if I go I will send him to you when he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to send and righteousness and judgment in regard to sin because men do not believe in me in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the father whether you can see me no longer and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned itself the doctrine of the spirit of the Holy Spirit is called the mythology and the time is a Greek word that he and he you and pain. Which means spirit wind or breath. So whenever we think on the spirit. Sometimes we can come in on become him. Think of the spirit on on Pentecost and that the Spirit of God came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and we also talk about the breath of God, and that this type of understanding of this type of definition is is is what it is meant by spirit wind or breath some new middle. The Holy Spirit Spirit of God, we get our information concerning the Holy Spirit from the Bible and will from other sources, we learn that Christianity is the only religion that teaches the person of the Holy Spirit that will earlier, but not one of them has anything resembling the person of the Spirit is found in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit is the mediator who makes real to humanity the divine revelation given historically in Jesus Christ. So the same spirit. This would make me hope. This often is that the same spirit to raise price and the dead dwell in you, you will quicken your mortal bodies. Okay, the Spirit of God will quicken us now, the same spirit that inspired the writers, the authors of the New Testament is the same spirit that inspires us and helps us to understand now one of the six really important is that the spirit is always subject to the profit, meaning that the Holy Spirit will never override your will. Holy Spirit will never override what you think and what you want. That's why some people believe that they have this these be there. Revelations from God about the about the Scriptures, and it's totally off-the-wall with what is considered normal interpretation of Scripture and they say that they have a revelation from God, whilst not true. The Holy Spirit will never contradict himself in the Holy Spirit will never contradict the word. The word is the final authority and the word will and the word is given to us. The Spirit will inspire the word to a high but it will always be formulated by the Scripture. So if it is contradictory to the Scripture, it is not a new revelation. It's a lot so there's all these checks and balances is that mail the checks and balances that we have in the Scriptures and the and in the spirit are important for us to know to realize and keep in mind as we are depending upon God. If you know the word started a word study to show yourself approved under God, a workman, the need to thought to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, and in light of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is come to inspire us and to bring all truth to light. So it's that it's the truth of the word, and the truth of the spirit coming to gather in our lives and helping us make it work and what I think that's important is that it is a progressive progressive revelation. It is in an as you know now, it is a life we give our life to Christ, and suddenly we know all truth. Now, some people do, but not true. The person who knows everything is someone you want to stay away from solids. The progressive revelation. It frees at the bottom praise that it's a progressive thing. What we and our salvation is not progressive it out. We are instantaneously saying whenever we confess our sins, he forgives us of our sins in our names are written in God 's book of life where our name is in heaven. We are forgiven of our sins. There is no longer any barrier between God and us, so that salvation that is instantaneous, but our knowledge, just like beginning school. You may begin school in kindergarten doesn't mean you have a college education should take you while you have some kids some people never get any further letter to solve in our and so it's a progressive in our knowledge of progressive and understanding and sell the spirit then enables us to know the truth. I remember a now I will go there to check my memory of it anyhow. So the Holy Spirit is found in, and this is the uniqueness of a bit of the creek of Christianity and him on the Gospels, because when Jesus ascends to heaven his disciples have a really good story to tell. I mean, they have may have a story that's not comparable to anything else ever spirits. Jesus was considered the yell they the Sapper, Roman Empire, you know that under five who do you read the Roman government and they wanted to be on his right in his left hand any of that being crucified. Next thing you know, he's risen from the dead, and he's basing him in the East and Hotmail talking to them, and there is with him and yell all this and he ascends to heaven while uninstalling one the disciples that they were in our neck time. Those forty days. They were back efficient seventy revision with that they are back to what they know what they were comfortable with. Because what they had planned no fishermen becoming ill rulers of United Kingdom. It also has some grandiose statements and any dad and he only goes back and visited several months a while. But what happened was that when the end Jesus had gone way for the comforter go away for the spirit and again another end. This is the important part. I miss some important parts that be the idea of another comforter, Jesus, I'm going to send you another and is in all and that word. Another means one exactly like myself, so we innovate you ever wonder what it would be like the sit with Jesus and listen to him speak no sloppy and eleven is a Ironman examiner in all the ideas that what we do, we said we would want. What would be like the sick while whenever we read the Scriptures and we are allowing the spirit to speak to us. We are allowing is where Jesus Christ to speak his word to our heart and I think that in the end, and rather than the sometimes there is a revelation and understanding that comes to our minds but there is an understanding that comes to our heart, our spirit that is where our. That's where the specialness of our relationship with God tasteful. It takes no takes for and whenever whenever we have the disciples, and in all in Jesus as you go wait in Jerusalem because England do with power from on high that the Holy Spirit came and when the spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost it took the knowledge that they had and just empowered them to another level that is like where Jan peters and Robert Bridges, a anal after Pentecost any standup embraces in its likable board. This front, and it was this empowerment that took place inside of him in this revelation misunderstanding of what was going on in his life, and this is as we look at the person of the Spirit. This is where we are, that there is a knowledge we have about God but there is an empowerment to live for God. He can be a Christian without Christ, and it takes the power of the Spirit to live the Christian life. Nothing else is not sold to you about yourself, but Bobby Mineo and then the spirit will tell us about God, now and then and the work of the Spirit is to teach us. He will not speak of himself. He will speak of Christ, so we cannot fail to be impressed with the frequency variety fullness and prominence of the references to the Holy Spirit throughout the New Testament without the Holy Spirit. There is no New Testament, and it is it always the answer to this empowerment that comes on, Jesus tells his disciples. I'm many things I want to tell you but I can tell them to visit already for. But when the spirit comes he will reveal them to solve their again. Then I spent at least three years with Jesus and they didn't have a programming that include but they weren't then understand this whole idea of the church and understand about this whole idea of it on the home of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God being a sacrifice to take away the sins of the world they were caught up in their own thoughts and how long does it take for us to get away from our preconceived ideas as to how things should be to see at to see what God is saying about how things really are bursts of John. Fourteen, fifteen, that in our governor will study guide here. Though it starts off the sixteenth, while greeted John fourteen, fifteen, says if you love me keep my commands. It says that the way to prove our love Jesus is by doing as well. In fact, so the Commandments referred to by Jesus would include all of his moral teachings while on our diesel is not. It does not expect us to live obedient life through our own ability. So whenever saying we are to keep his commands. It doesn't say that you know you're going to do this on your own and you better make up your mind to get the right and to do that while that's not what it's about. We can't do it on her own again be a Christian without Christ, and you can live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit, we depend upon him, we depend upon the spirit sober sixteen seventeen eighteen million sixteen seven so four times in his farewell discourse Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as a comforter comforter is Paraclete, else and it carries with it the idea advocate who stands by not only as an intercessor, but as a helper covering counselor, so whenever we are thinking of the spirit he stand by now, it isn't like the fire department is on standby to help you blocks away so that if we down 911. They'll be here also. God is on standby. Well, how far away as have been new all well isn't spam. I understand that he stands by that is never so far ways to be just near us so that we stand by us. He is there and he has a comfort counselor mouse helper and intercessor, but it is not only as an intercessor, but as a helper comforter and counseling helper and advocate so whenever we know Holy Spirit is here in the Holy Spirit is with us. It's more than just gifts and fruits. The fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, and in the gifts of the spirits of working of miracles and prophecy and times and interpretation of Johnson, IL healings and the also more than what he dives citizen. This is the point that there are a lot of things of the spirit dies at. That's what he does, Bo, who is he and who is he, he has a counselor comforter helper advocate is all these things and more. Now, Judy, as a mother, grandmother helper while this at all. She is now. She's a person with personality characteristics, and in all entities in the whole package is a tall black teaches that the that while the say what that regularly written of the light map. Signature by the total package, and so would listen to the Holy Spirit is a complete person now not only dealing but be okay once his function is said to be that I remember, as a witness to Christ he would. He reminds us of who Jesus is and he reminds us of what Christ is done, what Christ has accomplished. He reminds us on our new position, our position in God, and he not only reminds us he gives us the strength to do it is not a guilty conscience. It is a empowering awareness of Holy Spirit is not a guilty thing about this film that don't go there. It is an empowering awareness of God with us, and that God is there to to see us through each of the difficulties or to give us direction in order to give us peace urgent, you know, so we bear with us. They buy day to lead us and guide us the word spirit comes in the Latin word spiritualists, which is synonymous with a great word. And means breath or wind. The Holy Spirit is called the breath of God, with reference to his mode of substance proceeding from God is a breath of his mouth, so the Holy Spirit is not called spirit merely because of the spiritual spirituality of his essence for this is likeness true of the father and the son made as he called holy in reference to exclusive holiness, for he is no more holy than the entire person of the Trinity. So the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth is his special office to apply the truths of the hearts of Christians is to guide them into all truth and to sanctify them by the truth so we seen this person interacting with us that it is this brass that breathe on me or breathe into us the breath of life, just as God it, and in creation, breathe, and was buried in the mankind and made him a living soul. So the spirit of God brings that soul that spiritual life, eternal life wells versus verse one of accepted to one two three four over the day operated as in our lesson. We only have we read acts chapter two verse four- chapter two verses one through fourth, when the dead Pentecostals fully come, they were all with one accord in one place so it's now been if the days as the resurrection ten days since Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem since he ascended into heaven told him to go to Jerusalem. Wait and see they would receive the spirit and it was the feast of Tabernacles is that it is it was regarded was it was by law than any mail within twenty miles of Jerusalem had to be in Jerusalem and the Temple and also people would make a rigid pilgrimages from all over the world to to Jerusalem for this feast. So when that when Pentecost comes. It is a freeze that there are many individuals from out of town and in Jerusalem, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind, so what happens is the that the spirit takes on characteristics and the spirit takes on characteristics. Now the disciples and saw there used to the sound of what when the somber, not the sound of storms on the beast fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. There used to these life forms, so they may hear something they hear something. The sound of heaven and a new working front because there was no wind would like the wind was blowing outside, and they heard that there was a there was inside this room. There was a great washing mighty wind, and it was. I alien it. It isn't like they were blown over, but there was all this sound but no being blown into a corner. It was a sound and feel the house where they were sitting. And there appeared a little cloven tongues like as of fire, so there was that the sound. There was the visual of a cloven tongues and in the idea here is fire in town. Fire is burning up of consuming of that which is dross of that which is so seeing contaminants burning up of the sacrifice burning up the fire was a symbol of what is consumed and then of course the time and it was something in there, the time is the name the message that will be given. So here we have the spirit coming with the sound and and then there's the visual of fire and then another visual there which is of and cloven tongues of fire that sat on each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance, they were all filled with the spirit and it's like you jump into swimming pool it out. You're surrounded by the water, but the water doesn't go inside of you. It doesn't permeate you yell it out, what with what would be like is that if you jump into the water and you became ill. The water was there, you were everything you you drop so what this means incompetent in the water and being comfortable water around you, so they were encompassed by the spirit, but not only were they encompass with it, but it was as the rest of the men were breathing went into themselves and into their lives and their spirit and permeated in it. Any change them, and then began to speak again and empowered them that they spoke the language that they didn't know in the way that in the and how we know this is that there were in Jerusalem. Other people from outside of Jerusalem and these individuals who spoke other languages heard these Galileans speaking barrel, their language and these Galileans were speaking to them about God and telling them about God in their native language, but they had not learned now some have tried to explain away and say what what happened was they spoke in their normal language and the Holy Spirit translated in and had been hearing and their their native tongue. And the disciples didn't know what they were. They were just talking as they normally would, but the spirit trend interpreted an hour or translated it and some of the mission groups for years. Years ago I would go to these islands, and they would speak, say they would speak in English to these people and they would think that the Holy Spirit was going to interpret it to them so that they would know what they were saying, and I would be Pentecost all over again. While Denmark and what you want, whenever we think of of the baptism in Holy Spirit we are speaking in a language that God gives to a and is a language that we don't know it's a language that we've not learned but the spirit empowers us to see in this language on a member of and sometimes it's in the language that we that some people understand that. Never once in the Jeanette, my my my pastor friends. One of them. He was, they had a service in which this young person was spoken, and in times and I and the individual was from another Italian old European somewhere. I know in Europe and she was raised and came to America and Annville. She had that that part of the language that she knew is from the cut of a remote area of that of her of what our country. It was Italy or whatever, and the person who is speaking in the language spoken in that perfect dialect of her region that she came from as a child and it was in a house like, and in that in the end, and of course interpretation somebody gave it in the individual knew what it was before the interpretation was that she understood the language now that doesn't always happen, but the reason that it happens is that that the spirit. It is a way that God empowers us and God. Praise through us is that the Holy Spirit interceding through us and sell the spirit intercedes through us with sometimes with groaning, sometimes with utterances and so called our prior language. It's a way of glorifying God and and honoring him so, but this was what happened on Pentecost and then after Peter and them were in the disciples in the hundredth one in that upper room work empowered. They went out out of anal people wondering they are other people heard saw what was going on. Why, because there was a great crowd got around the building. There was so much commotion going on. It is like iron. Twenty at the special revelation that only they knew and only they experience. There were people outside who heard and saw something really strange going on in this place, and so they are gathered around outside when they gathered around outside Peter Anand go out and then they start speaking and whenever they speak and the people are aware of this... great power going on in there. Many people believe what, how did all this transform how does happen that they were so all able to convince these individuals to their logic or was it that the Holy Spirit began to touch the lives of these people and GM Peter was telling them, and everybody they heard about Jesus and Jesus had been marinated in vain. Remember the crucifixion. They remembered what was going on and the St. Peter says this is the same, Jesus is alive and is spared his, and the people experience that revelation inside of them and in their hearts, and to change them, and houses were added to the church daily, so it wasn't like there was this young people. As a grade a warrant for any convince them there was the presenting of the truth, and the power of the spirit made it real to the individuals that heard the Spirit changed their lives in the Spirit enabled them to know what reality there believe that this is what goes on in our life. That is, it is the spirit of God that makes truth of the word real to us that empowers us that enables us to become and live the Christian life without the spirit. There is no Christianity is the spirit makes it you L and the Spirit giveth life. So the idea is that if you just take the word of God, and say this is it. This is all or is where's the life to the life is in the Spirit and Spirit gives life quickens the word brings the word to life and then of course it's making me otherwise to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh and dwelt among men. Father thank you. Thank you for your blessing. Thank you for your words. We pray Lord that your spirits your Holy Spirit, God the Spirit of truthfulness touch our lives, empower us as we live for you and God, we thank you that you are you are a person that Lord your news. There is character and his purpose for what you do and who you are, how you touch our lives. Help us Lord to embrace embrace this in our spirits and our hearts and our minds. We pray in Jesus name amen Father, we are grateful to you for the blessings that you give us and for your spirit of God that resides within our hearts and lives God, we thank you for this truth that comes to us because of your revelation to us by your spirit God, we ask for you to move upon us in a very special way the government, we might censure presents, and Lord knows there will we pray in Jesus name amen. While this morning will looking at why the Holy Spirit came in a a couple I just when you think about the Holy Spirit what you think of gay power that our move. Sorry I said related, high power, wealth, comfort, comfort wells in person, L, and the reason that we know that in this instance, in the lesson will say it again, but Christianity. We are the only were the only one who has this Holy Spirit all other religions have their founders. They have theirs books, but they don't have the person of the Spirit and its cut of a this new age of the New Age movement and whatever the talks about, like the spirit of of of the atmosphere the spirit of your spiritual mother nature spirit creations so they try to allude to some type of non- descriptive spirit, but in an in the Scriptures. We talk about the Holy Spirit, which is the third person of the Trinity, but equal, yet subordinate missiles that this is a thing I remember in the last class I had. I deface it. That's the one part of this morning, yet you will not estimate, but I I I can't do anything today on the school side of baseball last night so anyhow their person of the Trinity. Whenever we went overlooking a personality. Personality means it did, that it has character characteristics and it can be great. So while one of the characteristics of a person on the personality or of a person while these are the characteristics of God. Each of the God and father, son, Holy Spirit, three distinct yet one now. We sometimes mother some groups that try to say what you can't understand three and one in also there for you. You got a you have a misunderstanding was not true. It is the divine perspective of three and one, but it all. There are the if you does against the easiest one is water ice and Steve three distinct qualities of the same material but in the end, the idea of the spirit, the Holy Spirit and God and God the father, God the son God, the Holy Spirit are three distinct yet one, let us make man in our image soul is always deplorable what ever referred to reverse the God is never the singular has never let me make God in Miami Beach yell at me, make man in Miami, but those with Jehovah witnesses. They have they have taken that end, Mister translated it infected and translated it is made up. They did if there is no Hebrew. Maybe go back to the original Hebrew, and yet even even the behavior that the Hebrew scholars who are non-Christian will translate it the way that we haven't translated in the Scriptures of floral, so that's make up your own alphabetical, but anyhow the Holy Spirit and as a person and the person of the Spirit has come in the spirit has a distinct purpose. So, and what I think is that getting what you come up here and know that we talked about that a downstairs test I can't describe for me. Judy I began as knowledge asked Linda, I think we will not will not hazard people to describe to love her enough not to know a deliberate and delivered drama and I missed both week flattering. It was clear that they are so we have woman to take mother grandma Fran only be more a thing that they had faith in him... and I just wanted to get one out, but the ideas there are there are those the person in the characteristic of the person and you and the UN and the like. The one lady years ago. She said you don't like map of the chick retreat that she had her opinion and it has an opinion that you are you doing what you're doing. I don't know what was that non- anon on her in-laws direct threat and so we have all the say thank you. You may be seated in the one at her allowed only when you go in there about loving, sensitive, caring and special visit of the guys the woman you know what that is is a hit-and-run that not more, right click looking at the slow cooker and then his behavior goal. But so really talk about the Holy Spirit, you know, we really writing guys that the spirit in the Holy Spirit is a person just as Julie's a person by Judy is also fulfills many roles as a person, so the Holy Spirit is God, and in any of the third person of the Trinity, but there are many characteristics that the Holy Spirit will fill and just as a person can be green, wore a person can be accepted on the work that influence can be received or accepted or rejected soul to the work and the leading of the Spirit. So whenever we're thinking about the Holy Spirit. We've gotten in the sense, make sure that we we we get the whole picture. It isn't just somebody something doing something. Isn't this non- embodied force that's good. Wainwright, non- embodied force that's not the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity, who is everywhere present, but yet is a person just as the Godhead. Just as God is everywhere present, but no Jesus Christ yell. He is a person, but he is in our hearts think so whenever we read this, then of our lesson we want to know get this perspective or have this perspective on the Holy Spirit in an obvious person to get whenever we were reading about his character characteristics that we need to see that the characteristics are the person there than what the person does and just as Judy Islam loving, since it has been a success carried it the all that that that actions, but there is also a person there that is part of the I is him and in the exile bring flip-flop at the wool be around then rapidly and so why the Holy Spirit came the key verse is in John fifteen twenty six, when the comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the father, even the Spirit of truth, which proceeded from the father, he shall testify of me. So there is a mission the church coming. The Holy Spirit has a mission. I sense of truth, the Holy Spirit enables us to live for Christ, and makes the gospel known to the world what we know of God 's Spirit has revealed to us like the relationship seeing, knowing about a person in having a relationship with a person say there's a difference. I so whenever we have a knowledge of God, we can study the Bible and read we have knowledge about God the things of God. What he did the characteristics of God. That's a knowledge about God but enough about to know him is to experience his forgiveness and experience, the relationship and then the knowledge of the relationship come together so that we have this experience of a relationship with God not work of the spirit, the spirit enables that relationship to take place so without the spirit. We can't know God by John fourteen. The number of Scriptures John twelve will designate them as we go. John fourteen, sixteen and seventeen in our last I will give you another comforter to be with you forever the Spirit of truth, the world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and you will be in and will be in you and ask you for all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit enabled them. John fourteen twenty six but the Counselor, the Holy Spirit, whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you and John sixteen thirteen but when he is Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own. He will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. He will bring glory to me by taking from what is mine and making it known to you in Romans eight twenty six in the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the spirit intercedes for the saints in accordance with God 's will. In John fifteen twenty six, when the Counselor comes, whom I will send to you from the father, the Spirit of truth who goes out from the father, he will testify about me John sixteen seven. But I tell you the truth, it is for your good that I'm going away unless I go away, the counselor will not come to you, but if I go I will send him to you when he comes, he will convict the world of guilt in regard to send and righteousness and judgment in regard to sin because men do not believe in me in regard to righteousness, because I am going to the father whether you can see me no longer and in regard to judgment, because the prince of this world now stands condemned itself the doctrine of the spirit of the Holy Spirit is called the mythology and the time is a Greek word that he and he you and pain. Which means spirit wind or breath. So whenever we think on the spirit. Sometimes we can come in on become him. Think of the spirit on on Pentecost and that the Spirit of God came with the sound of a mighty rushing wind, and we also talk about the breath of God, and that this type of understanding of this type of definition is is is what it is meant by spirit wind or breath some new middle. The Holy Spirit Spirit of God, we get our information concerning the Holy Spirit from the Bible and will from other sources, we learn that Christianity is the only religion that teaches the person of the Holy Spirit that will earlier, but not one of them has anything resembling the person of the Spirit is found in the New Testament. The Holy Spirit is the mediator who makes real to humanity the divine revelation given historically in Jesus Christ. So the same spirit. This would make me hope. This often is that the same spirit to raise price and the dead dwell in you, you will quicken your mortal bodies. Okay, the Spirit of God will quicken us now, the same spirit that inspired the writers, the authors of the New Testament is the same spirit that inspires us and helps us to understand now one of the six really important is that the spirit is always subject to the profit, meaning that the Holy Spirit will never override your will. Holy Spirit will never override what you think and what you want. That's why some people believe that they have this these be there. Revelations from God about the about the Scriptures, and it's totally off-the-wall with what is considered normal interpretation of Scripture and they say that they have a revelation from God, whilst not true. The Holy Spirit will never contradict himself in the Holy Spirit will never contradict the word. The word is the final authority and the word will and the word is given to us. The Spirit will inspire the word to a high but it will always be formulated by the Scripture. So if it is contradictory to the Scripture, it is not a new revelation. It's a lot so there's all these checks and balances is that mail the checks and balances that we have in the Scriptures and the and in the spirit are important for us to know to realize and keep in mind as we are depending upon God. If you know the word started a word study to show yourself approved under God, a workman, the need to thought to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, and in light of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is come to inspire us and to bring all truth to light. So it's that it's the truth of the word, and the truth of the spirit coming to gather in our lives and helping us make it work and what I think that's important is that it is a progressive progressive revelation. It is in an as you know now, it is a life we give our life to Christ, and suddenly we know all truth. Now, some people do, but not true. The person who knows everything is someone you want to stay away from solids. The progressive revelation. It frees at the bottom praise that it's a progressive thing. What we and our salvation is not progressive it out. We are instantaneously saying whenever we confess our sins, he forgives us of our sins in our names are written in God 's book of life where our name is in heaven. We are forgiven of our sins. There is no longer any barrier between God and us, so that salvation that is instantaneous, but our knowledge, just like beginning school. You may begin school in kindergarten doesn't mean you have a college education should take you while you have some kids some people never get any further letter to solve in our and so it's a progressive in our knowledge of progressive and understanding and sell the spirit then enables us to know the truth. I remember a now I will go there to check my memory of it anyhow. So the Holy Spirit is found in, and this is the uniqueness of a bit of the creek of Christianity and him on the Gospels, because when Jesus ascends to heaven his disciples have a really good story to tell. I mean, they have may have a story that's not comparable to anything else ever spirits. Jesus was considered the yell they the Sapper, Roman Empire, you know that under five who do you read the Roman government and they wanted to be on his right in his left hand any of that being crucified. Next thing you know, he's risen from the dead, and he's basing him in the East and Hotmail talking to them, and there is with him and yell all this and he ascends to heaven while uninstalling one the disciples that they were in our neck time. Those forty days. They were back efficient seventy revision with that they are back to what they know what they were comfortable with. Because what they had planned no fishermen becoming ill rulers of United Kingdom. It also has some grandiose statements and any dad and he only goes back and visited several months a while. But what happened was that when the end Jesus had gone way for the comforter go away for the spirit and again another end. This is the important part. I miss some important parts that be the idea of another comforter, Jesus, I'm going to send you another and is in all and that word. Another means one exactly like myself, so we innovate you ever wonder what it would be like the sit with Jesus and listen to him speak no sloppy and eleven is a Ironman examiner in all the ideas that what we do, we said we would want. What would be like the sick while whenever we read the Scriptures and we are allowing the spirit to speak to us. We are allowing is where Jesus Christ to speak his word to our heart and I think that in the end, and rather than the sometimes there is a revelation and understanding that comes to our minds but there is an understanding that comes to our heart, our spirit that is where our. That's where the specialness of our relationship with God tasteful. It takes no takes for and whenever whenever we have the disciples, and in all in Jesus as you go wait in Jerusalem because England do with power from on high that the Holy Spirit came and when the spirit came upon them on the day of Pentecost it took the knowledge that they had and just empowered them to another level that is like where Jan peters and Robert Bridges, a anal after Pentecost any standup embraces in its likable board. This front, and it was this empowerment that took place inside of him in this revelation misunderstanding of what was going on in his life, and this is as we look at the person of the Spirit. This is where we are, that there is a knowledge we have about God but there is an empowerment to live for God. He can be a Christian without Christ, and it takes the power of the Spirit to live the Christian life. Nothing else is not sold to you about yourself, but Bobby Mineo and then the spirit will tell us about God, now and then and the work of the Spirit is to teach us. He will not speak of himself. He will speak of Christ, so we cannot fail to be impressed with the frequency variety fullness and prominence of the references to the Holy Spirit throughout the New Testament without the Holy Spirit. There is no New Testament, and it is it always the answer to this empowerment that comes on, Jesus tells his disciples. I'm many things I want to tell you but I can tell them to visit already for. But when the spirit comes he will reveal them to solve their again. Then I spent at least three years with Jesus and they didn't have a programming that include but they weren't then understand this whole idea of the church and understand about this whole idea of it on the home of Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God being a sacrifice to take away the sins of the world they were caught up in their own thoughts and how long does it take for us to get away from our preconceived ideas as to how things should be to see at to see what God is saying about how things really are bursts of John. Fourteen, fifteen, that in our governor will study guide here. Though it starts off the sixteenth, while greeted John fourteen, fifteen, says if you love me keep my commands. It says that the way to prove our love Jesus is by doing as well. In fact, so the Commandments referred to by Jesus would include all of his moral teachings while on our diesel is not. It does not expect us to live obedient life through our own ability. So whenever saying we are to keep his commands. It doesn't say that you know you're going to do this on your own and you better make up your mind to get the right and to do that while that's not what it's about. We can't do it on her own again be a Christian without Christ, and you can live the Christian life without the Holy Spirit, we depend upon him, we depend upon the spirit sober sixteen seventeen eighteen million sixteen seven so four times in his farewell discourse Jesus referred to the Holy Spirit as a comforter comforter is Paraclete, else and it carries with it the idea advocate who stands by not only as an intercessor, but as a helper covering counselor, so whenever we are thinking of the spirit he stand by now, it isn't like the fire department is on standby to help you blocks away so that if we down 911. They'll be here also. God is on standby. Well, how far away as have been new all well isn't spam. I understand that he stands by that is never so far ways to be just near us so that we stand by us. He is there and he has a comfort counselor mouse helper and intercessor, but it is not only as an intercessor, but as a helper comforter and counseling helper and advocate so whenever we know Holy Spirit is here in the Holy Spirit is with us. It's more than just gifts and fruits. The fruits of the spirit, love, joy, peace, and in the gifts of the spirits of working of miracles and prophecy and times and interpretation of Johnson, IL healings and the also more than what he dives citizen. This is the point that there are a lot of things of the spirit dies at. That's what he does, Bo, who is he and who is he, he has a counselor comforter helper advocate is all these things and more. Now, Judy, as a mother, grandmother helper while this at all. She is now. She's a person with personality characteristics, and in all entities in the whole package is a tall black teaches that the that while the say what that regularly written of the light map. Signature by the total package, and so would listen to the Holy Spirit is a complete person now not only dealing but be okay once his function is said to be that I remember, as a witness to Christ he would. He reminds us of who Jesus is and he reminds us of what Christ is done, what Christ has accomplished. He reminds us on our new position, our position in God, and he not only reminds us he gives us the strength to do it is not a guilty conscience. It is a empowering awareness of Holy Spirit is not a guilty thing about this film that don't go there. It is an empowering awareness of God with us, and that God is there to to see us through each of the difficulties or to give us direction in order to give us peace urgent, you know, so we bear with us. They buy day to lead us and guide us the word spirit comes in the Latin word spiritualists, which is synonymous with a great word. And means breath or wind. The Holy Spirit is called the breath of God, with reference to his mode of substance proceeding from God is a breath of his mouth, so the Holy Spirit is not called spirit merely because of the spiritual spirituality of his essence for this is likeness true of the father and the son made as he called holy in reference to exclusive holiness, for he is no more holy than the entire person of the Trinity. So the Holy Spirit is called the Spirit of truth is his special office to apply the truths of the hearts of Christians is to guide them into all truth and to sanctify them by the truth so we seen this person interacting with us that it is this brass that breathe on me or breathe into us the breath of life, just as God it, and in creation, breathe, and was buried in the mankind and made him a living soul. So the spirit of God brings that soul that spiritual life, eternal life wells versus verse one of accepted to one two three four over the day operated as in our lesson. We only have we read acts chapter two verse four- chapter two verses one through fourth, when the dead Pentecostals fully come, they were all with one accord in one place so it's now been if the days as the resurrection ten days since Jesus told them to go to Jerusalem since he ascended into heaven told him to go to Jerusalem. Wait and see they would receive the spirit and it was the feast of Tabernacles is that it is it was regarded was it was by law than any mail within twenty miles of Jerusalem had to be in Jerusalem and the Temple and also people would make a rigid pilgrimages from all over the world to to Jerusalem for this feast. So when that when Pentecost comes. It is a freeze that there are many individuals from out of town and in Jerusalem, and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as a rushing mighty wind, so what happens is the that the spirit takes on characteristics and the spirit takes on characteristics. Now the disciples and saw there used to the sound of what when the somber, not the sound of storms on the beast fisherman on the Sea of Galilee. There used to these life forms, so they may hear something they hear something. The sound of heaven and a new working front because there was no wind would like the wind was blowing outside, and they heard that there was a there was inside this room. There was a great washing mighty wind, and it was. I alien it. It isn't like they were blown over, but there was all this sound but no being blown into a corner. It was a sound and feel the house where they were sitting. And there appeared a little cloven tongues like as of fire, so there was that the sound. There was the visual of a cloven tongues and in the idea here is fire in town. Fire is burning up of consuming of that which is dross of that which is so seeing contaminants burning up of the sacrifice burning up the fire was a symbol of what is consumed and then of course the time and it was something in there, the time is the name the message that will be given. So here we have the spirit coming with the sound and and then there's the visual of fire and then another visual there which is of and cloven tongues of fire that sat on each of them, and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance, they were all filled with the spirit and it's like you jump into swimming pool it out. You're surrounded by the water, but the water doesn't go inside of you. It doesn't permeate you yell it out, what with what would be like is that if you jump into the water and you became ill. The water was there, you were everything you you drop so what this means incompetent in the water and being comfortable water around you, so they were encompassed by the spirit, but not only were they encompass with it, but it was as the rest of the men were breathing went into themselves and into their lives and their spirit and permeated in it. Any change them, and then began to speak again and empowered them that they spoke the language that they didn't know in the way that in the and how we know this is that there were in Jerusalem. Other people from outside of Jerusalem and these individuals who spoke other languages heard these Galileans speaking barrel, their language and these Galileans were speaking to them about God and telling them about God in their native language, but they had not learned now some have tried to explain away and say what what happened was they spoke in their normal language and the Holy Spirit translated in and had been hearing and their their native tongue. And the disciples didn't know what they were. They were just talking as they normally would, but the spirit trend interpreted an hour or translated it and some of the mission groups for years. Years ago I would go to these islands, and they would speak, say they would speak in English to these people and they would think that the Holy Spirit was going to interpret it to them so that they would know what they were saying, and I would be Pentecost all over again. While Denmark and what you want, whenever we think of of the baptism in Holy Spirit we are speaking in a language that God gives to a and is a language that we don't know it's a language that we've not learned but the spirit empowers us to see in this language on a member of and sometimes it's in the language that we that some people understand that. Never once in the Jeanette, my my my pastor friends. One of them. He was, they had a service in which this young person was spoken, and in times and I and the individual was from another Italian old European somewhere. I know in Europe and she was raised and came to America and Annville. She had that that part of the language that she knew is from the cut of a remote area of that of her of what our country. It was Italy or whatever, and the person who is speaking in the language spoken in that perfect dialect of her region that she came from as a child and it was in a house like, and in that in the end, and of course interpretation somebody gave it in the individual knew what it was before the interpretation was that she understood the language now that doesn't always happen, but the reason that it happens is that that the spirit. It is a way that God empowers us and God. Praise through us is that the Holy Spirit interceding through us and sell the spirit intercedes through us with sometimes with groaning, sometimes with utterances and so called our prior language. It's a way of glorifying God and and honoring him so, but this was what happened on Pentecost and then after Peter and them were in the disciples in the hundredth one in that upper room work empowered. They went out out of anal people wondering they are other people heard saw what was going on. Why, because there was a great crowd got around the building. There was so much commotion going on. It is like iron. Twenty at the special revelation that only they knew and only they experience. There were people outside who heard and saw something really strange going on in this place, and so they are gathered around outside when they gathered around outside Peter Anand go out and then they start speaking and whenever they speak and the people are aware of this... great power going on in there. Many people believe what, how did all this transform how does happen that they were so all able to convince these individuals to their logic or was it that the Holy Spirit began to touch the lives of these people and GM Peter was telling them, and everybody they heard about Jesus and Jesus had been marinated in vain. Remember the crucifixion. They remembered what was going on and the St. Peter says this is the same, Jesus is alive and is spared his, and the people experience that revelation inside of them and in their hearts, and to change them, and houses were added to the church daily, so it wasn't like there was this young people. As a grade a warrant for any convince them there was the presenting of the truth, and the power of the spirit made it real to the individuals that heard the Spirit changed their lives in the Spirit enabled them to know what reality there believe that this is what goes on in our life. That is, it is the spirit of God that makes truth of the word real to us that empowers us that enables us to become and live the Christian life without the spirit. There is no Christianity is the spirit makes it you L and the Spirit giveth life. So the idea is that if you just take the word of God, and say this is it. This is all or is where's the life to the life is in the Spirit and Spirit gives life quickens the word brings the word to life and then of course it's making me otherwise to Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh and dwelt among men. Father thank you. Thank you for your blessing. Thank you for your words. We pray Lord that your spirits your Holy Spirit, God the Spirit of truthfulness touch our lives, empower us as we live for you and God, we thank you that you are you are a person that Lord your news. There is character and his purpose for what you do and who you are, how you touch our lives. Help us Lord to embrace embrace this in our spirits and our hearts and our minds. We pray in Jesus name amen