The Sermon Angels Bring Great News by David McGee
Dec 09, 2012
Angels Bring Great News (35:32)
Referenced Scriptures: Luke 2:8-18
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The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
Luke 2:8-18
8) There were shepherds in the same country staying in the field, and keeping watch by night over their flock.
9) Behold, an angel of the Lord stood by them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified.
10) The angel said to them, "Don‘t be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people.
11) For there is born to you, this day, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
12) This is the sign to you: you will find a baby wrapped in strips of cloth, lying in a feeding trough."
13) Suddenly, there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
14) "Glory to God in the highest, On earth peace, good will toward men."
15) It happened, when the angels went away from them into the sky, that the shepherds said one to another, "Let‘s go to Bethlehem, now, and see this thing that has happened, which the Lord has made known to us."
16) They came with haste, and found both Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the feeding trough.
17) When they saw it, they publicized widely the saying which was spoken to them about this child.
18) All who heard it wondered at the things which were spoken to them by the shepherds.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
This morning messages from Luke chapter two verses eight through fifteen and I'm reading from the message Bible but also be taking it back and forth from the King James sure that were very familiar more familiar with the King James version of what goes on in the Christmas story and what happens in the events around the Christmas story in the narrative of Jesus being born in a manger will today and we have looking after the birth, the right after the birth where the Angels are met this evening were the shepherds are met by angels and the declaration is given to them sober reading from Luke chapter to beginning at verse eight through verse eighteen, there were shepherds camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over there. She suddenly got Angel stood among them, and God 's glory blazed around the they were terrified. The angel said, don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody worldwide a Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior, who is Messiah and master. This is what you are to look for a baby wrapped in blankets and lying in a manger. And once the angel was joined by huge angelic choir singing God 's praises glory to God in the heavenly heights. Peace to all men and women on earth to please him, as the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the shepherds talked it over. Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can see for ourselves what God has revealed to us. They left running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger scene was believing they told everyone they met what the angel had said about this child. All who heard the shepherds were impressed the salads I think of Christmas. Many times is our understanding of what the Christmas story is all about. In ancient times, then a hard time believing that Jesus was divine that a hard time believing that it was more than just the carpenter 's son and the illegitimate or the premarital child of Mary and so they have a hard time believing that Jesus was divine in our day and age we have a hard time believing that Jesus was human. We have them set up business. You you look at the manger, no, we don't have it up here, but if you look at the Christmas cards and so on. Then, halos over mangers, you know, right stars and people all married there all dressed nice and clean. I've never been in a barn. I don't think they cleaned out the buying firm, Mary and Joseph do arrive, so this is a stable and instincts and his animals in there and there's a lot of things in that barn and there are things in there that we would not want to be around. And if you ever go to know you drive down the road. Sometimes, and you have a distinctive odor in which farmers have been spreading their fertilizer from their animals and has a distinctive smell and I grew up on a dairy farm and me had lots of cattle and you know I never met. I never noticed the smell in a I never noticed that just me. It was just no but you know, now I is like my released things just when you're around at all the time. It's it's not that bad. You know what, when you think about it. Here we have a God created the heavens and the earth. Yet the God who created the heavens and the earth you have a God realized the beauty and have a I use space the world into existence, and to be born on a young child, a young virgin woman and she is going to give birth to this God, man, this child, and he is going to be born in a stinky stable and he is going to be late in a feed trough. It just doesn't light up your life doesn't that just doesn't make you say wow gold with excitement, but it doesn't happen that way. And this text that we read today declares his birth and the end declared his birth to a group of Sheppard. It wasn't advocating it wasn't the religious leaders, but it was to a group of shepherds who were watching over their flock at night. They are the night watch for the shape, so surely there are more people, more important people more important individuals that hear the King of King should been announced to and here is this King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the manual out God with us, you know, behold, octane, we sang all the Christmas carols and you know you just turn it back up and go there to a stable and is staying and there's cattle, and there is maybe some fresh straw or hay or some type of grass that is there for the animals to eat and there in this shelter. This cavelike place. This Jesus is born in Matthew 's account, we have the arrival of the Messiah as the Prince from heaven and he is in it. In this announcement comes to the wise men and these guys were Gentiles, and they followed the star and here in this facts. The notice is given to shepherds who were Jewish, and it was the announcement came by Angels. So we see how God shows us as our God shall reveal himself to wisemen who always were looking at spires and shepherds who are just trying to pay attention stay awake for the night and watch over their sheep. These wise men were astrologers. They studied the heavens, and they found the Messiah by looking for an found in the heavens, the star and the shepherds they found the Messiah by listening to the voice of an angel. It's interesting to note that these were ordinary shepherds they were shepherds who were out watching their flocks at night. But there is something else here that is very interesting and I made I mentioned that in the other years, but it always. I think bears remembering the shepherds were probably shepherds watching flocks, but not their flocks. They were shepherds who would watch the sheep who were used in the sacrifices at the Temple. So here are shepherds watching overseas that would eat that eventually went to end up as sacrificial lambs in the Temple and so here they are at night, watching these lands and these are the shepherds of the angel announced the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. Jesus is being born in Bethlehem and how you can find so PR people looking over watching overseas and they were very poor individuals who spent the night under the stars, but it's interesting that they didn't notice what the astrologers noticed they didn't notice the bright star in the heavens they were shepherds. The bright light up there. What that means no point to people and afar in an him country. They were astrologers always studying the heavens, and they saw the star, but shepherds. They never knew what it meant and they were there as individuals who watched over. She and they knew that the sheep they were watching over where where the lands that would be used for sacrifice so Wiseman and shepherds shepherds in the night watch. Watching their flocks, and both of these group these two groups of look at their perspective places in life, and there may find an announcement given to them by God stars, angels that a shepherd, the child would be born, and they would find him in a manger. I think of in our lives. Wheatley, how I think we would say we are ordinary. Generally we look at our life is being ordinary and what would it take to interrupt the ordinary to give lesser divine message. What does it take to interrupt our ordinary lives to inject a divine message to see the shepherds. They were not invented, they were just diligently out watching Darcy. I hope you never been out to watch grass grow under center. I want to grow watching animals is about as interesting as watching grass grow young I remember as a young kid we would sometimes take the cattle back to some of the fields and let them graze and that was always in trouble because they didn't know that there were boundaries and they would discuss the wander off for now but for a while. Once I got is the member that put fences up these the other watch over and it was really boring now. It was really boring. You know, just watching them eat it entertaining and is watching them eat but what's really entertaining as if he came back and there was someone there is one or two missing dad didn't like it. What happened to this one on the two of them. I will not be any the Yahoo! is that now I don't. You better go look for. So the rot stop into the woods and trying to find where that stray with much effort it was like that dude is watching over a group of of shape and and and shape are really dumb animals are a sheep are in him, wondering when a analogy is that they him him a human junior high were a lot like sheep. It really is true, not wages can wander off shape shifting out there that weren't in top shape birds as they can just be eating and wander off and be alone and let the men will wake up enabling over the rat if I do that you wake up and not know where you're at. When I got here on I get here on you were driving and saw that you know is that just wandering off no shine income limits& sheep. They get the rounders. I configured down in a in a ravine in the Creek or something on their walk in circles until they drown to come in on it. Don't know enough to go up or go down stream that is keep walking until they can't walk anymore drive and if you offer sheet lays down on the side of a hill and somehow it's the get up the hill and they can get a belated playback, you will roll them over filling it up, get out the legacy as a kid I never sheared sheep. I was too little for that we have always had. We had lot of different animals. When I was little. When we got was then twelve whatever we sold everything and only had towels and we raise in over hundred hundred twenty five, and the cattle. So then how was she a bread machine. Rabbi was a member. My brothers big brother. She flipped up on its black sedan never move that they felt that New Haven, Sears in my brushwood and that government if there be bleeding. They were in on the Scriptures is as a sheep before it shearers is dumb, doesn't say a thing that one is there sharing their shape and you have a settlement, but they don't love doesn't matter how wild they are doesn't matter what's going on, you grab a seat, put on black start shearing the sincere in the wool off and you get. You can cut it whatever ticket on the sixth somewhat like nevermind you ever noticed that some people like that. They just never move. They just sit there in a non- insurance that doesn't happen after none of all that I mean there is someplace you don't see that. But the but Yoshida likes that it's all here is here are these individuals, the shepherds who are watching over their sheep and these are and everything is so important to recognize that these shepherds are probably the shepherds who are watching the sacrificial lambs, and they are the shepherds who the angel declares that the sacrificial lamb of God Jesus is born the city of David was suddenly gone insane. Among them, suddenly hear the shepherds there just sitting around watching grass grow and) the midst of them suddenly God 's glory was all around them ablaze around in the message model has a ablaze around with others. Assignments are disappearing. Get return lights on. We are mostly did somebody ever command and say these late but I love that you know it just like dumpster right onto your skin long. That's what happened here loses ablaze around and there was this glorious blaze and I did turn the night into day, and there is this angel standing there is awaiting up the next dozen percent, but the shepherds preventing a change of pants that were clarified. The thoughtful application residing in the new. Anything that will clarify they were sore afraid in games that this was not an ordinary night. It would be outdone by the end of fighting time of history and these days, shepherds are the ones who are going in our hearing the message means shoppers, on the one hearing the message don't be afraid. What about the town don't be afraid. Fear has no place in God 's message to our lives. We don't need to be afraid of God. He loves is a plan for us. He is a purpose for efficient if there is fear in our life. It should be fear of missing out on what God wants to do announce at this something that we would missile that we would not do something that God would want us to do much of the art here because we have a desire and a high desire, reaching out Sunday school lesson rating out there was a desire not to desire it out. Let the design of the this year 's catalog and Walmart catalog in the all those things. Those desires. I wanted to what is and what is not that desire the designer. He is a reaching out in our life to touch to achieve the desire in our hardest to reach out in July. God touch our lives. That's the gift of Christmas that God has come to be with us, and God wants to give to Austin was due the style upon us. He wants to awaken the gifting that he has already inside of us, so the fear should not be one of being afraid of God. It should be one of my goodness, what will happen if I live my life without God. What would happen if I would die without knowing God, that's this year we should have, but the fear of God, not fear of finding and loving and being forgiven. That's what we need. So here is no place in our relationship with God and what God. God has planned for us, something that we should desire belongs us. So Christmas is for us, God 's announcement to our lives, not only to the shepherds of God 's announcement that the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is born that Prince of peace, mighty God, everlasting father, the Prince of peace is born in peace is not a gift that we wrap up and put under the tree but Christ is the gift of peace, my peace I give unto you, they declared, I am here to announce upgrades, joyful event that is meant for everybody worldwide message Bible, King James, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. The angel comes in lights up the night there, terrified they'll be afraid blaze of God 's glory don't be afraid I'm here to give you in an announcement. I'm here to bring you joy. I'm here to bring you an announcement of July and peace that is not only to you but to all people. This announcement was met not only for the shoppers, but for us, the declaration echoes through time. It echoes through time that ranges our ears through the Scripture. I'm here. Join now to announce a great joyful event, a Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior, who is Messiah and master. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord, Isaiah, and in the great thing about the hike. I always come back to this because I think it's so important that we realize Jesus Christ coming wasn't just our group of people sitting around and somehow they decided that Jesus was the Messiah. I only came up with that. Even Jesus got a show about the history. There are fifteen hundred years of prophecy of declarations about a promise of the Messiah and Isaiah writes for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder his kingdom there will be no in a virgin shall conceive, I have a child. There are fifteen hundred years of preparation for this child to be born so Jesus. Just doesn't appear on the scene and write up his old new religion. He comes as the fulfillment of the word of God, and we are individuals who hear that message is still rings in our hearts to toss today. Angel said, this is God 's gift to man. Isaiah said unto us a child unto us a son loop unto you shepherds, and mankind a Savior, which is Christ the Lord our Savior, who is Messiah and master, Lord of life, Lord of all Prince of peace, mighty one Messiah deliverer counselor 's child and the angel said, this is what you look for feet when God speaks, he tells us what were going to look for he tells us what to look for it overlooking for a Savior and Messiah someone, someone is going to save us from our sins walk with us through life. God tells us what to look for. We don't dream it up while what would God be looking for or how when I look for godly young people come up with their own ideas go to the Scriptures we find out that what we look forward as one who will save us from our sins reunite us with our God who created us bring us into right relationship with him that we don't have fear of life in fear of death and fear of eternity. We don't have fear of what's going to happen what may happen. There is a sense of understanding that God is in our life and have eternal life, and it's already begun will never leave you nor for thank you I'm a friend of the both of the brother that I love you in spite of all that you are and whatever you've done wrong, never will stand between us because everything that God has for us continues to come. We're the ones that need to remove the barriers the shepherds look for a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger swaddling clothes, strips of riots lying in the feed trough. Look for this book for God who loves you, who will forgive you, who will never leave you, who will make you help make you become with that person inside really wants to be. That's the God who created us. It's not a get into the mold you into shape. Become what I tell you to be. It is a savior who frees us up. It's like the artist who interprets the picture. They knew what they were creating. We look at it and say why you know I think its artists as well. This am. Whenever you start to pay attention to what the artist is doing and how the artist has drawn or painted it. You see that picture inside of each of all God has created us to be that special person and we need to be in touch with God, who will bring that omnibus a Savior is one who saves us. I think from ourselves that we become our own worst enemies. We become our own worst critics. Because wagering on something that based upon information and what we think we are what we think we can do and how we think this could happen and what people libel at The Hague and wonders God love does God desire and how does God touch my life in such a way that brings out when he created me to be your finest savior instead of the rap and strips of rags laying in the feed trough the shepherds were smart enough to know that that metastable shepherds would not hesitate to enter stable, but you know, the shepherds would've never gone to a palace. They weren't welcome. There, but they would go to a stable, the Angels announcing the birth of Christ in a stable blade in a feed trough an angel ablaze with glory of God in the night. It turns the night into day, and speaks of the baby is stable of the drop the Messiah. You see the poorest of the poor can, and Neil before God, the Prince of peace, mighty God, no one is too lowly. No one is too poor. They are all they all can come before God. But you know what the very proud those who are trifle would never enter into a stable, they were never going know nothing to nothing miraculous to be born in a barn, but you say, God didn't come to say people who think they haven't all because they think they know the whole world, and they think they know what life is all about them. There is no God beyond themselves there is a God who comes to Wasson, the simplicity of our faith and the simplicity of who we are is not complicated really want to add all the complications in all God 's set will have to be filed by child in a couple weeks we'll have all the children appear not do their plays, and there do their things and in all and the simplicity of it all. Jackson can talk about the baby with grandson to talk about the baby in the manger wife sleep in the NL. I still remember my, my brother 's boy nephew in every he was little and he went to a birthday party for Jesus and he came home he was unmotivated for five years old. He says that understand he never showed up. We need to take David Heyman, F Diablo scandals out IVF. The simplicity of it all and adamant about a child can understand that there is a God who loves them into your bank and accept it. You want to come with all of the preconceived ideas in the misconception that somehow God is beyond us are that we we make him up to suit some kind of emotional, psychological need is an emptiness inside of us that only the King of kings and Lord of lords can fill that God is a God who loves and cares for us at once. The angel was joined by huge angelic choir singing God 's praises glory to God in the highest peace to all men and women on earth who plays him, King James, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. Glory to God in the highest thought about doing this goodness towards us. His mom is extended to us. The thing that erected a barrier between man and God. God has taken the initiative to dismantle to displace to turn down to tear down and gone will destroy the barrier that the coming of Christ the Messiah, the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. The word became flesh and lot among us. He must become man in order to die. God had become like us, so that he could die. God can die so he had to remove that divinity and become feelings so that he could be like us, and he could know everything that we now experience every temptation at all points like and he was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin. And he found himself in this place of humanity. Because he chose to be here so that we can identify with him and we can to become like him peace, though all men and women on earth on earth peace and goodwill towards men pieces a result of being at peace with God. Peace is a matter of being at peace with God peace with our conscience piece of life peace with our future peace with our past. Everyone has passed but God forgives us. He doesn't hold our sins against us. He removes that's forgiveness when we are forgiven our sins of the past are forgotten by God. We need to let them go. Our future is empowered by God to goal from today for work at the right price and that we have lifetime and now have a forager eternity appeasement are passed. These are present, my peace I give unto you, not of the world you might find it somehow by centering on myself. I find it by centering on God, peace with God. Peace of God peace with others, forgive them let it go, shepherds, what did they do, they went to see if what the angel said was true see in the message Bible says, seeing was believing in our life, we need to see what the message of God. If the message of God is true. No equitable liens, believe the word bring the word into your life. Let the word of God touched your life in the way that God will make your realtor yearly multimillion. I did today, just as it was with the angel speaking on the message out on price to the shepherds and they are there to allow this ordinary day to become an extraordinary day because God speaks to our life, by his word. I think it up and dream about. It's already written for us in the message of the Scripture is always one of hope, one of forgiveness restoration plan purpose that the gift of Christmas is something we open every day is a gift of life in Jesus Christ. This Christmas is another one with this chalk up it in another. Is it going to be an ordinary, what will make it extraordinary would be the presence we give will be the decorations we put up that will make it so different or will it be the love that we have enough hi there, we share with someone else that makes a difference. People remember how you made them feel. Let go, let us remember how God wants to make us feel not separated but connected not remembering our failures, but forgiven and at peace, not trying to accomplish something that we must make happen, but allowing God to speak his truth to our heart that we are going to reach out to become that person. The God created us to be receiving the shepherds where to go see what I don't see if this is true. Imagine they heard the message from the Angels, the glory of God and angels singing, and now they were told to go and find it, and in our lives. It is a matter of just believing you've got to believe and inform. Now this is the message of God. Now go and see all taste and see that the Lord is good. Go and see. Look for back child in a stable and a Manger and see that what I have said to you is true, then we find conformity that we find our life changing don't conform because somebody says conform change because God changes you from the inside out. The message of God 's forgiveness and love restoration, a present that we can open every day, so instead in the Christmas Carol Little town of Bethlehem. Another thing the Lord in a Christmas Carol will this stanza says we heard the Christmas Angels the great glad tidings tell overcome to us, abide with us, our Lord. Amen. Well hope come to us, abide with us, we hear the Christmas Angels there glad tidings tell you hearing what was said two thousand years ago. We're hearing it again through me, but by God 's Spirit. He speaks to our hearts and makes it real father, we thank you that we have an opportunity to hear the message of Christ to hear the message of what the Angels were declaring about our Savior God, we thank you for the Christmas season that we can remember them and give gifts and sell our love and appreciation to our family and friends the Lord. Let us never remap the letter were not forget the purpose of Christmas Christ has come, the gift of God to take away the sin of the world. Let us receive him into a heart. God forgive us of our sin. Live within our heart. Renew a right spirit within us that God, that your love may be something we open every day we pray in Jesus name. Everyone said amen, unless youThis morning messages from Luke chapter two verses eight through fifteen and I'm reading from the message Bible but also be taking it back and forth from the King James sure that were very familiar more familiar with the King James version of what goes on in the Christmas story and what happens in the events around the Christmas story in the narrative of Jesus being born in a manger will today and we have looking after the birth, the right after the birth where the Angels are met this evening were the shepherds are met by angels and the declaration is given to them sober reading from Luke chapter to beginning at verse eight through verse eighteen, there were shepherds camping in the neighborhood. They had set night watches over there. She suddenly got Angel stood among them, and God 's glory blazed around the they were terrified. The angel said, don't be afraid. I'm here to announce a great and joyful event that is meant for everybody worldwide a Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior, who is Messiah and master. This is what you are to look for a baby wrapped in blankets and lying in a manger. And once the angel was joined by huge angelic choir singing God 's praises glory to God in the heavenly heights. Peace to all men and women on earth to please him, as the angel choir withdrew into heaven, the shepherds talked it over. Let's get over to Bethlehem as fast as we can see for ourselves what God has revealed to us. They left running, and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby lying in the manger scene was believing they told everyone they met what the angel had said about this child. All who heard the shepherds were impressed the salads I think of Christmas. Many times is our understanding of what the Christmas story is all about. In ancient times, then a hard time believing that Jesus was divine that a hard time believing that it was more than just the carpenter 's son and the illegitimate or the premarital child of Mary and so they have a hard time believing that Jesus was divine in our day and age we have a hard time believing that Jesus was human. We have them set up business. You you look at the manger, no, we don't have it up here, but if you look at the Christmas cards and so on. Then, halos over mangers, you know, right stars and people all married there all dressed nice and clean. I've never been in a barn. I don't think they cleaned out the buying firm, Mary and Joseph do arrive, so this is a stable and instincts and his animals in there and there's a lot of things in that barn and there are things in there that we would not want to be around. And if you ever go to know you drive down the road. Sometimes, and you have a distinctive odor in which farmers have been spreading their fertilizer from their animals and has a distinctive smell and I grew up on a dairy farm and me had lots of cattle and you know I never met. I never noticed the smell in a I never noticed that just me. It was just no but you know, now I is like my released things just when you're around at all the time. It's it's not that bad. You know what, when you think about it. Here we have a God created the heavens and the earth. Yet the God who created the heavens and the earth you have a God realized the beauty and have a I use space the world into existence, and to be born on a young child, a young virgin woman and she is going to give birth to this God, man, this child, and he is going to be born in a stinky stable and he is going to be late in a feed trough. It just doesn't light up your life doesn't that just doesn't make you say wow gold with excitement, but it doesn't happen that way. And this text that we read today declares his birth and the end declared his birth to a group of Sheppard. It wasn't advocating it wasn't the religious leaders, but it was to a group of shepherds who were watching over their flock at night. They are the night watch for the shape, so surely there are more people, more important people more important individuals that hear the King of King should been announced to and here is this King of Kings, Lord of Lords, the manual out God with us, you know, behold, octane, we sang all the Christmas carols and you know you just turn it back up and go there to a stable and is staying and there's cattle, and there is maybe some fresh straw or hay or some type of grass that is there for the animals to eat and there in this shelter. This cavelike place. This Jesus is born in Matthew 's account, we have the arrival of the Messiah as the Prince from heaven and he is in it. In this announcement comes to the wise men and these guys were Gentiles, and they followed the star and here in this facts. The notice is given to shepherds who were Jewish, and it was the announcement came by Angels. So we see how God shows us as our God shall reveal himself to wisemen who always were looking at spires and shepherds who are just trying to pay attention stay awake for the night and watch over their sheep. These wise men were astrologers. They studied the heavens, and they found the Messiah by looking for an found in the heavens, the star and the shepherds they found the Messiah by listening to the voice of an angel. It's interesting to note that these were ordinary shepherds they were shepherds who were out watching their flocks at night. But there is something else here that is very interesting and I made I mentioned that in the other years, but it always. I think bears remembering the shepherds were probably shepherds watching flocks, but not their flocks. They were shepherds who would watch the sheep who were used in the sacrifices at the Temple. So here are shepherds watching overseas that would eat that eventually went to end up as sacrificial lambs in the Temple and so here they are at night, watching these lands and these are the shepherds of the angel announced the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. Jesus is being born in Bethlehem and how you can find so PR people looking over watching overseas and they were very poor individuals who spent the night under the stars, but it's interesting that they didn't notice what the astrologers noticed they didn't notice the bright star in the heavens they were shepherds. The bright light up there. What that means no point to people and afar in an him country. They were astrologers always studying the heavens, and they saw the star, but shepherds. They never knew what it meant and they were there as individuals who watched over. She and they knew that the sheep they were watching over where where the lands that would be used for sacrifice so Wiseman and shepherds shepherds in the night watch. Watching their flocks, and both of these group these two groups of look at their perspective places in life, and there may find an announcement given to them by God stars, angels that a shepherd, the child would be born, and they would find him in a manger. I think of in our lives. Wheatley, how I think we would say we are ordinary. Generally we look at our life is being ordinary and what would it take to interrupt the ordinary to give lesser divine message. What does it take to interrupt our ordinary lives to inject a divine message to see the shepherds. They were not invented, they were just diligently out watching Darcy. I hope you never been out to watch grass grow under center. I want to grow watching animals is about as interesting as watching grass grow young I remember as a young kid we would sometimes take the cattle back to some of the fields and let them graze and that was always in trouble because they didn't know that there were boundaries and they would discuss the wander off for now but for a while. Once I got is the member that put fences up these the other watch over and it was really boring now. It was really boring. You know, just watching them eat it entertaining and is watching them eat but what's really entertaining as if he came back and there was someone there is one or two missing dad didn't like it. What happened to this one on the two of them. I will not be any the Yahoo! is that now I don't. You better go look for. So the rot stop into the woods and trying to find where that stray with much effort it was like that dude is watching over a group of of shape and and and shape are really dumb animals are a sheep are in him, wondering when a analogy is that they him him a human junior high were a lot like sheep. It really is true, not wages can wander off shape shifting out there that weren't in top shape birds as they can just be eating and wander off and be alone and let the men will wake up enabling over the rat if I do that you wake up and not know where you're at. When I got here on I get here on you were driving and saw that you know is that just wandering off no shine income limits& sheep. They get the rounders. I configured down in a in a ravine in the Creek or something on their walk in circles until they drown to come in on it. Don't know enough to go up or go down stream that is keep walking until they can't walk anymore drive and if you offer sheet lays down on the side of a hill and somehow it's the get up the hill and they can get a belated playback, you will roll them over filling it up, get out the legacy as a kid I never sheared sheep. I was too little for that we have always had. We had lot of different animals. When I was little. When we got was then twelve whatever we sold everything and only had towels and we raise in over hundred hundred twenty five, and the cattle. So then how was she a bread machine. Rabbi was a member. My brothers big brother. She flipped up on its black sedan never move that they felt that New Haven, Sears in my brushwood and that government if there be bleeding. They were in on the Scriptures is as a sheep before it shearers is dumb, doesn't say a thing that one is there sharing their shape and you have a settlement, but they don't love doesn't matter how wild they are doesn't matter what's going on, you grab a seat, put on black start shearing the sincere in the wool off and you get. You can cut it whatever ticket on the sixth somewhat like nevermind you ever noticed that some people like that. They just never move. They just sit there in a non- insurance that doesn't happen after none of all that I mean there is someplace you don't see that. But the but Yoshida likes that it's all here is here are these individuals, the shepherds who are watching over their sheep and these are and everything is so important to recognize that these shepherds are probably the shepherds who are watching the sacrificial lambs, and they are the shepherds who the angel declares that the sacrificial lamb of God Jesus is born the city of David was suddenly gone insane. Among them, suddenly hear the shepherds there just sitting around watching grass grow and) the midst of them suddenly God 's glory was all around them ablaze around in the message model has a ablaze around with others. Assignments are disappearing. Get return lights on. We are mostly did somebody ever command and say these late but I love that you know it just like dumpster right onto your skin long. That's what happened here loses ablaze around and there was this glorious blaze and I did turn the night into day, and there is this angel standing there is awaiting up the next dozen percent, but the shepherds preventing a change of pants that were clarified. The thoughtful application residing in the new. Anything that will clarify they were sore afraid in games that this was not an ordinary night. It would be outdone by the end of fighting time of history and these days, shepherds are the ones who are going in our hearing the message means shoppers, on the one hearing the message don't be afraid. What about the town don't be afraid. Fear has no place in God 's message to our lives. We don't need to be afraid of God. He loves is a plan for us. He is a purpose for efficient if there is fear in our life. It should be fear of missing out on what God wants to do announce at this something that we would missile that we would not do something that God would want us to do much of the art here because we have a desire and a high desire, reaching out Sunday school lesson rating out there was a desire not to desire it out. Let the design of the this year 's catalog and Walmart catalog in the all those things. Those desires. I wanted to what is and what is not that desire the designer. He is a reaching out in our life to touch to achieve the desire in our hardest to reach out in July. God touch our lives. That's the gift of Christmas that God has come to be with us, and God wants to give to Austin was due the style upon us. He wants to awaken the gifting that he has already inside of us, so the fear should not be one of being afraid of God. It should be one of my goodness, what will happen if I live my life without God. What would happen if I would die without knowing God, that's this year we should have, but the fear of God, not fear of finding and loving and being forgiven. That's what we need. So here is no place in our relationship with God and what God. God has planned for us, something that we should desire belongs us. So Christmas is for us, God 's announcement to our lives, not only to the shepherds of God 's announcement that the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world is born that Prince of peace, mighty God, everlasting father, the Prince of peace is born in peace is not a gift that we wrap up and put under the tree but Christ is the gift of peace, my peace I give unto you, they declared, I am here to announce upgrades, joyful event that is meant for everybody worldwide message Bible, King James, I bring you good tidings of great joy which shall be to all people. The angel comes in lights up the night there, terrified they'll be afraid blaze of God 's glory don't be afraid I'm here to give you in an announcement. I'm here to bring you joy. I'm here to bring you an announcement of July and peace that is not only to you but to all people. This announcement was met not only for the shoppers, but for us, the declaration echoes through time. It echoes through time that ranges our ears through the Scripture. I'm here. Join now to announce a great joyful event, a Savior has just been born in David's town, a Savior, who is Messiah and master. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, which is Christ the Lord, Isaiah, and in the great thing about the hike. I always come back to this because I think it's so important that we realize Jesus Christ coming wasn't just our group of people sitting around and somehow they decided that Jesus was the Messiah. I only came up with that. Even Jesus got a show about the history. There are fifteen hundred years of prophecy of declarations about a promise of the Messiah and Isaiah writes for unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulder his kingdom there will be no in a virgin shall conceive, I have a child. There are fifteen hundred years of preparation for this child to be born so Jesus. Just doesn't appear on the scene and write up his old new religion. He comes as the fulfillment of the word of God, and we are individuals who hear that message is still rings in our hearts to toss today. Angel said, this is God 's gift to man. Isaiah said unto us a child unto us a son loop unto you shepherds, and mankind a Savior, which is Christ the Lord our Savior, who is Messiah and master, Lord of life, Lord of all Prince of peace, mighty one Messiah deliverer counselor 's child and the angel said, this is what you look for feet when God speaks, he tells us what were going to look for he tells us what to look for it overlooking for a Savior and Messiah someone, someone is going to save us from our sins walk with us through life. God tells us what to look for. We don't dream it up while what would God be looking for or how when I look for godly young people come up with their own ideas go to the Scriptures we find out that what we look forward as one who will save us from our sins reunite us with our God who created us bring us into right relationship with him that we don't have fear of life in fear of death and fear of eternity. We don't have fear of what's going to happen what may happen. There is a sense of understanding that God is in our life and have eternal life, and it's already begun will never leave you nor for thank you I'm a friend of the both of the brother that I love you in spite of all that you are and whatever you've done wrong, never will stand between us because everything that God has for us continues to come. We're the ones that need to remove the barriers the shepherds look for a baby wrapped in a blanket and lying in a manger swaddling clothes, strips of riots lying in the feed trough. Look for this book for God who loves you, who will forgive you, who will never leave you, who will make you help make you become with that person inside really wants to be. That's the God who created us. It's not a get into the mold you into shape. Become what I tell you to be. It is a savior who frees us up. It's like the artist who interprets the picture. They knew what they were creating. We look at it and say why you know I think its artists as well. This am. Whenever you start to pay attention to what the artist is doing and how the artist has drawn or painted it. You see that picture inside of each of all God has created us to be that special person and we need to be in touch with God, who will bring that omnibus a Savior is one who saves us. I think from ourselves that we become our own worst enemies. We become our own worst critics. Because wagering on something that based upon information and what we think we are what we think we can do and how we think this could happen and what people libel at The Hague and wonders God love does God desire and how does God touch my life in such a way that brings out when he created me to be your finest savior instead of the rap and strips of rags laying in the feed trough the shepherds were smart enough to know that that metastable shepherds would not hesitate to enter stable, but you know, the shepherds would've never gone to a palace. They weren't welcome. There, but they would go to a stable, the Angels announcing the birth of Christ in a stable blade in a feed trough an angel ablaze with glory of God in the night. It turns the night into day, and speaks of the baby is stable of the drop the Messiah. You see the poorest of the poor can, and Neil before God, the Prince of peace, mighty God, no one is too lowly. No one is too poor. They are all they all can come before God. But you know what the very proud those who are trifle would never enter into a stable, they were never going know nothing to nothing miraculous to be born in a barn, but you say, God didn't come to say people who think they haven't all because they think they know the whole world, and they think they know what life is all about them. There is no God beyond themselves there is a God who comes to Wasson, the simplicity of our faith and the simplicity of who we are is not complicated really want to add all the complications in all God 's set will have to be filed by child in a couple weeks we'll have all the children appear not do their plays, and there do their things and in all and the simplicity of it all. Jackson can talk about the baby with grandson to talk about the baby in the manger wife sleep in the NL. I still remember my, my brother 's boy nephew in every he was little and he went to a birthday party for Jesus and he came home he was unmotivated for five years old. He says that understand he never showed up. We need to take David Heyman, F Diablo scandals out IVF. The simplicity of it all and adamant about a child can understand that there is a God who loves them into your bank and accept it. You want to come with all of the preconceived ideas in the misconception that somehow God is beyond us are that we we make him up to suit some kind of emotional, psychological need is an emptiness inside of us that only the King of kings and Lord of lords can fill that God is a God who loves and cares for us at once. The angel was joined by huge angelic choir singing God 's praises glory to God in the highest peace to all men and women on earth who plays him, King James, glory to God in the highest and on earth peace and goodwill toward men. Glory to God in the highest thought about doing this goodness towards us. His mom is extended to us. The thing that erected a barrier between man and God. God has taken the initiative to dismantle to displace to turn down to tear down and gone will destroy the barrier that the coming of Christ the Messiah, the Lamb of God who would take away the sin of the world. The word became flesh and lot among us. He must become man in order to die. God had become like us, so that he could die. God can die so he had to remove that divinity and become feelings so that he could be like us, and he could know everything that we now experience every temptation at all points like and he was tempted in all points like we are, yet without sin. And he found himself in this place of humanity. Because he chose to be here so that we can identify with him and we can to become like him peace, though all men and women on earth on earth peace and goodwill towards men pieces a result of being at peace with God. Peace is a matter of being at peace with God peace with our conscience piece of life peace with our future peace with our past. Everyone has passed but God forgives us. He doesn't hold our sins against us. He removes that's forgiveness when we are forgiven our sins of the past are forgotten by God. We need to let them go. Our future is empowered by God to goal from today for work at the right price and that we have lifetime and now have a forager eternity appeasement are passed. These are present, my peace I give unto you, not of the world you might find it somehow by centering on myself. I find it by centering on God, peace with God. Peace of God peace with others, forgive them let it go, shepherds, what did they do, they went to see if what the angel said was true see in the message Bible says, seeing was believing in our life, we need to see what the message of God. If the message of God is true. No equitable liens, believe the word bring the word into your life. Let the word of God touched your life in the way that God will make your realtor yearly multimillion. I did today, just as it was with the angel speaking on the message out on price to the shepherds and they are there to allow this ordinary day to become an extraordinary day because God speaks to our life, by his word. I think it up and dream about. It's already written for us in the message of the Scripture is always one of hope, one of forgiveness restoration plan purpose that the gift of Christmas is something we open every day is a gift of life in Jesus Christ. This Christmas is another one with this chalk up it in another. Is it going to be an ordinary, what will make it extraordinary would be the presence we give will be the decorations we put up that will make it so different or will it be the love that we have enough hi there, we share with someone else that makes a difference. People remember how you made them feel. Let go, let us remember how God wants to make us feel not separated but connected not remembering our failures, but forgiven and at peace, not trying to accomplish something that we must make happen, but allowing God to speak his truth to our heart that we are going to reach out to become that person. The God created us to be receiving the shepherds where to go see what I don't see if this is true. Imagine they heard the message from the Angels, the glory of God and angels singing, and now they were told to go and find it, and in our lives. It is a matter of just believing you've got to believe and inform. Now this is the message of God. Now go and see all taste and see that the Lord is good. Go and see. Look for back child in a stable and a Manger and see that what I have said to you is true, then we find conformity that we find our life changing don't conform because somebody says conform change because God changes you from the inside out. The message of God 's forgiveness and love restoration, a present that we can open every day, so instead in the Christmas Carol Little town of Bethlehem. Another thing the Lord in a Christmas Carol will this stanza says we heard the Christmas Angels the great glad tidings tell overcome to us, abide with us, our Lord. Amen. Well hope come to us, abide with us, we hear the Christmas Angels there glad tidings tell you hearing what was said two thousand years ago. We're hearing it again through me, but by God 's Spirit. He speaks to our hearts and makes it real father, we thank you that we have an opportunity to hear the message of Christ to hear the message of what the Angels were declaring about our Savior God, we thank you for the Christmas season that we can remember them and give gifts and sell our love and appreciation to our family and friends the Lord. Let us never remap the letter were not forget the purpose of Christmas Christ has come, the gift of God to take away the sin of the world. Let us receive him into a heart. God forgive us of our sin. Live within our heart. Renew a right spirit within us that God, that your love may be something we open every day we pray in Jesus name. Everyone said amen, unless you