The Sermon Capture An Attitude by David McGee
Aug 25, 2013
Capture An Attitude (35:09)
Referenced Scriptures: Psalm 145; 2 Corinthians 10:3-6
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The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
Psalm 145
1) I will exalt you, my God, the King. I will praise your name forever and ever.
2) Every day I will praise you. I will extol your name forever and ever.
3) Great is Yahweh, and greatly to be praised! His greatness is unsearchable.
4) One generation will commend your works to another, And will declare your mighty acts.
5) Of the glorious majesty of your honor, Of your wondrous works, I will meditate.
6) Men will speak of the might of your awesome acts. I will declare your greatness.
7) They will utter the memory of your great goodness, And will sing of your righteousness.
8) Yahweh is gracious, merciful, Slow to anger, and of great lovingkindness.
9) Yahweh is good to all. His tender mercies are over all his works.
10) All your works will give thanks to you, Yahweh. Your saints will extol you.
11) They will speak of the glory of your kingdom, And talk about your power;
12) To make known to the sons of men his mighty acts, The glory of the majesty of his kingdom.
13) Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
14) Yahweh upholds all who fall, And raises up all those who are bowed down.
15) The eyes of all wait for you. You give them their food in due season.
16) You open your hand, And satisfy the desire of every living thing.
17) Yahweh is righteous in all his ways, And gracious in all his works.
18) Yahweh is near to all those who call on him, To all who call on him in truth.
19) He will fulfill the desire of those who fear him. He also will hear their cry, and will save them.
20) Yahweh preserves all those who love him, But all the wicked he will destroy.
21) My mouth will speak the praise of Yahweh. Let all flesh bless his holy name forever and ever. Psalm 146
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
3) For though we walk in the flesh, we don‘t wage war according to the flesh;
4) for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but mighty before God to the throwing down of strongholds,
5) throwing down imaginations and every high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ;
6) and being in readiness to avenge all disobedience, when your obedience will be made full.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
I'm reading Psalm forty one forty five and we're going to be looking at the concept behind than the entire Psalm, which is a Psalm of praise and I will be reading at the beginning of the sermon at the end of the sermon so were going to read the first part of it from all capture an attitude area capture and attitude. And that's entitled my sermon 's capture and attitude and sorry to read from Psalm one forty five of the King James version and then at the end, I was reading from the message Bible Psalm one forty five, verse one. I will extol the my God, O King, and I will bless thy name forever. Every day I will blessing and will praise thy name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another and so declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy Majesty and of thy wondrous works and men shall speak of them might apply terrible acts, and I will declare thy greatness, they shall abundantly honor the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness the Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy, the Lord is good to wall and his tender mercies are over all his works on my works shall praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless the nations speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk about power to make known to the sons of men, his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom by kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endures throughout all generations, the Lord uphold with all that fall and raises up all those that be that we bow down VI. All weight upon the handout given them their meat in due season about openness by hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works. The Lord is not handsome than the call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth, he will fulfill the desires of them that fear him. He also will hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserve us all them that love him, but all the wicked will be destroyed my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. So as we think of this Psalm. It is a Psalm of praise by David and what we are looking at it thinking of in capturing the attitude is to capture the good, the good in life and to see the hand of God that is working in our lives, and David is writing about this, and he's talking about the goodness of God has in the goodness of God is the wall of his people. Now it's the things that God has given us put in place in our lives. They're not necessarily to be stored away. It's like manna in the Old Testament where God brought Manna down at night and the children of Israel they didn't have anything to eat, and they will go out in the morning and they were collected, and they would collect enough for them to have that day, but they stored it overnight. It became moldy and filled with worms and everything else is always was no good. So the idea behind this is that the Lord gives to us. Is it in the Lord 's prayer. Give us this day our daily bread that God will give us divine provisions for every day of our life and soul, God 's provision is a constant God 's provision is something that is constant in our lives and our hearts habitat the city is to cling to treasures they wear your where your treasure is double your heart be also. So as we look at what we are possessing and what comes into our life. We have a challenge that we would use it wisely and not be hoarding and not have a concept that we are clinging to it because in the clinging, it ends up being a treasure that ends up destroying your heart, so it's not wrong to keep things and is not wrong to have things, but the idea. What does our heart cling to so so horribly respond to this daily gifts. These daily provisions that God places in our lives. The provisions that we see coming from the hand of God. All in all, as we think about life, you know, things come and go in our life. Do you ever look at it and not become less like art, our grandson, Jack, there's. He has every toy imaginable. He has every instrument imaginable. It has accordingly got that yesterday he has a saxophone. He has, you know, I mean he has everything you can blow everything that you can string everything is in play. He's got a helmet for hockey 's hockey gloves. He's got hockey stick. He's got ball that he's got balls. He's got soccer balls. He's got. I mean, he is totally provided. So, whenever he goes the stories got cavities not have any gut avidly to the home goes with the rest of the stuff, he times do we look at all the things that come into our life and how I already have that out. I had that once before, usually thanking God for his continuous provisions thanking God for his continuous provisions God has given us many, many, many many many many things in many gifts. Many relationships. The good things that God has been constantly bestowing upon us and the idea becomes are we just pay. I had that, or are we grateful are we thankful people who are expressive there. Thanks, appreciate what comes into their life, we are expressing appreciation, even if we've had it before it's still new. It's still there for us, so commitment to excellence. So as we look at our life and we recognize the gifts it is coming. What is the more excellent way that we should live walk commitment to excellence is not an act. It's an attitude being committed to doing the right thing being committed to being thankful being committed to having an excellent relationship with Jesus Christ is not something that does not unnecessarily an act. It's an attitude and attitude that says the loss. I am thankful for the good news that God brings into my life. I'm thankful for where all this has come from where it is all started when we were in the Florida at the convention. The minister 's convention, there was a ever heard of Maguires blacks in a car wax while we met the guy who owns and his grandfather is actually the individual who made the formula that goes with Maguires wax while he was a salesman of furniture polish and he prayed that God would give him a formula he made the formula in his garage with a mixer that this was not some megamillion project. This was a guy who was a Christian to vote divided to guide devoted to God, and he prayed about having the right formula for his his wax that he was making for a furniture while he came up with this formula put together and thus has become the choirs now other companies, and other things is now bought out by someone else, but they still don't have the formula because when they break it down to the components that are incompatible. That's why McGuire 's wax is so different than everybody else on the Mac market because the it it becomes the gathering away that when you break it down it doesn't work God has a way of bringing things into our life and it does work just like the bumblebee can't fly the do know that Bobby can fly because they are weighing size is not big enough for their mass. Their bodies, so it is impossible is incompatible for them to fly solo in our lives. There are things that we look at, and they seem incompatible and that they were both work together, but as we focus on God, and how God brings things together, exchange, so the attitude and attitude that is captured and captured means an act of catching winning gaining control by force capture so an attitude that is captured zero think of capturing an attitude wording of that. Well, maybe about a negative attitude people, people that have negative attitudes feel that they've been captured by their negative attitude that they doubt the office like people who are or who are constantly down on everything. You know what an optimist is not just that the pessimist with its nodular precipices of optimist with experience. Think no no no drywall that were going to join the procrastinators I haven't got around to it. So, so we're going to keep procrastinating. So the idea here is a negative attitude is if we have a bad attitude. It seems like the attitude I will exhaust rather than wielding it is something that we have captured but now possesses us while an attitude is a mental position with regard to a fact or state. I have developed. I am a IMA of people within their pessimist, I'm a pessimist because of the experiences that I've had in my life. I am male. I did it to them and said them. The confusion at the facts, my mind 's made up off so we know it isn't that I'm stubborn. It's just that I'm right. So we have attitudes we have attitudes that we have developed and that we put in place and an attitude is a mental position on mental position with regard to fact or state of feeling or emotion towards a factor state so as we look at our life. We are capturing attitudes and we capture and attitude until the attitude captures us. We all have attitudes, some good and some of that attitude is arrived that are arrived at by perceptions so let's go to church. Let's go back to school. I never forget this one day when we moved Wennberg, thirty three, thirty four years ago. It was loose somewhere around Valentine's Day, the weekend before we can after was our first day at school and I'm ever walking over and Rachel was in kindergarten right first grade the first grade I walked into the school and had the wood floors across the street there, and I walked in I smell the smell of the wood floors and stopping you know they put on their take on the wood floors. I don't all smelled like a school she goes all smells like a school, you know, I like all my distinctions. He's like while this is lovely. Now I'm home again and and so we have this going on in the attitude and is something a perception that we have about a particular event and we all have them, you know, let's paint the house must mow the grass. Let's buy a new car lets bayous prior. Let's go on vacation. I like the original commercial on TV where the camel walk thin to the into the office and is walking around a bunch of what they had is just what native youth on it like it's a camel walking around the office. Guess what big nobody is paying attention, and finally some who somebody says it's over the hump day. Yeah, it's over the hump day& the funny thing. Okay. But anyhow it is capturing a attitude and a attitude has captured a mental position on each of these areas of our lives. We have captivated a mental position almost on every aspect of our life now the hard part. What position dominates our lives. No is when you look at the sliding scale am I more positive than negative, negative than positive. Is everything bad in my life is everything good in my life. What type of position two behalf while the psalmist here speaks of praise to God, and how God 's goodness comes while I think has come into his own life. So, how aware are we about our captured attitudes how aware are we of our captured attitudes. Our perceptions are feelings. The chain chained up shackled up attitude you feel locked up in a cell of defeat. The refill locked up under the nacelle of discouragement and a bad attitude. While I went on this those years ago I was at the Johns Hopkins at the seminar there and the speaker 's talk about this individual and how that this individual was abandoned as a child had spent his early life being shuffled from house to house from home to home and him and he had been, and now I spoke about this man being in a number of homes and killing is about nine or ten in each of these homes. He was severely beaten in their whatever, and the last hole, many within that he would actually before he could go to school in the morning he would have to lay in the bathtub to soak the sheets off of his body from the beating the night before with the blood had dried the sheet to the skin. Okay. And when he was fourteen. Leave that was about the age is about fourteen years old he ran away and he joined a gang Hell 's Angels and he was spent with his family and he went into this family and he was a very, very good member of this on this club, that he belonged to him, his family and then one day whenever he was. I think it was around eighteen twenty five others got been making its way and you know he hit beyond no real modification and he was in this big fight this big gang fights and his best friend standing beside him was killed by a shotgun blast just in front of them, and it was at that moment that this man decided that his attitude of hatred and bitterness and abandonment had to change or he was going to die like his friend, she is his captured attitude, which was his perception at our right perception of his life was one of being abused and beaten and rejected and the father place them except them, and it could be a good abuse, and in all her other people and affect his attitudes that he had when he came to the realization that if he didn't change he was going to die and it was at that time he left the Hells Angels and went back to college back to high school and got his GED and then went on to college and he was the doctor who was speaking to us, and therefore he was the doctor that it was speaking to us, and therefore is it captured an attitude that come up through his life and he had captured an attitude of abuse in of of hatred and hurting, but he realized that he had to abandon that captured attitude to take on a different perspective of life or he was to die while most of us don't face those life and death situations. We are kind of in a yeah and a gray area of attitude and expectation and what we do, but this may have an attitude we have something that we have captured and a challenge for us is to recognize those captured attitude. Those test perspectives that we have about ourselves and about life and in the sad thing is they are based upon the past. There based upon past experiences. If you praise is to be an expression of favorable judgment when I am thankful to God when I give thanks in all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. When God tells us to be thankful for what approaches are life, even the difficulties even if things we can say beyond and think this is the most devastating part of our life. We are to give thanks to God because we believe that God has a favorable expectation of favorable outcome for our life, even though we don't see the reason so judgment and expectation in praise. Give us a whole different perspective of what comes the psalmist declares God does all things well. The song God does all things well. The Lord is gracious and he is full of compassion training is to adore to worship to apply to committees to complement to salute that God and God 's involvement are in every aspect of my life so I am capturing an attitude that God is going to work his way aloud in my life. The guy is going to work his his perspective than his purpose out of my life so David and Islam has captured the attitude of the attitude of praise, praise for life that he is found in God. God is worthy of all praise that the captured font of the captured attitude. So when it comes to life in the credit things is whether you take things for granted, or you take them with gratitude when life throws at us. It is a clinical thing if we share an attitude of a well I've had this before or we capture the attitude of gratefulness praise and gratitude are captured thoughts praise and gratitude are captured thoughts that we have held captive to us usually the Scripture that says the lawsuit has serve God and money. You cannot serve God in the world. Yeah, I used to think a minute and a perspective on while that's me trying to decide between good and evil will the the the larger picture is God is saying yelping in them. In this, the idea of slaves and the only can't be a slave to two masters only one master owned you. Okay, so whenever you are a slave. You cannot have two masters. You can only have one one oh zero you can't work for two and only work for one. And that's the concept here. No man can serve two masters. God wants ownership of us, but so does evil, so does know going in the wrong direction they want ownership of our life and we are choosing which one we will take so both lay claim to us, but we cannot capture both negativity and praise we can capture both limit hold them in the same cage or hold them in the same body or hold them in the same philosophy. Second Corinthians chapter ten verse five in the King James says, casting down imaginations, and every high thing exalted itself against the knowledge of God. Everything that went bringing raise itself up against God, we've got to direct is aware and destroy bringing into captivity so that it will not have its influence upon the rest of our life message Bible says. Second Corinthians ten versus three through six. The world is unprintable. If the dog eat dog out there the world doesn't fight fair, but we don't live our fight our battles. That way, never have and never will. The tools of our trade art for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. The tools of God 's word are for destroying the things it would destroy us. We use our powerful God tools for smashing work philosophies tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God thinning every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shape by Christ, our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity to God. You'll think about how the dog would want us to be thankful and to be grateful other God would want us to do the right things for the right reasons why so that we would be blessed. God is in trying to get us to do something in order to punish us. He's trying to get us to find fulfillment in our life we live our life in the light of eternity. Eternity future. It is this lie of our future that shines back on our today, young women by yesterday and by yesterday experiences is living in the shadow of that which is passed if we focus on all of our failures and focus on all of yesterday evening yesterday successes cast their shadow over the present that we can't make right decisions because of yesterday 's experiences and yesterday is gone of a song yesterday is gone. It's over. And yes, we've learned from it. Yes, it is part of us. Yes, it has an important role in our life but our decisions are based upon our understanding of where God is taking us and our future is a trial future with God 's light shining back upon our life in Christ is the light of our path is the light of our life and his light shines into the and disperses it. So you see, our life is in front of us was with the David and the Psalmist declared to us and gratitude. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos toward her confusion to clarity gratitude. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for our today gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow. So as I am allowing God to be involved in my life. I am capturing gratitude. I am capturing an attitude of being grateful. I'm capturing this gratitude for you before and if it becomes a necessity to complete life and to fulfill life and that praising God is the foundation for rifle that God is in charge and God is working in my life so my perspective of life. It's limited it's limited by what I see what I understand what I thought it is so narrowminded and it's such a narrow picture, but when I start praising God, thanking God for what has come into my life. I have a different perspective praise him, praise God that he loves me. Praise God that he has grace for me than his grace is sufficient for his mercy is beyond measure. His friendship and his guidance argument to us freely. We held our lives. I think people stalls upon us that Jesus Christ will turn our life toward heaven. Jesus Christ will turn our life towards heaven in the light of eternity will shine back on last, and we have a goal that no matter where I go. God is with me, though, though matter how long I live have. It is my home. No matter what happens to me on my life. God is with me and he will keep me I'm safe in the arms of my father do we understand human logic actually feels that our past resembles eternity ever hear people say I'm living in hell. My life is hell. The caveat hell afterlife because I have it now, and they're looking at their passing, saying that his eternity. Eternity is only life the past experiences become a reference point, but we find that the Scriptures become our reference point they guide us towards the future for giving us of our sins and failures of the past. Making sense of the difficulties that have gone on in our life that God is going to turn it all to so is moving least like eternity. The past is frozen in time, the past no longer flows. The past can never change. It's like watching an old movie my life. They didn't see this before you yeah while don't you know the outcome yet. I like to watch Clint Eastwood, you know, now I like to watch the pale Rider, and whatever you know I've seen it before on our times and the ending ever changes. That's people who replay the past. The ending, never changes, but as we look to our future praising God and thanking God for all the things the conventional life, whether we understand them or not. We have captured an attitude captured an attitude of thanksgiving we are allowing the divine principles of God 's word to be in our hearts and in our lives that we are writing them upon our hearts. We are encouraging them upon our minds. They are on our lips message Bible says we use our powerful God tools for smashing warped philosophies warped philosophies tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God 's word fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure that is a life shaped by God. It says our tools are ready in hand, our tools are ready in hand are already in our hands. One of the tools. The tools of God 's word capturing an attitude. No one reads Psalm one forty five again from the message Bible that says I left you high in praise my God oh my King, and I'll bless your name into eternity. All bless you every day and keep it off from now to eternity. God is magnificent. They can never be praised enough. There is no boundaries to his greatness, generation after generation stand in awe of your work. Each one tells stories of your mighty acts. Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking. I compose songs onto your wonders, your marvelous dealings are headline news. I could write a book full of the details of your greatness. The fame of your goodness spreads across the country. Your righteousness is on everyone's lips. God is all merciful embrace not quick to anger rich in love. God is good to one and all. Everything he does is suffused with grace creation and creatures applaud you. Your holy people bless you. They talk about the glories of your rule. Your splendor, letting the world know of your power for good and the lavish splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is in the kingdom eternal, you never get voted out of office. God always does what he says, and is gracious in everything he does. God gives a hand to those who are down on their lock gives a fresh start to those ready to quit all eyes are on you expected. You give them their meals on time, generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right. The trademark on all his work is love, God 's there there listening for all who pray for all who pray and mean it. It does what's best for those who fear him, peers, then cry out for callouts and save them. God sticks by all who love him, but it's all over for those who don't. My mouth is filled with God 's praise. Let everything living, bless him, bless his holy name from now to eternity. David has captured an attitude of praise. He holds it fast to himself. He has written upon his heart he has and printed upon his mind when he sees things coming out his life. He is thankful to God because God has a way of working in him and working for the things that he sees even though we can't see, even though we can't understand the God who holds all things hold us in his hands. I will capture the word until the word captures me. I will capture the word and hold it fast in my life until my life is held fast by the word shows. So the idea is to give thanks and to praise the gods that we open our hearts and our minds to be receptive of what God wants to do and we can't determine the outcome and why the best is good or bad or whatever the comes into our life as we are thankful as we are grateful gives us a new perspective and the light. I never thought of it until this writing. This that looking always living in the past. The past shadows over our present influences us, but as we look forward into the future. Trusting God eternity is our home in the light of God in the future in the light of God 's presence in our life shines back to us now and where we stand and where we are going because this is my direction have. It is my home. God is with me, he will lie to my path. He will help me in the making of my choices as I thank him for all the difficult at all the choices that come into my life. I think father, we thank you for your presence. We thank you for your love. Help us Lord, as we read this. Solomon over and over again as we think about it as we meditate on it as we see your hand through and your words through the prophet David that you won't touch our lives and help us Lord to capture the attitude of gratitude and thankfulness to you. Thank you Lord Honus Pfaff, fast to these truths. We pray in Jesus name. Everyone said amen, unless youI'm reading Psalm forty one forty five and we're going to be looking at the concept behind than the entire Psalm, which is a Psalm of praise and I will be reading at the beginning of the sermon at the end of the sermon so were going to read the first part of it from all capture an attitude area capture and attitude. And that's entitled my sermon 's capture and attitude and sorry to read from Psalm one forty five of the King James version and then at the end, I was reading from the message Bible Psalm one forty five, verse one. I will extol the my God, O King, and I will bless thy name forever. Every day I will blessing and will praise thy name forever and ever. Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised in his greatness is unsearchable. One generation shall praise thy works to another and so declare thy mighty acts. I will speak of the glorious honor of thy Majesty and of thy wondrous works and men shall speak of them might apply terrible acts, and I will declare thy greatness, they shall abundantly honor the memory of thy great goodness and shall sing of thy righteousness the Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger, and of great mercy, the Lord is good to wall and his tender mercies are over all his works on my works shall praise thee, O Lord, and thy saints shall bless the nations speak of the glory of thy kingdom and talk about power to make known to the sons of men, his mighty acts and the glorious majesty of his kingdom by kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and thy dominion endures throughout all generations, the Lord uphold with all that fall and raises up all those that be that we bow down VI. All weight upon the handout given them their meat in due season about openness by hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing the Lord is righteous in all his ways and holy in all his works. The Lord is not handsome than the call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth, he will fulfill the desires of them that fear him. He also will hear their cry and will save them the Lord preserve us all them that love him, but all the wicked will be destroyed my mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord, and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever. So as we think of this Psalm. It is a Psalm of praise by David and what we are looking at it thinking of in capturing the attitude is to capture the good, the good in life and to see the hand of God that is working in our lives, and David is writing about this, and he's talking about the goodness of God has in the goodness of God is the wall of his people. Now it's the things that God has given us put in place in our lives. They're not necessarily to be stored away. It's like manna in the Old Testament where God brought Manna down at night and the children of Israel they didn't have anything to eat, and they will go out in the morning and they were collected, and they would collect enough for them to have that day, but they stored it overnight. It became moldy and filled with worms and everything else is always was no good. So the idea behind this is that the Lord gives to us. Is it in the Lord 's prayer. Give us this day our daily bread that God will give us divine provisions for every day of our life and soul, God 's provision is a constant God 's provision is something that is constant in our lives and our hearts habitat the city is to cling to treasures they wear your where your treasure is double your heart be also. So as we look at what we are possessing and what comes into our life. We have a challenge that we would use it wisely and not be hoarding and not have a concept that we are clinging to it because in the clinging, it ends up being a treasure that ends up destroying your heart, so it's not wrong to keep things and is not wrong to have things, but the idea. What does our heart cling to so so horribly respond to this daily gifts. These daily provisions that God places in our lives. The provisions that we see coming from the hand of God. All in all, as we think about life, you know, things come and go in our life. Do you ever look at it and not become less like art, our grandson, Jack, there's. He has every toy imaginable. He has every instrument imaginable. It has accordingly got that yesterday he has a saxophone. He has, you know, I mean he has everything you can blow everything that you can string everything is in play. He's got a helmet for hockey 's hockey gloves. He's got hockey stick. He's got ball that he's got balls. He's got soccer balls. He's got. I mean, he is totally provided. So, whenever he goes the stories got cavities not have any gut avidly to the home goes with the rest of the stuff, he times do we look at all the things that come into our life and how I already have that out. I had that once before, usually thanking God for his continuous provisions thanking God for his continuous provisions God has given us many, many, many many many many things in many gifts. Many relationships. The good things that God has been constantly bestowing upon us and the idea becomes are we just pay. I had that, or are we grateful are we thankful people who are expressive there. Thanks, appreciate what comes into their life, we are expressing appreciation, even if we've had it before it's still new. It's still there for us, so commitment to excellence. So as we look at our life and we recognize the gifts it is coming. What is the more excellent way that we should live walk commitment to excellence is not an act. It's an attitude being committed to doing the right thing being committed to being thankful being committed to having an excellent relationship with Jesus Christ is not something that does not unnecessarily an act. It's an attitude and attitude that says the loss. I am thankful for the good news that God brings into my life. I'm thankful for where all this has come from where it is all started when we were in the Florida at the convention. The minister 's convention, there was a ever heard of Maguires blacks in a car wax while we met the guy who owns and his grandfather is actually the individual who made the formula that goes with Maguires wax while he was a salesman of furniture polish and he prayed that God would give him a formula he made the formula in his garage with a mixer that this was not some megamillion project. This was a guy who was a Christian to vote divided to guide devoted to God, and he prayed about having the right formula for his his wax that he was making for a furniture while he came up with this formula put together and thus has become the choirs now other companies, and other things is now bought out by someone else, but they still don't have the formula because when they break it down to the components that are incompatible. That's why McGuire 's wax is so different than everybody else on the Mac market because the it it becomes the gathering away that when you break it down it doesn't work God has a way of bringing things into our life and it does work just like the bumblebee can't fly the do know that Bobby can fly because they are weighing size is not big enough for their mass. Their bodies, so it is impossible is incompatible for them to fly solo in our lives. There are things that we look at, and they seem incompatible and that they were both work together, but as we focus on God, and how God brings things together, exchange, so the attitude and attitude that is captured and captured means an act of catching winning gaining control by force capture so an attitude that is captured zero think of capturing an attitude wording of that. Well, maybe about a negative attitude people, people that have negative attitudes feel that they've been captured by their negative attitude that they doubt the office like people who are or who are constantly down on everything. You know what an optimist is not just that the pessimist with its nodular precipices of optimist with experience. Think no no no drywall that were going to join the procrastinators I haven't got around to it. So, so we're going to keep procrastinating. So the idea here is a negative attitude is if we have a bad attitude. It seems like the attitude I will exhaust rather than wielding it is something that we have captured but now possesses us while an attitude is a mental position with regard to a fact or state. I have developed. I am a IMA of people within their pessimist, I'm a pessimist because of the experiences that I've had in my life. I am male. I did it to them and said them. The confusion at the facts, my mind 's made up off so we know it isn't that I'm stubborn. It's just that I'm right. So we have attitudes we have attitudes that we have developed and that we put in place and an attitude is a mental position on mental position with regard to fact or state of feeling or emotion towards a factor state so as we look at our life. We are capturing attitudes and we capture and attitude until the attitude captures us. We all have attitudes, some good and some of that attitude is arrived that are arrived at by perceptions so let's go to church. Let's go back to school. I never forget this one day when we moved Wennberg, thirty three, thirty four years ago. It was loose somewhere around Valentine's Day, the weekend before we can after was our first day at school and I'm ever walking over and Rachel was in kindergarten right first grade the first grade I walked into the school and had the wood floors across the street there, and I walked in I smell the smell of the wood floors and stopping you know they put on their take on the wood floors. I don't all smelled like a school she goes all smells like a school, you know, I like all my distinctions. He's like while this is lovely. Now I'm home again and and so we have this going on in the attitude and is something a perception that we have about a particular event and we all have them, you know, let's paint the house must mow the grass. Let's buy a new car lets bayous prior. Let's go on vacation. I like the original commercial on TV where the camel walk thin to the into the office and is walking around a bunch of what they had is just what native youth on it like it's a camel walking around the office. Guess what big nobody is paying attention, and finally some who somebody says it's over the hump day. Yeah, it's over the hump day& the funny thing. Okay. But anyhow it is capturing a attitude and a attitude has captured a mental position on each of these areas of our lives. We have captivated a mental position almost on every aspect of our life now the hard part. What position dominates our lives. No is when you look at the sliding scale am I more positive than negative, negative than positive. Is everything bad in my life is everything good in my life. What type of position two behalf while the psalmist here speaks of praise to God, and how God 's goodness comes while I think has come into his own life. So, how aware are we about our captured attitudes how aware are we of our captured attitudes. Our perceptions are feelings. The chain chained up shackled up attitude you feel locked up in a cell of defeat. The refill locked up under the nacelle of discouragement and a bad attitude. While I went on this those years ago I was at the Johns Hopkins at the seminar there and the speaker 's talk about this individual and how that this individual was abandoned as a child had spent his early life being shuffled from house to house from home to home and him and he had been, and now I spoke about this man being in a number of homes and killing is about nine or ten in each of these homes. He was severely beaten in their whatever, and the last hole, many within that he would actually before he could go to school in the morning he would have to lay in the bathtub to soak the sheets off of his body from the beating the night before with the blood had dried the sheet to the skin. Okay. And when he was fourteen. Leave that was about the age is about fourteen years old he ran away and he joined a gang Hell 's Angels and he was spent with his family and he went into this family and he was a very, very good member of this on this club, that he belonged to him, his family and then one day whenever he was. I think it was around eighteen twenty five others got been making its way and you know he hit beyond no real modification and he was in this big fight this big gang fights and his best friend standing beside him was killed by a shotgun blast just in front of them, and it was at that moment that this man decided that his attitude of hatred and bitterness and abandonment had to change or he was going to die like his friend, she is his captured attitude, which was his perception at our right perception of his life was one of being abused and beaten and rejected and the father place them except them, and it could be a good abuse, and in all her other people and affect his attitudes that he had when he came to the realization that if he didn't change he was going to die and it was at that time he left the Hells Angels and went back to college back to high school and got his GED and then went on to college and he was the doctor who was speaking to us, and therefore he was the doctor that it was speaking to us, and therefore is it captured an attitude that come up through his life and he had captured an attitude of abuse in of of hatred and hurting, but he realized that he had to abandon that captured attitude to take on a different perspective of life or he was to die while most of us don't face those life and death situations. We are kind of in a yeah and a gray area of attitude and expectation and what we do, but this may have an attitude we have something that we have captured and a challenge for us is to recognize those captured attitude. Those test perspectives that we have about ourselves and about life and in the sad thing is they are based upon the past. There based upon past experiences. If you praise is to be an expression of favorable judgment when I am thankful to God when I give thanks in all things give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. When God tells us to be thankful for what approaches are life, even the difficulties even if things we can say beyond and think this is the most devastating part of our life. We are to give thanks to God because we believe that God has a favorable expectation of favorable outcome for our life, even though we don't see the reason so judgment and expectation in praise. Give us a whole different perspective of what comes the psalmist declares God does all things well. The song God does all things well. The Lord is gracious and he is full of compassion training is to adore to worship to apply to committees to complement to salute that God and God 's involvement are in every aspect of my life so I am capturing an attitude that God is going to work his way aloud in my life. The guy is going to work his his perspective than his purpose out of my life so David and Islam has captured the attitude of the attitude of praise, praise for life that he is found in God. God is worthy of all praise that the captured font of the captured attitude. So when it comes to life in the credit things is whether you take things for granted, or you take them with gratitude when life throws at us. It is a clinical thing if we share an attitude of a well I've had this before or we capture the attitude of gratefulness praise and gratitude are captured thoughts praise and gratitude are captured thoughts that we have held captive to us usually the Scripture that says the lawsuit has serve God and money. You cannot serve God in the world. Yeah, I used to think a minute and a perspective on while that's me trying to decide between good and evil will the the the larger picture is God is saying yelping in them. In this, the idea of slaves and the only can't be a slave to two masters only one master owned you. Okay, so whenever you are a slave. You cannot have two masters. You can only have one one oh zero you can't work for two and only work for one. And that's the concept here. No man can serve two masters. God wants ownership of us, but so does evil, so does know going in the wrong direction they want ownership of our life and we are choosing which one we will take so both lay claim to us, but we cannot capture both negativity and praise we can capture both limit hold them in the same cage or hold them in the same body or hold them in the same philosophy. Second Corinthians chapter ten verse five in the King James says, casting down imaginations, and every high thing exalted itself against the knowledge of God. Everything that went bringing raise itself up against God, we've got to direct is aware and destroy bringing into captivity so that it will not have its influence upon the rest of our life message Bible says. Second Corinthians ten versus three through six. The world is unprintable. If the dog eat dog out there the world doesn't fight fair, but we don't live our fight our battles. That way, never have and never will. The tools of our trade art for marketing or manipulation, but they are for demolishing that entire massively corrupt culture. The tools of God 's word are for destroying the things it would destroy us. We use our powerful God tools for smashing work philosophies tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God thinning every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure of life shape by Christ, our tools are ready at hand for clearing the ground of every obstruction and building lives of obedience into maturity to God. You'll think about how the dog would want us to be thankful and to be grateful other God would want us to do the right things for the right reasons why so that we would be blessed. God is in trying to get us to do something in order to punish us. He's trying to get us to find fulfillment in our life we live our life in the light of eternity. Eternity future. It is this lie of our future that shines back on our today, young women by yesterday and by yesterday experiences is living in the shadow of that which is passed if we focus on all of our failures and focus on all of yesterday evening yesterday successes cast their shadow over the present that we can't make right decisions because of yesterday 's experiences and yesterday is gone of a song yesterday is gone. It's over. And yes, we've learned from it. Yes, it is part of us. Yes, it has an important role in our life but our decisions are based upon our understanding of where God is taking us and our future is a trial future with God 's light shining back upon our life in Christ is the light of our path is the light of our life and his light shines into the and disperses it. So you see, our life is in front of us was with the David and the Psalmist declared to us and gratitude. Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos toward her confusion to clarity gratitude. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for our today gratitude creates a vision for tomorrow. So as I am allowing God to be involved in my life. I am capturing gratitude. I am capturing an attitude of being grateful. I'm capturing this gratitude for you before and if it becomes a necessity to complete life and to fulfill life and that praising God is the foundation for rifle that God is in charge and God is working in my life so my perspective of life. It's limited it's limited by what I see what I understand what I thought it is so narrowminded and it's such a narrow picture, but when I start praising God, thanking God for what has come into my life. I have a different perspective praise him, praise God that he loves me. Praise God that he has grace for me than his grace is sufficient for his mercy is beyond measure. His friendship and his guidance argument to us freely. We held our lives. I think people stalls upon us that Jesus Christ will turn our life toward heaven. Jesus Christ will turn our life towards heaven in the light of eternity will shine back on last, and we have a goal that no matter where I go. God is with me, though, though matter how long I live have. It is my home. No matter what happens to me on my life. God is with me and he will keep me I'm safe in the arms of my father do we understand human logic actually feels that our past resembles eternity ever hear people say I'm living in hell. My life is hell. The caveat hell afterlife because I have it now, and they're looking at their passing, saying that his eternity. Eternity is only life the past experiences become a reference point, but we find that the Scriptures become our reference point they guide us towards the future for giving us of our sins and failures of the past. Making sense of the difficulties that have gone on in our life that God is going to turn it all to so is moving least like eternity. The past is frozen in time, the past no longer flows. The past can never change. It's like watching an old movie my life. They didn't see this before you yeah while don't you know the outcome yet. I like to watch Clint Eastwood, you know, now I like to watch the pale Rider, and whatever you know I've seen it before on our times and the ending ever changes. That's people who replay the past. The ending, never changes, but as we look to our future praising God and thanking God for all the things the conventional life, whether we understand them or not. We have captured an attitude captured an attitude of thanksgiving we are allowing the divine principles of God 's word to be in our hearts and in our lives that we are writing them upon our hearts. We are encouraging them upon our minds. They are on our lips message Bible says we use our powerful God tools for smashing warped philosophies warped philosophies tearing down barriers erected against the truth of God 's word fitting every loose thought and emotion and impulse into the structure that is a life shaped by God. It says our tools are ready in hand, our tools are ready in hand are already in our hands. One of the tools. The tools of God 's word capturing an attitude. No one reads Psalm one forty five again from the message Bible that says I left you high in praise my God oh my King, and I'll bless your name into eternity. All bless you every day and keep it off from now to eternity. God is magnificent. They can never be praised enough. There is no boundaries to his greatness, generation after generation stand in awe of your work. Each one tells stories of your mighty acts. Your beauty and splendor have everyone talking. I compose songs onto your wonders, your marvelous dealings are headline news. I could write a book full of the details of your greatness. The fame of your goodness spreads across the country. Your righteousness is on everyone's lips. God is all merciful embrace not quick to anger rich in love. God is good to one and all. Everything he does is suffused with grace creation and creatures applaud you. Your holy people bless you. They talk about the glories of your rule. Your splendor, letting the world know of your power for good and the lavish splendor of your kingdom. Your kingdom is in the kingdom eternal, you never get voted out of office. God always does what he says, and is gracious in everything he does. God gives a hand to those who are down on their lock gives a fresh start to those ready to quit all eyes are on you expected. You give them their meals on time, generous to a fault, you lavish your favor on all creatures. Everything God does is right. The trademark on all his work is love, God 's there there listening for all who pray for all who pray and mean it. It does what's best for those who fear him, peers, then cry out for callouts and save them. God sticks by all who love him, but it's all over for those who don't. My mouth is filled with God 's praise. Let everything living, bless him, bless his holy name from now to eternity. David has captured an attitude of praise. He holds it fast to himself. He has written upon his heart he has and printed upon his mind when he sees things coming out his life. He is thankful to God because God has a way of working in him and working for the things that he sees even though we can't see, even though we can't understand the God who holds all things hold us in his hands. I will capture the word until the word captures me. I will capture the word and hold it fast in my life until my life is held fast by the word shows. So the idea is to give thanks and to praise the gods that we open our hearts and our minds to be receptive of what God wants to do and we can't determine the outcome and why the best is good or bad or whatever the comes into our life as we are thankful as we are grateful gives us a new perspective and the light. I never thought of it until this writing. This that looking always living in the past. The past shadows over our present influences us, but as we look forward into the future. Trusting God eternity is our home in the light of God in the future in the light of God 's presence in our life shines back to us now and where we stand and where we are going because this is my direction have. It is my home. God is with me, he will lie to my path. He will help me in the making of my choices as I thank him for all the difficult at all the choices that come into my life. I think father, we thank you for your presence. We thank you for your love. Help us Lord, as we read this. Solomon over and over again as we think about it as we meditate on it as we see your hand through and your words through the prophet David that you won't touch our lives and help us Lord to capture the attitude of gratitude and thankfulness to you. Thank you Lord Honus Pfaff, fast to these truths. We pray in Jesus name. Everyone said amen, unless you