The Sermon Pray the promise by David McGee
May 9, 2010
Pray the promise (40:10)
Referenced Scriptures: Romans 8:22-25
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Begin: Pray the promise
Esteem: Love one another
Example: Delight in the Lord
Forgiveness: By being forgiven
Hope: Events that have not arrived yet
Patience: Being enlarged
The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
Romans 8:22-25
22) For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.
23) Not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for adoption, the redemption of our body.
24) For we were saved in hope, but hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for that which he sees?
25) But if we hope for that which we don‘t see, we wait for it with patience.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
Him us to Romans chapter eight Romans chapter eight and go to be reading from the message Bible and I think that's that certain going to have about Romans chapter eight beginning in verse twenty two to twenty five and the ladies who been who are mothers who have given birth you perhaps understand this particular version. They understand draft why I've chosen it as I read through it and and Romans chapter eight, verses twenty two to twenty five all around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain through the world are simply birth pains, but it's not only around us. It's within us. The Spirit of God is around us within were also feeling the birth pains. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant woman. We are engaged in the waiting. We of course do not see the enlarging in us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy. Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting God 's Spirit is right alongside helping us along if we don't know how or what to pray it doesn't matter. He does are praying him and for us, making prayer out of our worthless size and aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves knows our pregnant condition Tuesday before God. That's why we can be so sure that everything Talon are lives of online for God is worked into something good. I like that version to go along with today's message in the especially on Mother's Day and motherhood out just by way of statistics are by way of information, Mother's Day, and I read some of his last year. So, if you think that I we copied this from last year I did, but there is more to it than what I read last year. Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in eighteen eighties and eighteen nineties there was a several attempts at bringing a Mother's Day celebration and being, but it didn't. It only lasted at a local level. The holiday was created by and Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia in nineteen oh eight and and that is the day that is honored as ones Mother's Day Jarvis wanted to accomplish our mother 's dream of making a celebration for all mothers. Although the idea didn't take off until she enlisted the help of the wealthy Philadelphia merchant John Wanamaker, she kept promoting the holiday until President Woodrow Wilson made an official holiday in nineteen so those of you who are looking for trivial upset. Nineteen fourteen. The event might eventually the holiday became so highly commercialized that many, including its founder, Anna Jarvis considered a hallmark holiday Hallmark cards. Jarvis eventually ended up opposing the holiday, which she helped to create. She criticized the practice of purchasing green part I will ask how many bought cards. I see criticizing breeding drive because he felt they should be homemade warned that you should white letters rather than align someone else to write little notes for you. She was arrested in nineteen forty eight for distributing this is me for disturbing the peace while protesting against the commercialization of Mother's Day as he finally said that she wished she would have never started today because it became so out of control. Mother's Day is now the most popular game the year for dining out. For those of you who wish to go dining out this afternoon or haven't done so, this morning at breakfast. It was it was full, and resolving people, but they were mostly men. I didn't understand none of these guys were going out for breakfast for Mother's Day. I don't know. And so it's the most popular day for eating out at Americans will spend approximately two. Six billion on flowers we help the economy have flowers today. Two. Six billion one. Five billion and pampering gifts, spots, treatments, things like that. The name you get part of the one. Five billion and so poke somebody next to you. Another sixty eight million on greeting cards and it is also the highest call volume out and any day will take place today and there are seven. Eight percent of the US jewelry industry 's annual revenue. Seven. Eight percent, almost nine percent of the jewelry 's annual revenue is on Mother's Day. So now you know the rest of the story. So, mother 's day window locks think a lot him a lot for Mother's Day and note that I look at it or we look at it. Here is a celebration of mothers and also of the ladies daughters day there was a individual this morning told me that you know she was in the mother. But her mother told her we should have a celebration of daughters dayside a why not the way of daughters and mothers day celebration. So everybody who's the lady is not a mother is a daughter anybody here is not a daughter would possible the South. Anyhow, the message Bible that we have talks about pregnancy and talks about the birth and talks about how that data doesn't do maybe it should. As I was reading this I was thinking about the idea of sometimes I have never, never been pregnant. I may look at box sometimes in all ladies and from what I have inquired and understand sometimes ladies that whenever you are with child, I hope it's a very biblical term whenever you are with child, sometimes you don't feel like you are with child, you become so used to that of the child inside or just being a nine L towards the end, it is not that way at all. Let it in. This process of the of the development of the child in the womb. There may be humanity with child, and the way she made may appear to be something that is not really beneficial is not really taking place while that's why the Scripture tells us to wait in hope that no matter what we do in our lives. Whenever we are waiting in hope, for God we have a hopeful expectation and is not our unexpected you are not many because we are waiting in fact caused delays are not the cancellation. Some are prior law, the cancellation of our answers. So we find this whole thing that God is doing here. He likens it, Paul. I can sit here to. We are that that that that that that is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother waiting does not diminish on any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. If you are having a baby waiting doesn't take the baby away. It's still there. While waiting, and this is what we receive this whole process of our own lives and in the characteristics that were going to speak of in a minute that because we are waiting and seeing really nothing is happen doesn't diminish who we are what we are what we are expecting so ladies would understand this more than anyone else that whenever you are waiting to give birth because you're waiting doesn't diminish the fact that the child inside of you is growing so too is waiting on God, and waiting for the answers waiting for things to transpire in our faith does not diminish what God is going to do. That's why I chose this Scripture today is the we say the world around us we see how spiritually infected parts of our society are infected with sin, then spare and physically and moral decay, but you see Christians are not to be pessimistic what's going on around them that we have a halt for today and for tomorrow because we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ does not diminish the fact that he is coming, does not take away that we are preparing ourselves for my time in which Christ will return. We look forward, we look towards the promises that are given to us and we look forward to the promises being fulfilled in our life and the life of what God wants to do in Austin and around us, a new heaven and a new earth that one day will be here that is free from sin and sickness enable and we as Christians we felt with Christ into this world into this world that is around us and we take we take on the effects of sandwich on the effects of ungodliness and unrighteousness. We take on the effects of evil, and his parents. Parents, grandparents, friends of people who have children, neighbors of individuals who have children. We prepare our children to take on life to take on the difficulties of life. The face in the text says that's why waiting does not diminish us waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. Mothers await them nine months now that waiting did not diminish the pregnancy. In fact, the baby was growing every part of that process waiting. We are enlarged in the waiting. We are enlarged in the waiting, and we of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the low thank you Tom and the more joyful our expectancy goes out for what he already has the Scripture says," what is already has. But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently. We wait for it patiently, because in this whole process is growing and developing its own. We of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, we see in there is an expectancy. There is joyful, there is an in areas that join and there is joy in that expectancy, so our heavenly father never makes a promise to watch that he won't keep. We pray the Scriptures over October, we pray. We believe that God will touch our children will touch us with the descriptors that we pray and the God will touch our lives. And as we prayed and read them, and then we are sensitive to the word of God. We are sensitive to apply that Scripture and apply that word to our lives and to our children into their lives. We talk about it. We talk about the Scriptures we talk about our relationship with God. It's important that we discuss it when we discuss other things with our children. We need to be discussing things with our children, and so we need to be sensitive as a word to the word of God we have in front of us that we read and we pray and elite in all that this salvation, the blessing, the wisdom, the protection the law of the understanding the healing the direction the development of our lives. It's all part of this relational experience that we have with God is all part of this process of growing and are growing our faith don't change the fact ladies the way conducted change the fact that your child is growing in your womb him, waiting for God, and are waiting for the promises of God does not change the fact that God will bring those promises into our line so as we pray them as we remember them as we discussed the index value and direction to us and gives us a sense of purpose that is greater than our old. This is the day, but then my day growth pattern for us and for our children and times our children will challenge the boundaries, but there's a difference between challenging the ten Commandments in challenging the idea of standing in line guys know wasn't was okay for the Gospels was the actual yell our society. Mrs. then and this is it has to be this way, but it just needs some tweaking about that. That's a good way saying there are times out of the ten Commandments of God. God 's laws. You break these commandments you to hurt yourself. You hurt your relationship with people you never hurts a relationship with others, yourself and with. Okay, the ten Commandments are there to give us protection and provision again, but they're also roles understanding. Other times that you have to spend. Nonschool features in Indiana me for this one but you know I am entitled to my opinion on the preacher, okay, we teach our kids to stand. I can't stand. Douglas Lego display follow directions, write your name on the paper. Don't this leg no creativity don't worry about it just do just do the test bank, just as a test when it says on the desk and now I'm thinking these tests from Mel, the liberty University and going college again. Wonderful. I'm a test today and a paper due today. I so anyhow, yet here you raised the question, and it's like, okay, why do you have to play set stove and words in sequence that are meant only to trick you answer the question is that yes there is it now though. Lastly, perhaps. Maybe this may go to a go to be to go see DOD cannot be now and don't let me just ask me the question in so I got this thing where people want to stay. Okay, stand in line for years line for here and elaborate here. Now you graduate from high school graduate from college. When I tell you, do itself: Excel cannot align the different cohort site while waiting, do that whole time we were given an education with Andrea, zero all time. We were learning, which is a lawyer. This is the thing about our relationship with God and our relationship with Ann and bringing all those rules, you know there has to be rules society. There has to be rules and family. If there are no rules. There's chaos in all, there were no statements. Some of you wouldn't be here. The raptor on a tray somewhere recuperating because there has to be speed limits. There has to be rules. There has to be died, but there has to be these things in our society, but there is also inside of us. There was his desire to be different to be unique, and that I believe is where God has put his staff in each one of us, because God do the same thing twice. You look around and look around. It looks like you that that that that that will utilize your fingerprint. I know one as your fingerprint. Know what is your ability to write the way you do. No one is like doing so we are now well known individuals with our well-known individuals and sometimes we get caught up in conformity, and but I'm not into rebellion and not either you that this is a balance that you were trying to reach, and this is the thing they were trying to teach in our families and future children and teach ourselves that while we were waiting doesn't mean at the time the rebel means that there's something going on crawling on inside of us, so we need to be sensitive to the word of God be sensitive to the will of God. The purpose of God. Now if the deadline a growth pattern for us. It's a day by day process, something is going on inside of us. Something is going on in our minds and our hearts and we do grow when we do change know, especially teenage years in the outgrowing from L Marissa was here in a while. Let's run his nieces little girl and I fear for the year since Christmas underachiever six inches since Christmas. It was like wow. Now she's while she grows she just bowling shot up, and I happens and so you have teenagers how big your feet, sobbing and no, I remind my nephew that is what I heading. He was in ninth grade. He worse. I sixth that order. She was special now. I mean, how can you be now sixteen years old or fourteen years old and I'm sixteen. June now and I will limit Jan I was only being great athletes and basketball player than I was a kid in OSI sixteen. But everything changes, and we all go through this works. We go to the stuff that's going on inside us while that's why waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother waiting for this to take place in our now as we see all these things coming together. But the longer we wait, the larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy. So what are the six characteristics around about this morning is the because our present not been answered. Never give up on the process. Waiting is not diminishing. Okay, so, as a mother as a parent as an individual dealing with children, we all built children. There is certain things certain characteristics that we need to keep in mind, and that as we keep these characteristics in mind. They do not diminish because they just don't happen yet. The first one is beginning beginning. Psalm thirty four, seven, said the angel of the Lord encamped all around those who fear him, and delivers them, and he goes on to say verse eight O taste and see that the Lord is good. The beginning of our family. I and is this song talks about this in the in family life is a lot like a neighbor. It seems like in our society that family is our candy like vapors that are bearing right they go away and that they commonly called my separation and by changes in the things that happen while the challenge may be for us that we may want to just go away. But God puts his angel before, so there is a beginning. On this understanding of our relationship with God and our responsibility to God, and until our family and to what God has placed in our hands. The God puts his angels before you behind you. The left of you to the rider view beneath you about you and you and you and desires in with all the things around you and desires to stop them they were disappearing. I was looking for the Scripture I have found this idea that that sometimes we feel like we're alone, and whenever we feel like we're alone. We feel like a vapor that can be this goes away challenges don't feel that way, don't feel like a vapor don't feel like your family or yourself for your child or children whenever you your what ever makes your family. V of paper. Don't let it fall away because God has put himself around you ask God to keep you pray the promise the beginning of your day at the beginning of every day praying the promise that is there no other word we sensitive the word and praying the word over your life and over your children over yourself, because heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away. You see the vapor of fact is that there is nothing beyond my wish and my once walked the beginning of fact that is in God, that God has created, and he will sustain any will keep you and his word will be that substance that will keep you for eternity and commandments, number two esteem. Philippians two three, but nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit body lowliness of mind let each of our esteem others better than ourselves is a family is about building character. This is a character building will there in my one of my favorite Westerns of both of them include Clint Eastwood and the case of his. The outlaw Josie Wales again in her into the some of you know by heart. Some of you wish you didn't know by heart. But the Indiana law Josie Wells, the Indian who is was there with the ill in Washington DC. He says that isn't his speech was walking the standard area. The one big hat like this in your endeavor to dear no new member to persevere. Now I know whenever we're trying to build character. That's it more than just helical words and some money telling us never that it is character that is done by the doing in our character that is done by the doing. I guess for wildlife. I think back to why days on the farm and if you ever felt sick, nine ounces report never felt sick. My mom would say, take two aspirin and go the barn. Why, because there were chores to be done, and if you didn't do your chores, who was going to do the soul. Therefore they had to be done, and if you were able to walk away with you weren't able to walk you through July thirty, went to the bar and out. I remember the time I was trampled in the stall yell. I mean, I was literally stopped on Pickton ill. The whole works, and I fell out over the bar is laid on the ground there. My dad said, well, you probably going to lay down so I got up and walked into the house and laid down and then my mother said while they glass were to go to the barn. Your chores need to be done so well at it all today women in the emergency room, MRIs, and yet all this other stuff to find out what type of brain damage. A general damage was done. The envoy. But now it all the rest of the story. The restricted activity times by the cow, so we at least they know no other character building, or just open behind, but it just where you grew up in no know something went wrong. The finale runs the emergency room actors of all the stop, but back then, hospitals, no power way it is laid out for a while. If you pass out will take doing okay, but we see that character and perseverance, and in what his character in all the chores to be done. Know what I'm outsourced today I want to take out the garbage alone the" I now run this Libra will run sweeper got shoehorned into leaders around it was not the state of Illinois and Kelly all this stuff going on it, but what is character. Character is something that is inside of us and we do it because it has to be done in our age there don't live we love, we shall loudly be loving, loving yourself wanting to others, and in all it it it sweetens your family life, loving and caring beginning beginning by prayer esteemed by law three example Psalm one Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his lot as he meditate day and night to see if you desire your children to grow up. Reverend Saint God, then you need to have a reverence for God in your own high and show your delight in God and walk with God. It's not about perfection, and it's not about not understanding at the beginning of a relationship and any relationship that begins this is awkward, sometimes infers is honorable. What is said, whenever you pray all what you want to say what you want God to know talk and talk to them about it who read the Scriptures and while that's all really says something Linda Raven again. One example after rated read until you quit rate and until it means more to your other wanted scenes of the first not about perfection is not genuine. This is about young character. There's no substitute for a loving example we live, what we believe we walked the talk we are what we are. We show it, and we fall. Yes, Paul even the apostle Paul said things I wanted to a note to a native, I continue to make mistakes with Paul can say that I think all of us can say so, beginning by prayer esteemed by law, for example example is by living third is forgiveness, though for the bank to get pushed while two razor while pushbuttons, forgiveness, Psalm sixty eight five year Lord are good and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon you, forgiveness is not an option. It is equipment there for him. This is not an option. Now you have to, we have to forget because of you. Don't forget you carry it with you and I want to know how much can you carry on, let's all vanities can you like I will continue really hate Alabama container. But all those people that the drag them around the let them know that you hate them and hate what they've done to you and you hate the pain that they greeted forgiveness is not an option. We must forgive a man letting down that will never forget as you don't have the ability to forget L some of us are gifted in addition, some of us have a really special gift of forgetting any new fitted for gas, thank you, thank you that Verizon will know that we now want forgetting that gift that God has given us can monolithic the blame for that one. It's not my fault, dear God caused me to forget not true for those of you are listening by way of that, it's much we do have the ability to remember, but we have the ability to forgive. Allow God 's forgiveness, etc. life so began my plan was seen by loving example in example by doing forgiveness by forgiving and fifth this whole hope is Psalm seventy one fifty six for you are my whole old Lord God you are my trust from my youth by you. I have been upheld from birth you are he who took me out of my mother 's womb by Friday shall be continually of you which is life you I like the bumper sticker sister 's life. Your mother did chose life. Your mother did publish the mother 's defense against troubles in life exercise hold daily as you talk with what to pray, believe for the best ground your hope and love. The godly expectation and the sixth one is patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing in all their Solvay times. I think that we look at ourselves and they know what were lacking. We know the Bible says if you will be patient. There will come a time when that lacking will not be as great begin by prayer steam by love example by doing forgiveness by forgiving whole by godly expectation and patience by weight wading through trials and circumstances brings us to a place of seeing what God will do and the Scripture that we read all around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain through out the world are simply birth pains, but it's not only around us. It's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pains. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the longer we become usually the longer we wait home larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy to see how all these come together. The moment we get tired of deleting God 's Spirit is right alongside us, helping us along if we don't know how you want to pray it doesn't matter PSR praying in us and for us, making prayer of our wordless sighs in aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves. Those are pregnant conditioning keeps us present before God. That's why we can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. The deals with notes ladies deals with you and your family and your children, your birthing process. The growing process of the child in the womb expectations. The way it does not diminish the growth of the child sold to our faith in our waiting does not diminish what God is going to birth in our lives, and then show is that the children downstairs. We bring them up to have all the ladies, all the ladies all the daughters, come on down here. The next recipients slow one down there like one. One. You think I can ask you for something to give you something for one, squeezing a- I get him? have now that now their ways. Now, there we go all the little lunch from downstairs. There is a well and being Mother's Day, and also for the daughters day and we want you to have a gift from us was a girl and girls on here now has everyone up everyone here okay so guys, you're probably going to go plant. These have been the lady did choose the right, but anyhow I does want to say it is our pleasure and desire. That's okay. It saw as our gift to you. It's our gift to you Bob flowers that they continue to grow and plant them in there. They're just part of something new, blossoming in your yard or garden. So to our lives. They are what we given plants in other people 's lives, and they grown a blossomed so thank you and we want to reach the take one for you and if you have mothers that you're going to see today did take them a gift from us daughters that are going to see today taken a gift from us and say thank you to the Him us to Romans chapter eight Romans chapter eight and go to be reading from the message Bible and I think that's that certain going to have about Romans chapter eight beginning in verse twenty two to twenty five and the ladies who been who are mothers who have given birth you perhaps understand this particular version. They understand draft why I've chosen it as I read through it and and Romans chapter eight, verses twenty two to twenty five all around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain through the world are simply birth pains, but it's not only around us. It's within us. The Spirit of God is around us within were also feeling the birth pains. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant woman. We are engaged in the waiting. We of course do not see the enlarging in us. But the longer we wait, the larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy. Meanwhile, the moment we get tired in the waiting God 's Spirit is right alongside helping us along if we don't know how or what to pray it doesn't matter. He does are praying him and for us, making prayer out of our worthless size and aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves knows our pregnant condition Tuesday before God. That's why we can be so sure that everything Talon are lives of online for God is worked into something good. I like that version to go along with today's message in the especially on Mother's Day and motherhood out just by way of statistics are by way of information, Mother's Day, and I read some of his last year. So, if you think that I we copied this from last year I did, but there is more to it than what I read last year. Mother's Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May in eighteen eighties and eighteen nineties there was a several attempts at bringing a Mother's Day celebration and being, but it didn't. It only lasted at a local level. The holiday was created by and Jarvis in Grafton, West Virginia in nineteen oh eight and and that is the day that is honored as ones Mother's Day Jarvis wanted to accomplish our mother 's dream of making a celebration for all mothers. Although the idea didn't take off until she enlisted the help of the wealthy Philadelphia merchant John Wanamaker, she kept promoting the holiday until President Woodrow Wilson made an official holiday in nineteen so those of you who are looking for trivial upset. Nineteen fourteen. The event might eventually the holiday became so highly commercialized that many, including its founder, Anna Jarvis considered a hallmark holiday Hallmark cards. Jarvis eventually ended up opposing the holiday, which she helped to create. She criticized the practice of purchasing green part I will ask how many bought cards. I see criticizing breeding drive because he felt they should be homemade warned that you should white letters rather than align someone else to write little notes for you. She was arrested in nineteen forty eight for distributing this is me for disturbing the peace while protesting against the commercialization of Mother's Day as he finally said that she wished she would have never started today because it became so out of control. Mother's Day is now the most popular game the year for dining out. For those of you who wish to go dining out this afternoon or haven't done so, this morning at breakfast. It was it was full, and resolving people, but they were mostly men. I didn't understand none of these guys were going out for breakfast for Mother's Day. I don't know. And so it's the most popular day for eating out at Americans will spend approximately two. Six billion on flowers we help the economy have flowers today. Two. Six billion one. Five billion and pampering gifts, spots, treatments, things like that. The name you get part of the one. Five billion and so poke somebody next to you. Another sixty eight million on greeting cards and it is also the highest call volume out and any day will take place today and there are seven. Eight percent of the US jewelry industry 's annual revenue. Seven. Eight percent, almost nine percent of the jewelry 's annual revenue is on Mother's Day. So now you know the rest of the story. So, mother 's day window locks think a lot him a lot for Mother's Day and note that I look at it or we look at it. Here is a celebration of mothers and also of the ladies daughters day there was a individual this morning told me that you know she was in the mother. But her mother told her we should have a celebration of daughters dayside a why not the way of daughters and mothers day celebration. So everybody who's the lady is not a mother is a daughter anybody here is not a daughter would possible the South. Anyhow, the message Bible that we have talks about pregnancy and talks about the birth and talks about how that data doesn't do maybe it should. As I was reading this I was thinking about the idea of sometimes I have never, never been pregnant. I may look at box sometimes in all ladies and from what I have inquired and understand sometimes ladies that whenever you are with child, I hope it's a very biblical term whenever you are with child, sometimes you don't feel like you are with child, you become so used to that of the child inside or just being a nine L towards the end, it is not that way at all. Let it in. This process of the of the development of the child in the womb. There may be humanity with child, and the way she made may appear to be something that is not really beneficial is not really taking place while that's why the Scripture tells us to wait in hope that no matter what we do in our lives. Whenever we are waiting in hope, for God we have a hopeful expectation and is not our unexpected you are not many because we are waiting in fact caused delays are not the cancellation. Some are prior law, the cancellation of our answers. So we find this whole thing that God is doing here. He likens it, Paul. I can sit here to. We are that that that that that that is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother waiting does not diminish on any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. If you are having a baby waiting doesn't take the baby away. It's still there. While waiting, and this is what we receive this whole process of our own lives and in the characteristics that were going to speak of in a minute that because we are waiting and seeing really nothing is happen doesn't diminish who we are what we are what we are expecting so ladies would understand this more than anyone else that whenever you are waiting to give birth because you're waiting doesn't diminish the fact that the child inside of you is growing so too is waiting on God, and waiting for the answers waiting for things to transpire in our faith does not diminish what God is going to do. That's why I chose this Scripture today is the we say the world around us we see how spiritually infected parts of our society are infected with sin, then spare and physically and moral decay, but you see Christians are not to be pessimistic what's going on around them that we have a halt for today and for tomorrow because we wait for the coming of Jesus Christ does not diminish the fact that he is coming, does not take away that we are preparing ourselves for my time in which Christ will return. We look forward, we look towards the promises that are given to us and we look forward to the promises being fulfilled in our life and the life of what God wants to do in Austin and around us, a new heaven and a new earth that one day will be here that is free from sin and sickness enable and we as Christians we felt with Christ into this world into this world that is around us and we take we take on the effects of sandwich on the effects of ungodliness and unrighteousness. We take on the effects of evil, and his parents. Parents, grandparents, friends of people who have children, neighbors of individuals who have children. We prepare our children to take on life to take on the difficulties of life. The face in the text says that's why waiting does not diminish us waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. Mothers await them nine months now that waiting did not diminish the pregnancy. In fact, the baby was growing every part of that process waiting. We are enlarged in the waiting. We are enlarged in the waiting, and we of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the low thank you Tom and the more joyful our expectancy goes out for what he already has the Scripture says," what is already has. But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently. We wait for it patiently, because in this whole process is growing and developing its own. We of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, we see in there is an expectancy. There is joyful, there is an in areas that join and there is joy in that expectancy, so our heavenly father never makes a promise to watch that he won't keep. We pray the Scriptures over October, we pray. We believe that God will touch our children will touch us with the descriptors that we pray and the God will touch our lives. And as we prayed and read them, and then we are sensitive to the word of God. We are sensitive to apply that Scripture and apply that word to our lives and to our children into their lives. We talk about it. We talk about the Scriptures we talk about our relationship with God. It's important that we discuss it when we discuss other things with our children. We need to be discussing things with our children, and so we need to be sensitive as a word to the word of God we have in front of us that we read and we pray and elite in all that this salvation, the blessing, the wisdom, the protection the law of the understanding the healing the direction the development of our lives. It's all part of this relational experience that we have with God is all part of this process of growing and are growing our faith don't change the fact ladies the way conducted change the fact that your child is growing in your womb him, waiting for God, and are waiting for the promises of God does not change the fact that God will bring those promises into our line so as we pray them as we remember them as we discussed the index value and direction to us and gives us a sense of purpose that is greater than our old. This is the day, but then my day growth pattern for us and for our children and times our children will challenge the boundaries, but there's a difference between challenging the ten Commandments in challenging the idea of standing in line guys know wasn't was okay for the Gospels was the actual yell our society. Mrs. then and this is it has to be this way, but it just needs some tweaking about that. That's a good way saying there are times out of the ten Commandments of God. God 's laws. You break these commandments you to hurt yourself. You hurt your relationship with people you never hurts a relationship with others, yourself and with. Okay, the ten Commandments are there to give us protection and provision again, but they're also roles understanding. Other times that you have to spend. Nonschool features in Indiana me for this one but you know I am entitled to my opinion on the preacher, okay, we teach our kids to stand. I can't stand. Douglas Lego display follow directions, write your name on the paper. Don't this leg no creativity don't worry about it just do just do the test bank, just as a test when it says on the desk and now I'm thinking these tests from Mel, the liberty University and going college again. Wonderful. I'm a test today and a paper due today. I so anyhow, yet here you raised the question, and it's like, okay, why do you have to play set stove and words in sequence that are meant only to trick you answer the question is that yes there is it now though. Lastly, perhaps. Maybe this may go to a go to be to go see DOD cannot be now and don't let me just ask me the question in so I got this thing where people want to stay. Okay, stand in line for years line for here and elaborate here. Now you graduate from high school graduate from college. When I tell you, do itself: Excel cannot align the different cohort site while waiting, do that whole time we were given an education with Andrea, zero all time. We were learning, which is a lawyer. This is the thing about our relationship with God and our relationship with Ann and bringing all those rules, you know there has to be rules society. There has to be rules and family. If there are no rules. There's chaos in all, there were no statements. Some of you wouldn't be here. The raptor on a tray somewhere recuperating because there has to be speed limits. There has to be rules. There has to be died, but there has to be these things in our society, but there is also inside of us. There was his desire to be different to be unique, and that I believe is where God has put his staff in each one of us, because God do the same thing twice. You look around and look around. It looks like you that that that that that will utilize your fingerprint. I know one as your fingerprint. Know what is your ability to write the way you do. No one is like doing so we are now well known individuals with our well-known individuals and sometimes we get caught up in conformity, and but I'm not into rebellion and not either you that this is a balance that you were trying to reach, and this is the thing they were trying to teach in our families and future children and teach ourselves that while we were waiting doesn't mean at the time the rebel means that there's something going on crawling on inside of us, so we need to be sensitive to the word of God be sensitive to the will of God. The purpose of God. Now if the deadline a growth pattern for us. It's a day by day process, something is going on inside of us. Something is going on in our minds and our hearts and we do grow when we do change know, especially teenage years in the outgrowing from L Marissa was here in a while. Let's run his nieces little girl and I fear for the year since Christmas underachiever six inches since Christmas. It was like wow. Now she's while she grows she just bowling shot up, and I happens and so you have teenagers how big your feet, sobbing and no, I remind my nephew that is what I heading. He was in ninth grade. He worse. I sixth that order. She was special now. I mean, how can you be now sixteen years old or fourteen years old and I'm sixteen. June now and I will limit Jan I was only being great athletes and basketball player than I was a kid in OSI sixteen. But everything changes, and we all go through this works. We go to the stuff that's going on inside us while that's why waiting does not diminish us any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother waiting for this to take place in our now as we see all these things coming together. But the longer we wait, the larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy. So what are the six characteristics around about this morning is the because our present not been answered. Never give up on the process. Waiting is not diminishing. Okay, so, as a mother as a parent as an individual dealing with children, we all built children. There is certain things certain characteristics that we need to keep in mind, and that as we keep these characteristics in mind. They do not diminish because they just don't happen yet. The first one is beginning beginning. Psalm thirty four, seven, said the angel of the Lord encamped all around those who fear him, and delivers them, and he goes on to say verse eight O taste and see that the Lord is good. The beginning of our family. I and is this song talks about this in the in family life is a lot like a neighbor. It seems like in our society that family is our candy like vapors that are bearing right they go away and that they commonly called my separation and by changes in the things that happen while the challenge may be for us that we may want to just go away. But God puts his angel before, so there is a beginning. On this understanding of our relationship with God and our responsibility to God, and until our family and to what God has placed in our hands. The God puts his angels before you behind you. The left of you to the rider view beneath you about you and you and you and desires in with all the things around you and desires to stop them they were disappearing. I was looking for the Scripture I have found this idea that that sometimes we feel like we're alone, and whenever we feel like we're alone. We feel like a vapor that can be this goes away challenges don't feel that way, don't feel like a vapor don't feel like your family or yourself for your child or children whenever you your what ever makes your family. V of paper. Don't let it fall away because God has put himself around you ask God to keep you pray the promise the beginning of your day at the beginning of every day praying the promise that is there no other word we sensitive the word and praying the word over your life and over your children over yourself, because heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away. You see the vapor of fact is that there is nothing beyond my wish and my once walked the beginning of fact that is in God, that God has created, and he will sustain any will keep you and his word will be that substance that will keep you for eternity and commandments, number two esteem. Philippians two three, but nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit body lowliness of mind let each of our esteem others better than ourselves is a family is about building character. This is a character building will there in my one of my favorite Westerns of both of them include Clint Eastwood and the case of his. The outlaw Josie Wales again in her into the some of you know by heart. Some of you wish you didn't know by heart. But the Indiana law Josie Wells, the Indian who is was there with the ill in Washington DC. He says that isn't his speech was walking the standard area. The one big hat like this in your endeavor to dear no new member to persevere. Now I know whenever we're trying to build character. That's it more than just helical words and some money telling us never that it is character that is done by the doing in our character that is done by the doing. I guess for wildlife. I think back to why days on the farm and if you ever felt sick, nine ounces report never felt sick. My mom would say, take two aspirin and go the barn. Why, because there were chores to be done, and if you didn't do your chores, who was going to do the soul. Therefore they had to be done, and if you were able to walk away with you weren't able to walk you through July thirty, went to the bar and out. I remember the time I was trampled in the stall yell. I mean, I was literally stopped on Pickton ill. The whole works, and I fell out over the bar is laid on the ground there. My dad said, well, you probably going to lay down so I got up and walked into the house and laid down and then my mother said while they glass were to go to the barn. Your chores need to be done so well at it all today women in the emergency room, MRIs, and yet all this other stuff to find out what type of brain damage. A general damage was done. The envoy. But now it all the rest of the story. The restricted activity times by the cow, so we at least they know no other character building, or just open behind, but it just where you grew up in no know something went wrong. The finale runs the emergency room actors of all the stop, but back then, hospitals, no power way it is laid out for a while. If you pass out will take doing okay, but we see that character and perseverance, and in what his character in all the chores to be done. Know what I'm outsourced today I want to take out the garbage alone the" I now run this Libra will run sweeper got shoehorned into leaders around it was not the state of Illinois and Kelly all this stuff going on it, but what is character. Character is something that is inside of us and we do it because it has to be done in our age there don't live we love, we shall loudly be loving, loving yourself wanting to others, and in all it it it sweetens your family life, loving and caring beginning beginning by prayer esteemed by law three example Psalm one Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the Lord and in his lot as he meditate day and night to see if you desire your children to grow up. Reverend Saint God, then you need to have a reverence for God in your own high and show your delight in God and walk with God. It's not about perfection, and it's not about not understanding at the beginning of a relationship and any relationship that begins this is awkward, sometimes infers is honorable. What is said, whenever you pray all what you want to say what you want God to know talk and talk to them about it who read the Scriptures and while that's all really says something Linda Raven again. One example after rated read until you quit rate and until it means more to your other wanted scenes of the first not about perfection is not genuine. This is about young character. There's no substitute for a loving example we live, what we believe we walked the talk we are what we are. We show it, and we fall. Yes, Paul even the apostle Paul said things I wanted to a note to a native, I continue to make mistakes with Paul can say that I think all of us can say so, beginning by prayer esteemed by law, for example example is by living third is forgiveness, though for the bank to get pushed while two razor while pushbuttons, forgiveness, Psalm sixty eight five year Lord are good and ready to forgive and abundant in mercy to all those who call upon you, forgiveness is not an option. It is equipment there for him. This is not an option. Now you have to, we have to forget because of you. Don't forget you carry it with you and I want to know how much can you carry on, let's all vanities can you like I will continue really hate Alabama container. But all those people that the drag them around the let them know that you hate them and hate what they've done to you and you hate the pain that they greeted forgiveness is not an option. We must forgive a man letting down that will never forget as you don't have the ability to forget L some of us are gifted in addition, some of us have a really special gift of forgetting any new fitted for gas, thank you, thank you that Verizon will know that we now want forgetting that gift that God has given us can monolithic the blame for that one. It's not my fault, dear God caused me to forget not true for those of you are listening by way of that, it's much we do have the ability to remember, but we have the ability to forgive. Allow God 's forgiveness, etc. life so began my plan was seen by loving example in example by doing forgiveness by forgiving and fifth this whole hope is Psalm seventy one fifty six for you are my whole old Lord God you are my trust from my youth by you. I have been upheld from birth you are he who took me out of my mother 's womb by Friday shall be continually of you which is life you I like the bumper sticker sister 's life. Your mother did chose life. Your mother did publish the mother 's defense against troubles in life exercise hold daily as you talk with what to pray, believe for the best ground your hope and love. The godly expectation and the sixth one is patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing in all their Solvay times. I think that we look at ourselves and they know what were lacking. We know the Bible says if you will be patient. There will come a time when that lacking will not be as great begin by prayer steam by love example by doing forgiveness by forgiving whole by godly expectation and patience by weight wading through trials and circumstances brings us to a place of seeing what God will do and the Scripture that we read all around us we observe a pregnant creation. The difficult times of pain through out the world are simply birth pains, but it's not only around us. It's within us. The Spirit of God is arousing us within. We're also feeling the birth pains. These sterile and barren bodies of ours are yearning for full deliverance. That is why waiting does not diminish us, any more than waiting diminishes a pregnant mother. We are enlarged in the waiting. We of course don't see what is enlarging us. But the longer we wait, the longer we become usually the longer we wait home larger we become and the more joyful our expectancy to see how all these come together. The moment we get tired of deleting God 's Spirit is right alongside us, helping us along if we don't know how you want to pray it doesn't matter PSR praying in us and for us, making prayer of our wordless sighs in aching groans. He knows us far better than we know ourselves. Those are pregnant conditioning keeps us present before God. That's why we can be sure that every detail in our lives of love for God is worked into something good. The deals with notes ladies deals with you and your family and your children, your birthing process. The growing process of the child in the womb expectations. The way it does not diminish the growth of the child sold to our faith in our waiting does not diminish what God is going to birth in our lives, and then show is that the children downstairs. We bring them up to have all the ladies, all the ladies all the daughters, come on down here. The next recipients slow one down there like one. One. You think I can ask you for something to give you something for one, squeezing a- I get him? have now that now their ways. Now, there we go all the little lunch from downstairs. There is a well and being Mother's Day, and also for the daughters day and we want you to have a gift from us was a girl and girls on here now has everyone up everyone here okay so guys, you're probably going to go plant. These have been the lady did choose the right, but anyhow I does want to say it is our pleasure and desire. That's okay. It saw as our gift to you. It's our gift to you Bob flowers that they continue to grow and plant them in there. They're just part of something new, blossoming in your yard or garden. So to our lives. They are what we given plants in other people 's lives, and they grown a blossomed so thank you and we want to reach the take one for you and if you have mothers that you're going to see today did take them a gift from us daughters that are going to see today taken a gift from us and say thank you to the