The Sermon Work On The Inner You by David McGee
Feb 03, 2013
Work On The Inner You (31:28)
Referenced Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 4:16-18; 1 Samuel 16:5-7
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The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
2 Corinthians 4:16-18
16) Therefore we don‘t faint, but though our outward man is decaying, yet our inward man is renewed day by day.
17) For our light affliction, which is for the moment, works for us more and more exceedingly an eternal weight of glory;
18) while we don‘t look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporal, but the things which are not seen are eternal.
1 Samuel 16:5-7
5) He said, Peaceably; I am come to sacrifice to Yahweh: sanctify yourselves, and come with me to the sacrifice. He sanctified Jesse and his sons, and called them to the sacrifice.
6) It happened, when they had come, that he looked at Eliab, and said, Surely Yahweh‘s anointed is before him.
7) But Yahweh said to Samuel, "Don‘t look on his face, or on the height of his stature; because I have rejected him: for [Yahweh sees] not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but Yahweh looks at the heart."
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
This morning we are looking to work on the interview. The work on the inner you the messages from second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen if the Scripture text. The sound below familiar. We were in second Corinthians chapter four. Last week, but some of the previous verses with the clay in the popular this week were looking at. Second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen and with what you have up there. The message will read the message first and then we'll read the NIV, which is the text am going to speak up today so were not giving up all of our fine I thought I saw. I saw him message up there. I'm sorry I don't need on him a good reminder notes either. I can read my notes at the time of him. Sorry I will raise second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen in the NIV version as it is, therefore, we do not lose heart. Though I were outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what we what is seen, but on what is unseen since one is seen as temporal. What is unseen is eternal. While last week we spoke about the clay pictures Potter and Clay and all that we are like Clay jars that we carry around a treasure that is inside of us and the treasure is the most important treasure is our relationship with Jesus Christ, but also inside of us are gifts in our abilities, Nortel this is the indwelling of God 's presence that helps us open up these treasures in these good things, and that we carry around this all surpassing power that is of the glory of God. And that's in the previous Scriptures so Paul admonishes us not to be preoccupied with the clay pot in the elite. We need to pay attention, you know, you know, you have to dress it up. You know it you see some people that are very disheveled in things is not what he's saying. Don't pay attention to New York to your dresser. Anything by saying we do not need to be preoccupied with this clay pot, but we need to be more preoccupied with the treasure of God that is within us and we remember last week, member verse eight of last week, we are hard pressed on every side, but were not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandon struck down, but not destroyed. So in verse sixteen of our text he says. Therefore we do not lose heart. The inward man is being renewed day by day. So Paul is facing some real adversities. Here in prison, and he is writing to the church at Corinth. These trying to help them out is trying to get them to adhere to what he is already said to them in his first letter. First Corinthians, and so he has been present for while he knows what it is like this play, pitcher to be experiencing difficulties in well-being, change your present garden in all those other things. We'll talk about that will later but this, and Ansari was able then to focus and to recognize the value of what's on the inside more than what is on the outside, and so he he says don't be discouraged. He says do not lose heart this is hard for us sometimes not to lose heart because we have expectations and what our expectations are not met, we have a challenge with you that we either change our expectations are that something else has to happen and in all those type of things while Paul, I don't think was really looking forward to in his earlier life spending of his last years of his life in prison and being in prison because of his faith, and this was having its toll on him and he's telling the Corinthians. Don't lose heart dollars-] and that there is a distinction between the hours review and the inner you. The outer you lose your body and your reputation. The interview is your character, your spirit, your soul there, your honor, you is what everybody sees what is on the other is the invisible outer can be coworkers pulled and pushed by others. The editor is always free to make choices. The outer you is temporal. That means its doubts it's going to eventually parish and the interview is eternal. The area was changing perishing slowly but surely pages having its effect upon us and we can kick in struggle, but they announced that I happily reply was not about that this morning. Someone was mentioning that around the table. Is this slow for an hour before Sunday school, but we know that the marketplace is full of solutions. Their screams and there's pills and there's fitness there's Botox with it. Pocket candidate present but all the time but I happen so the statistic I hate belly is that if you Robert thirty you lose a thousand brain cells every day. No wonder I can't remember I need to just add diminishing their and in and out. What I truly despise gravity in a lifetime. I had a forty six inch chest. Know what you think it's waste that is gravity. Now I I got the furniture disease might just sent to my drawers and death. So it is one of those things now it is gone. Watch out for furniture stopping gravity, so it out. I am not going to repeat some of those things. But anyhow, the Louisiana ST says all are from Doctor did not. We will return. Isn't that exciting. So as we look at our life. The exciting part is that you will never cease to exist. The exciting part is that your life is eternal. Now the package may change but the airline never change the fact that continues to grow, it continues to develop, and it continues to embrace what God the kingdom of heaven is at hand that this air on this interview embraces that kingdom, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is that which works only interview that makes a difference on the outer you. And so, when God is at work. We are becoming, not following, not falling apart. We are becoming what God wants us to be our vessel with an honest, we spoke last week, and with what Paul had written about yesterday. Feel what glory of God with the light of God and that God 's work. NEC 's and he knows the inner you. He loves us beyond what we can ever imagine. We spoken, not Sunday school little bit about the number, we pray. Prayer is making prayer is not begging. Prayer is allowing the kingdom of allowing our communication to be with God, and that we are reciting praying reminding ourselves of God 's promises about what's going on in our life. And it's like I like to the idea that we have a relational experience with Jesus. His kingdom is already here. The kingdom of this world, the revelation that as soon counted, dissolve and disappear Galway but the kingdom of God will never disappear and the inner review their costs will live forever in the kingdom of heaven. And we aren't exactly we are experiencing that kingdom in our hearts and our minds whatever we pray when we read the word whenever we allow God to touch our lives in the present and to influence and how we act awkwardly we live as if were going to live forever. We plan as if Jesus is coming back today, so we land as if we're going to live forever. I'm going you and I regularly hear a thousand years and they'll not here. Here, but here in the spirit and then our new bodies in the new heaven and new earth orbit of a part of that because Jesus said so. Jesus told us, and so as we embrace his kingdom were bracing to strengthen the law amendment and the power of the kingdom will be poured into this earthen vessel. Paul says we carried about. We carry about this precious treasure in Clay pot this precious treasure. We carry around the clay pot, the treasurer of eternal life. Now we're very tempted to look on the outward, but God is the one who looks on the inward and I was will read first Samuel chapter sixteen versus five, six and seven and Samuel was called to go and anoint the new King and so Sandy replied yes and peace. I've come to sacrifice the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to sacrifice comment sacrifice with me. Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons, and invited them to the sacrifice when they arrive. Samuel saw the lab lab and thought surely the Lords appointed stands here before the Lord and what was he looking at. He was looking at the outward man. He looked like a king. Surely this is the guy that's going to be anointed King, but the Lord told Samuel did not consider his appearance or his high I rejected him. The Lord does not look at things people look at people look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. God looks at the interview. He looks at the interview. The part of us that is going to live forever and that part the Gaza work walk on. So we look around us and we see all of the outer parts of us. We'll see the Ehrhardt, the inner part which speaks of our character and lobbed in space of our forgiveness and speaks of God 's blessing in our life and how that we have change from the inside out. If God has made a difference in our lives I made a difference in your life. Think about it. Where would you be where would we be if we hadn't allowed God to influence our thinking, our direction. Our attendance are listening to Scripture, where would we be have gone had never been involved in our life would be lost right, which appeared to be wrong problems would seem to be greater than we could ever handle stealing and cheating and lying because part of our life. Please see it's not part of who we are, were different because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. God is with me. God makes a difference in me. He makes a difference in the way I see things. He makes a difference in the way that I hear things easy. Paul when he was writing this letter to visit to the Corinthians, a second letter is trying to guide the Corinthians interface is trying to get them to understand the principles that he said they had sent to them in the first letter to the Corinthians, charts, otherwise there were no Christians before Paul got there. This is a whole new thing for the know we get all upset, you know, sometimes the church gets all upset with the political things going on in our world and how that you know this thing is going against the church in the things going against the church will, and Paula Lynn started this whole thing. There were Christians. There is no Christian values influencing their society, and they came in and they came on the scene and by the power of God. They change the world where God inheriting the world. We are changing the world. We are not in it if it isn't, is in. I don't think it's so much important that the values of our system. We Mike Christianity. I believe that the values of our system should the values of God system should be reflected that influences on our system that we make a difference in our lives that the church is not something that is life that is something that is powerfully moving in the lives of others through you and I powerfully influencing people, by the way we think and how we deal with people how we forgive how we allow our life to be a light of Christ, and were not doing it because we make up our mind to. We are doing it because there is a light inside of the container that cannot be extinguished. There is a power inside of the container that influences how I think and how I do how I live makes a difference. I don't get because I have to sit down with it. Why have to make a choice between right and wrong. Now there is this power with that work in us. This power of God. This part of the Spirit, because the King of heaven is at hand. I am living in God 's kingdom and God 's kingdom is here now and me and in you and that kingdom has its influence upon everything we do and say. Everywhere we go to has its influence upon our expectations has an influence upon how we pray what we believe what we have needs for the a lot of the criticism of Paul was that he was not very impressive person to look at, but when you consider the wear and tear on Paul's body. He was with sandstones and starved. He was beaten in. I don't know what a day and a night floating in the depot did you floating in the sea locked in a cell is been behind bars for years. The times change, handcuffed to soldiers at times just on guidance and Paul knew what it was for the clay pitcher to be thrown down, but not broken. He knew what it was like to be inward where inwardly carrying dislike this life that is in Christ, that some people became very an envious of and very rebellious to any proclaimed in verse sixteen. The second part of it. Though outwardly we are wasting away wasting away prison food. So I was thinking up wasting away. Outwardly we are wasting away present for developed how in El Salvador there was a young pastor who was falsely accused by a couple of young girls that he was trying to discipline in the school system. Now we have Latin American childcare with and supporting that for twenty some years, thirty seven years. However, it's been in the phase for children to go to school. While there were a couple of children who were needed discipline and of course even in El Salvador. The parents agree to take on the role of the parents in our bill like that here in the last defender children know they were not going to let them be expelled from the school so they brought charges against this pastor that he done something wrong and so he was immediately arrested. Now in and in all and if these charges were true would of been no right thing to do. But when you consider that eighty percent of the murders in El Salvador are never was a all in somebody in that country. There are more love. Forget about that but there are others a lot of murders of people something else, a horrendous place for crime. So this passage was thrown in prison and yell. They kept saying that he was innocent and the children said that while he had done this, and the parents were backing the children and so it was imprisoned and the prices are so overcrowded that there be two or three in a caught and this guy slept on the floor underneath the bottom caught and in El Salvador about every six months. There's a prison riot and maybe thirty fifty people were killed by the in the riots if the way of thinning out the prison population, but wasting away is that they are served prison food, but families are only allowed to visit once a week and they bring in food to the presence and that's how they survive. And Paul is wasting away and yell. This didn't finish the story. After about six months nine months whatever was these children read they came back and told the truth that they as this pastor did nothing to them, and that even they were. He was trying to discipline them, and they were not going to have it and so they brought up these charges and there was nothing written in Dubai. They wanted and dropped and they wanted him out of prison and in the ideas that he was falsely accused and he spent this time living in an virtually for a afraid for his life in this present in which there are very few not enough guards and not enough room and not enough food, and it's a very terrible place to be while Hall says I'm wasting away, and you understand that there are things that happened than the outward man, and there things that happened to the inward man. It is the inward man that gives us strength. So the outward man can carry on. Do not lose hope. He says also were not giving up were not giving up or not giving in, were not witnessed. This is an inner thing that goes on inside of us. This is an inner desire. This is an editor challenge because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The promises of God are alive in my life because of what God has done in the fall says all of him getting more hopeful, even though he knows he will soon die in prison, he will soon be beheaded our hunger 's life will be over. He knows that is coming to the end that yet he says he is more hopeful than ever before. He says I keep loving people, or even the people who put me in prison for Allstate. I'm dying on the outside but inside I'm coming to life is like this whole understanding of things being change from what he thought was important to what he knows is important. His thoughts ran constantly heavenward that with each situation and with each day his thoughts when heavenward. This is the challenge of our inner man. But no matter what happens in our life. We just take those things. It is shaped and heavenward, that no matter what comes into our life the inner man takes the right to God. Why, because God is with us. We are living in the kingdom of heaven, and God 's will is to be accomplished in class as it is in heaven. And no matter what happens in our world around us. This inner man can never fade away. Never deteriorate will live on forever Billy becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. Paul wrote to the church in Rome who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation, or distress, persecution or famine or nakedness, or peril, or sword, so he know that firsthand. Nothing is going to separate me from this kingdom of heaven is here and now I am in the kingdom of heaven because I am in Christ. Christ is in the night will be done in me. In earth as it is in heaven forgive loss our sins this day as I forgive others. This day the kingdom of heaven. I need to do this by the strength of God that comes into my life. This is the yearly and you can never be defeated, heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away. It is the word of God is alive in us and no matter what happens in our world there is a life inside of us that will live forever because of the word, and no matter what difficulties come that there is the word inside of me to give me hope and direction. The goggle see me throw that God will take care of us that God will provide for us. That's the unit we pay attention to the one that will live forever carrying a light is the gravity has its pull on us. Gravity has its pull on us, but heaven has a hold of us. God is in our hands. We are in God 's hands. He is in our hands. Your are outer you the outer part of us is important. We we rejoice in our strengths. We recognize we have limitations. We believe for the impossible. We focus on God with our promotions and are setbacks, but I'll review it is wasting away and went away left of the hundred and fifty. It still doesn't matter which led to be nine hundred years old this body is still going to waste away in the interview, the air is going to live forever the same spirit, the raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, he will quicken your mortal bodies, the trumpet of God shall solve the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet them in the air that in this kingdom of God. We can pray we can believe and know that God will intervene on our behalf. The interview is capable of glory that we cannot imagine not. We went skiing yesterday and there's this I go on the very aware. I don't. I do all the Louisiana ones I don't do any diamond than double black diamonds. Those are way out of my range yet, but I do the easy once you know this is one place would just like to stop its audit trail need to stop its product is beautiful trees and snow in this kind like in a homer and it's very disabled window matter how Wendy visits coded us peaceful right there, guys like to stop there. Everything were on the trail always go there and always stop and it's just that place that is peaceful and that's beginning to part that finds those places of beauty finds those places of a comfort, this places a piece that even in the midst of difficulty. There's this place that we go to in our inner self that is at peace and is there that we pray it's there that we open our life to God and ask for his strength in his power to flow into us to give us directions for the decisions we make, and this is capable of great glory. First John says beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed. What we shall be, but we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure. We have this hope in us that we're going to see Jesus. I would be just like him eternal beings. That's what we were created for to live and be with God and our life here we are. We are in this life, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is here in the kingdom of God influences us in the kingdom of heaven for the Scriptures and through the Holy Spirit and through God 's love and grace and mercy and peace influences us like the Potter and Clay hand of God mold our lives so that we can be vessels that can be filled with his glory. And so we take the Scriptures we take our needs, and we pray God breakers used that is in me than, than he that is in the world as I'm in this world and the Kingdom of God, and there are problems around me, but the spirit that is in me is greater than that that is out there. The new so today, God, give us this day our daily bread. The daily provisions that I need for my life. I'm in your kingdom. This world is not going to dictate what I have. God, I'm in your kingdom. Give me your riches in here in my mind and what I see one. I expect what those riches touch my life renew my thinking thinker on the things that are lovely. Paul says this. Think other things that are lovely that are pure of a good report, if there be any virtue be any praise, think on these things. Why would Paul say that regardless change your prisoner, and is locked in a prison that he can get really down on yourself and onto God and everything else all the people had forsaken him and left him. He says not to do it. The kingdom of heaven is with me. Think of the things are lovely, had attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to where they direct you allow God 's word to direct your thoughts heavenward. Build your inward man for the inward man is being renewed day by day. The inward man is being renewed day by day. The inward man is renewed day by day in word man is renewed day by day. The outward man deteriorates day by day like I garnered fifty years bloody mess is going to get there, but the word man is renewed day by day, and then some extent, now I'm on, I must quote the outward man is being decayed Allie won't curse gravity, but we will remember the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Everything that comes into our life is sent heavenward in the kingdom of heaven is where heavenward is sanded, Christ all around us and my inner man, day by day. It's renewed day by day. It's renewed and then father, thank you for the daily renewal program. We don't have to eat it. We all have to drink it, we all have to run after it will have to pay for God we don't have to answer advertisements to God. It is presented to us as a gift of our Creator. It is a gift to us a gift of eternal life we receive it. Oh Lord, we receive your forgiveness. We receive your renewal in our lives by your spirit bless this day. Bless us all more as we partake of our communion with you in this, the kingdom of heaven are buddies that amen. And we're going downstairs, brief lunch and in our business meetingThis morning we are looking to work on the interview. The work on the inner you the messages from second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen if the Scripture text. The sound below familiar. We were in second Corinthians chapter four. Last week, but some of the previous verses with the clay in the popular this week were looking at. Second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen and with what you have up there. The message will read the message first and then we'll read the NIV, which is the text am going to speak up today so were not giving up all of our fine I thought I saw. I saw him message up there. I'm sorry I don't need on him a good reminder notes either. I can read my notes at the time of him. Sorry I will raise second Corinthians chapter four verses sixteen to eighteen in the NIV version as it is, therefore, we do not lose heart. Though I were outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what we what is seen, but on what is unseen since one is seen as temporal. What is unseen is eternal. While last week we spoke about the clay pictures Potter and Clay and all that we are like Clay jars that we carry around a treasure that is inside of us and the treasure is the most important treasure is our relationship with Jesus Christ, but also inside of us are gifts in our abilities, Nortel this is the indwelling of God 's presence that helps us open up these treasures in these good things, and that we carry around this all surpassing power that is of the glory of God. And that's in the previous Scriptures so Paul admonishes us not to be preoccupied with the clay pot in the elite. We need to pay attention, you know, you know, you have to dress it up. You know it you see some people that are very disheveled in things is not what he's saying. Don't pay attention to New York to your dresser. Anything by saying we do not need to be preoccupied with this clay pot, but we need to be more preoccupied with the treasure of God that is within us and we remember last week, member verse eight of last week, we are hard pressed on every side, but were not crushed, perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted, but not abandon struck down, but not destroyed. So in verse sixteen of our text he says. Therefore we do not lose heart. The inward man is being renewed day by day. So Paul is facing some real adversities. Here in prison, and he is writing to the church at Corinth. These trying to help them out is trying to get them to adhere to what he is already said to them in his first letter. First Corinthians, and so he has been present for while he knows what it is like this play, pitcher to be experiencing difficulties in well-being, change your present garden in all those other things. We'll talk about that will later but this, and Ansari was able then to focus and to recognize the value of what's on the inside more than what is on the outside, and so he he says don't be discouraged. He says do not lose heart this is hard for us sometimes not to lose heart because we have expectations and what our expectations are not met, we have a challenge with you that we either change our expectations are that something else has to happen and in all those type of things while Paul, I don't think was really looking forward to in his earlier life spending of his last years of his life in prison and being in prison because of his faith, and this was having its toll on him and he's telling the Corinthians. Don't lose heart dollars-] and that there is a distinction between the hours review and the inner you. The outer you lose your body and your reputation. The interview is your character, your spirit, your soul there, your honor, you is what everybody sees what is on the other is the invisible outer can be coworkers pulled and pushed by others. The editor is always free to make choices. The outer you is temporal. That means its doubts it's going to eventually parish and the interview is eternal. The area was changing perishing slowly but surely pages having its effect upon us and we can kick in struggle, but they announced that I happily reply was not about that this morning. Someone was mentioning that around the table. Is this slow for an hour before Sunday school, but we know that the marketplace is full of solutions. Their screams and there's pills and there's fitness there's Botox with it. Pocket candidate present but all the time but I happen so the statistic I hate belly is that if you Robert thirty you lose a thousand brain cells every day. No wonder I can't remember I need to just add diminishing their and in and out. What I truly despise gravity in a lifetime. I had a forty six inch chest. Know what you think it's waste that is gravity. Now I I got the furniture disease might just sent to my drawers and death. So it is one of those things now it is gone. Watch out for furniture stopping gravity, so it out. I am not going to repeat some of those things. But anyhow, the Louisiana ST says all are from Doctor did not. We will return. Isn't that exciting. So as we look at our life. The exciting part is that you will never cease to exist. The exciting part is that your life is eternal. Now the package may change but the airline never change the fact that continues to grow, it continues to develop, and it continues to embrace what God the kingdom of heaven is at hand that this air on this interview embraces that kingdom, the kingdom of God and the kingdom of God is that which works only interview that makes a difference on the outer you. And so, when God is at work. We are becoming, not following, not falling apart. We are becoming what God wants us to be our vessel with an honest, we spoke last week, and with what Paul had written about yesterday. Feel what glory of God with the light of God and that God 's work. NEC 's and he knows the inner you. He loves us beyond what we can ever imagine. We spoken, not Sunday school little bit about the number, we pray. Prayer is making prayer is not begging. Prayer is allowing the kingdom of allowing our communication to be with God, and that we are reciting praying reminding ourselves of God 's promises about what's going on in our life. And it's like I like to the idea that we have a relational experience with Jesus. His kingdom is already here. The kingdom of this world, the revelation that as soon counted, dissolve and disappear Galway but the kingdom of God will never disappear and the inner review their costs will live forever in the kingdom of heaven. And we aren't exactly we are experiencing that kingdom in our hearts and our minds whatever we pray when we read the word whenever we allow God to touch our lives in the present and to influence and how we act awkwardly we live as if were going to live forever. We plan as if Jesus is coming back today, so we land as if we're going to live forever. I'm going you and I regularly hear a thousand years and they'll not here. Here, but here in the spirit and then our new bodies in the new heaven and new earth orbit of a part of that because Jesus said so. Jesus told us, and so as we embrace his kingdom were bracing to strengthen the law amendment and the power of the kingdom will be poured into this earthen vessel. Paul says we carried about. We carry about this precious treasure in Clay pot this precious treasure. We carry around the clay pot, the treasurer of eternal life. Now we're very tempted to look on the outward, but God is the one who looks on the inward and I was will read first Samuel chapter sixteen versus five, six and seven and Samuel was called to go and anoint the new King and so Sandy replied yes and peace. I've come to sacrifice the Lord consecrate yourselves and come to sacrifice comment sacrifice with me. Then he consecrated Jesse and his sons, and invited them to the sacrifice when they arrive. Samuel saw the lab lab and thought surely the Lords appointed stands here before the Lord and what was he looking at. He was looking at the outward man. He looked like a king. Surely this is the guy that's going to be anointed King, but the Lord told Samuel did not consider his appearance or his high I rejected him. The Lord does not look at things people look at people look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. God looks at the interview. He looks at the interview. The part of us that is going to live forever and that part the Gaza work walk on. So we look around us and we see all of the outer parts of us. We'll see the Ehrhardt, the inner part which speaks of our character and lobbed in space of our forgiveness and speaks of God 's blessing in our life and how that we have change from the inside out. If God has made a difference in our lives I made a difference in your life. Think about it. Where would you be where would we be if we hadn't allowed God to influence our thinking, our direction. Our attendance are listening to Scripture, where would we be have gone had never been involved in our life would be lost right, which appeared to be wrong problems would seem to be greater than we could ever handle stealing and cheating and lying because part of our life. Please see it's not part of who we are, were different because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. God is with me. God makes a difference in me. He makes a difference in the way I see things. He makes a difference in the way that I hear things easy. Paul when he was writing this letter to visit to the Corinthians, a second letter is trying to guide the Corinthians interface is trying to get them to understand the principles that he said they had sent to them in the first letter to the Corinthians, charts, otherwise there were no Christians before Paul got there. This is a whole new thing for the know we get all upset, you know, sometimes the church gets all upset with the political things going on in our world and how that you know this thing is going against the church in the things going against the church will, and Paula Lynn started this whole thing. There were Christians. There is no Christian values influencing their society, and they came in and they came on the scene and by the power of God. They change the world where God inheriting the world. We are changing the world. We are not in it if it isn't, is in. I don't think it's so much important that the values of our system. We Mike Christianity. I believe that the values of our system should the values of God system should be reflected that influences on our system that we make a difference in our lives that the church is not something that is life that is something that is powerfully moving in the lives of others through you and I powerfully influencing people, by the way we think and how we deal with people how we forgive how we allow our life to be a light of Christ, and were not doing it because we make up our mind to. We are doing it because there is a light inside of the container that cannot be extinguished. There is a power inside of the container that influences how I think and how I do how I live makes a difference. I don't get because I have to sit down with it. Why have to make a choice between right and wrong. Now there is this power with that work in us. This power of God. This part of the Spirit, because the King of heaven is at hand. I am living in God 's kingdom and God 's kingdom is here now and me and in you and that kingdom has its influence upon everything we do and say. Everywhere we go to has its influence upon our expectations has an influence upon how we pray what we believe what we have needs for the a lot of the criticism of Paul was that he was not very impressive person to look at, but when you consider the wear and tear on Paul's body. He was with sandstones and starved. He was beaten in. I don't know what a day and a night floating in the depot did you floating in the sea locked in a cell is been behind bars for years. The times change, handcuffed to soldiers at times just on guidance and Paul knew what it was for the clay pitcher to be thrown down, but not broken. He knew what it was like to be inward where inwardly carrying dislike this life that is in Christ, that some people became very an envious of and very rebellious to any proclaimed in verse sixteen. The second part of it. Though outwardly we are wasting away wasting away prison food. So I was thinking up wasting away. Outwardly we are wasting away present for developed how in El Salvador there was a young pastor who was falsely accused by a couple of young girls that he was trying to discipline in the school system. Now we have Latin American childcare with and supporting that for twenty some years, thirty seven years. However, it's been in the phase for children to go to school. While there were a couple of children who were needed discipline and of course even in El Salvador. The parents agree to take on the role of the parents in our bill like that here in the last defender children know they were not going to let them be expelled from the school so they brought charges against this pastor that he done something wrong and so he was immediately arrested. Now in and in all and if these charges were true would of been no right thing to do. But when you consider that eighty percent of the murders in El Salvador are never was a all in somebody in that country. There are more love. Forget about that but there are others a lot of murders of people something else, a horrendous place for crime. So this passage was thrown in prison and yell. They kept saying that he was innocent and the children said that while he had done this, and the parents were backing the children and so it was imprisoned and the prices are so overcrowded that there be two or three in a caught and this guy slept on the floor underneath the bottom caught and in El Salvador about every six months. There's a prison riot and maybe thirty fifty people were killed by the in the riots if the way of thinning out the prison population, but wasting away is that they are served prison food, but families are only allowed to visit once a week and they bring in food to the presence and that's how they survive. And Paul is wasting away and yell. This didn't finish the story. After about six months nine months whatever was these children read they came back and told the truth that they as this pastor did nothing to them, and that even they were. He was trying to discipline them, and they were not going to have it and so they brought up these charges and there was nothing written in Dubai. They wanted and dropped and they wanted him out of prison and in the ideas that he was falsely accused and he spent this time living in an virtually for a afraid for his life in this present in which there are very few not enough guards and not enough room and not enough food, and it's a very terrible place to be while Hall says I'm wasting away, and you understand that there are things that happened than the outward man, and there things that happened to the inward man. It is the inward man that gives us strength. So the outward man can carry on. Do not lose hope. He says also were not giving up were not giving up or not giving in, were not witnessed. This is an inner thing that goes on inside of us. This is an inner desire. This is an editor challenge because the kingdom of heaven is at hand. The promises of God are alive in my life because of what God has done in the fall says all of him getting more hopeful, even though he knows he will soon die in prison, he will soon be beheaded our hunger 's life will be over. He knows that is coming to the end that yet he says he is more hopeful than ever before. He says I keep loving people, or even the people who put me in prison for Allstate. I'm dying on the outside but inside I'm coming to life is like this whole understanding of things being change from what he thought was important to what he knows is important. His thoughts ran constantly heavenward that with each situation and with each day his thoughts when heavenward. This is the challenge of our inner man. But no matter what happens in our life. We just take those things. It is shaped and heavenward, that no matter what comes into our life the inner man takes the right to God. Why, because God is with us. We are living in the kingdom of heaven, and God 's will is to be accomplished in class as it is in heaven. And no matter what happens in our world around us. This inner man can never fade away. Never deteriorate will live on forever Billy becomes stronger and stronger and stronger. Paul wrote to the church in Rome who shall separate us from the love of Christ shall tribulation, or distress, persecution or famine or nakedness, or peril, or sword, so he know that firsthand. Nothing is going to separate me from this kingdom of heaven is here and now I am in the kingdom of heaven because I am in Christ. Christ is in the night will be done in me. In earth as it is in heaven forgive loss our sins this day as I forgive others. This day the kingdom of heaven. I need to do this by the strength of God that comes into my life. This is the yearly and you can never be defeated, heaven and earth will pass away, but my word will never pass away. It is the word of God is alive in us and no matter what happens in our world there is a life inside of us that will live forever because of the word, and no matter what difficulties come that there is the word inside of me to give me hope and direction. The goggle see me throw that God will take care of us that God will provide for us. That's the unit we pay attention to the one that will live forever carrying a light is the gravity has its pull on us. Gravity has its pull on us, but heaven has a hold of us. God is in our hands. We are in God 's hands. He is in our hands. Your are outer you the outer part of us is important. We we rejoice in our strengths. We recognize we have limitations. We believe for the impossible. We focus on God with our promotions and are setbacks, but I'll review it is wasting away and went away left of the hundred and fifty. It still doesn't matter which led to be nine hundred years old this body is still going to waste away in the interview, the air is going to live forever the same spirit, the raised Christ from the dead dwell in you, he will quicken your mortal bodies, the trumpet of God shall solve the dead in Christ shall rise, and we which are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet them in the air that in this kingdom of God. We can pray we can believe and know that God will intervene on our behalf. The interview is capable of glory that we cannot imagine not. We went skiing yesterday and there's this I go on the very aware. I don't. I do all the Louisiana ones I don't do any diamond than double black diamonds. Those are way out of my range yet, but I do the easy once you know this is one place would just like to stop its audit trail need to stop its product is beautiful trees and snow in this kind like in a homer and it's very disabled window matter how Wendy visits coded us peaceful right there, guys like to stop there. Everything were on the trail always go there and always stop and it's just that place that is peaceful and that's beginning to part that finds those places of beauty finds those places of a comfort, this places a piece that even in the midst of difficulty. There's this place that we go to in our inner self that is at peace and is there that we pray it's there that we open our life to God and ask for his strength in his power to flow into us to give us directions for the decisions we make, and this is capable of great glory. First John says beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not yet been revealed. What we shall be, but we know that when he is revealed, we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is, and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself, just as he is pure. We have this hope in us that we're going to see Jesus. I would be just like him eternal beings. That's what we were created for to live and be with God and our life here we are. We are in this life, the kingdom of heaven is at hand. It is here in the kingdom of God influences us in the kingdom of heaven for the Scriptures and through the Holy Spirit and through God 's love and grace and mercy and peace influences us like the Potter and Clay hand of God mold our lives so that we can be vessels that can be filled with his glory. And so we take the Scriptures we take our needs, and we pray God breakers used that is in me than, than he that is in the world as I'm in this world and the Kingdom of God, and there are problems around me, but the spirit that is in me is greater than that that is out there. The new so today, God, give us this day our daily bread. The daily provisions that I need for my life. I'm in your kingdom. This world is not going to dictate what I have. God, I'm in your kingdom. Give me your riches in here in my mind and what I see one. I expect what those riches touch my life renew my thinking thinker on the things that are lovely. Paul says this. Think other things that are lovely that are pure of a good report, if there be any virtue be any praise, think on these things. Why would Paul say that regardless change your prisoner, and is locked in a prison that he can get really down on yourself and onto God and everything else all the people had forsaken him and left him. He says not to do it. The kingdom of heaven is with me. Think of the things are lovely, had attention to your thoughts. Pay attention to where they direct you allow God 's word to direct your thoughts heavenward. Build your inward man for the inward man is being renewed day by day. The inward man is being renewed day by day. The inward man is renewed day by day in word man is renewed day by day. The outward man deteriorates day by day like I garnered fifty years bloody mess is going to get there, but the word man is renewed day by day, and then some extent, now I'm on, I must quote the outward man is being decayed Allie won't curse gravity, but we will remember the kingdom of heaven is at hand. Everything that comes into our life is sent heavenward in the kingdom of heaven is where heavenward is sanded, Christ all around us and my inner man, day by day. It's renewed day by day. It's renewed and then father, thank you for the daily renewal program. We don't have to eat it. We all have to drink it, we all have to run after it will have to pay for God we don't have to answer advertisements to God. It is presented to us as a gift of our Creator. It is a gift to us a gift of eternal life we receive it. Oh Lord, we receive your forgiveness. We receive your renewal in our lives by your spirit bless this day. Bless us all more as we partake of our communion with you in this, the kingdom of heaven are buddies that amen. And we're going downstairs, brief lunch and in our business meeting