The Sermon Incarnation by David McGee
Dec 02, 2012
Incarnation (27:47)
Referenced Scriptures: Luke 1:26-38; John 1:9; 1 Timothy 3:16; 1 Timothy 2:4-6; 1 John 1:1-2; Isaiah 9:6; Isaiah 7:14
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The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
Luke 1:26-38
26) Now in the sixth month, the angel Gabriel was sent from God to a city of Galilee, named Nazareth,
27) to a virgin pledged to be married to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David. The virgin‘s name was Mary.
28) Having come in to her, the angel said, "Rejoice, you highly favored one! The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among women!"
29) But when she saw him, she was greatly troubled at the saying, and considered what kind of salutation this might be.
30) The angel said to her, "Don‘t be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God.
31) Behold, you will conceive in your womb, and bring forth a son, and will call his name JESUS.
32) He will be great, and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give to him the throne of his father, David,
33) and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever. There will be no end of his kingdom."
34) Mary said to the angel, "How will this be, seeing I am a virgin?"
35) The angel answered her, "The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy one which is born from you will be called the Son of God.
36) Behold, Elizabeth, your relative, also has conceived a son in her old age; and this is the sixth month with her who was called barren.
37) For no word from God will be void of power."
38) Mary said, "Behold, the handmaid of the Lord; be it to me according to your word." The angel departed from her.
John 1:9
9) The true light that enlightens everyone was coming into the world.
1 Timothy 3:16
16) Without controversy, the mystery of godliness is great: God was revealed in the flesh, Justified in the spirit, Seen by angels, Preached among the nations, Believed on in the world, And received up in glory.
1 Timothy 2:4-6
4) who desires to have all men to be saved, and come to full knowledge of the truth.
5) For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,
6) who gave himself as a ransom for all; the testimony in its own times;
1 John 1:1-2
1) That which was from the beginning, that which we have heard, that which we have seen with our eyes, that which we saw, and our hands touched, concerning the Word of life
2) (and the life was revealed, and we have seen, and testify, and declare to you the life, the eternal life, which was with the Father, and was revealed to us);
Isaiah 9:6
6) For to us a child is born, to us a son is given; and the government shall be on his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
Isaiah 7:14
14) Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
This morning we're looking at the incarnation of Jesus Christ and were looking at the book of Luke chapter one verse twenty six to thirty eight and were reading from the message Bible and then a little later I'll be reading it again from the King James. It sounds little more traditional if we reason from the King James and benefits into our understanding of Christmas story and solo chapter one beginning in verse twenty six. In the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Galilee for to the Galilean village of Nazareth to the virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David 's name was Joseph, and the virgin 's name Mary upon entering general greeted her regarding your beautiful with God 's beauty. Beautiful inside and out God be with you. She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind in reading like that but the Angel assured her. Mary, you have nothing to fear God has a surprise for you. I never heard it put that way got has a surprise for you, you'll become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus. He will be great because the son of the highest, the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will rule Jacob 's house forever know and ever to his kingdom. Mary said to the angel, but how I've never slept with a man near Angel answered the Holy Spirit will come upon you the power of the highest hover over you. Therefore, the child you bring to birth be called holy son of God, and did you know that you can see the sign holder. She is everyone called her bearing, and here she is six months pregnant. Nothing you see is possible with God. Then Mary said yes I see it all now. I'm the Lords may ready to serve, let it be with me, just as you say, then the angel left her as we think out the birth of Christ, the incarnation of Christ. This is the focal point of the Christmas story. I believe it is the it is the it is a conception of Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not divine, in his origin, then everything that he represents Falls short because it is this incarnation, which means as the assailing by God of human nature, God becomes man is selling of God by human nature and the person of Jesus Christ. The incarnation is the fixed and permanent physical dwelling of God in this world, as opposed to a temporary manifestation of a divine purpose. So we have God becoming man, and if God does not become man, then the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is not divine. She is a big God is going to die for the sins of humanity. God has to become man, and there are a number of, even in the unit agent times there were challenges to this doctrine, or to the spot. Some people felt that the divine Jesus came upon him. The God came upon Jesus at baptism and that the left before the cross, because God can't die me there was, though those types of theologies and types of heresies that were going on, but we had in Adam all die in Christ all are made alive. So if Jesus is not divine and God didn't die for sin and the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, so the wages of sin the change we just have to be a sacrifice so because God was going to be the sacrifice for sin, he didn't have to change the way he paid the price. I remember the story of the above, the judge, and this is just a story where the judge 's best friend came before him before the judge 's bench and the friend that he had had committed a crime and that he was had a sentence of a financial sentence and also in incarceration and the Johnson in the in the friend, and everybody thought while the judge is the led them off easy yards. His friend, and so on and when the when the case was over. The judge sentenced him to the highest penalty of the law, the maximum amounts of money and the maximum amount of time and this was a great shock to to everyone who heard the judge make this declaration, and then the judge says I will pay that price for you. I will serve your sentence and I will pay the price. So he didn't change you know the guy was guilty and he didn't change what the judgment was because he was his friend. He became him, is aware that the full sentence of what the crime narrative and so in our life and in the life of humanity. The wages of sin is death, there is no other wage, the reservoir. The penalty for sin. Sin is separation from God, God said. I will pay the price for your sin and the full price of sin is death, I will die in your place I will die for you. So that's why when we read this on the incarnation. We read about God becoming man, why is so very important to our faith why so very important to who we are as an individual that everything that is in the Scriptures, and everything that is written about Jesus Christ and about what Christ has done is based upon God becoming man, and because of that, we find that Christ is with us and he is our hope. And he is our strength, and he has our Redeemer and eight. He has these things because he is God becoming man, he gave up all of his divine privileges gave up all of those things and set them aside so that he would become fully human, fully human, fully God, and that he would die for our sins so this is the most critical point. I believe in the life of Christ, and in an and is the understanding of the incarnation, the understanding of the conception of Jesus Christ and everything builds from this foundation. If Christ is not divine, then God did not die if Christ is not human, then he cannot understand what it is like to be like me. So that is why as divinity God paying the price. As humanity. He is like me and understand what it is like to be human in all points tempted as I ought all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. So here we have that package that incarnation of God becoming man and being with us, a member of Pastor number of years ago we were talking in our local clergyman. The past is long gone from our area. I remember him saying in the clergy meeting were sitting around talking to really doesn't matter that Jesus was divine or not the just the idea that became an enormous lunchroom. It matters completely whether Jesus is divine, because he is not fine. Then God doesn't die for our sins. If he is not human, then he doesn't understand what is like to be me to be like us. So here is giving up his divinity to become like us so that we can become like him. We cannot live the Christian life without Christ. We need Christ. We need his strength we need his power to live the Christian life if being a Christian wire be me making an effort to live a better life. We'll let me make a New Year's resolution. Those are coming up to your mind down to you before, be sure and keep in this year. I know last year, you couldn't. But this year, you will write it out right now to try to get all you needed to make up your mind. It will be all right. So as we look at this, we find how the client is at work in our lives to help us live this Christian life as we look to the scriptures, and I gave you a number of Scriptures are probably going to skip through them. The first one is John. One nine, the true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. We have listed in the New Testament we have a number of things written about Christ is the light of the world and the next one is first Timothy three sixteen, beyond all question the mystery from which true God, and the Springs is great. He appeared in the body was vindicated by the spirit was seen by angels, was placed among the nations, was believed on in the world was taken up in glory. We see how Paul is affirming the divinity and yet the humanity of Christ. This is a new doctrine. This is the doctrine that originated at the birth of Christ. This is the doctrine that originated in the early church is the foundational principle of our faith. God becomes man to live to die to rise again, and Paul affirms his humanity and all that the incarnation is the basis of our being right with God is God who takes away the sin of the world. It is Christ who forgives me of my sin for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. It is God 's love for us, that brings about our forgiveness that brings about our relationship with Christ was vindicated by the spirit 's resurrection shows us the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in him. It was abiding in him is to say if the same spirit that is in Christ lives in you, he shall quicken your mortal bodies. It is the same spirit, the race price and that is the same spirit that resides within us. If that resurrection spirit so proclaim throughout the Scriptures is his declaration that God became flesh and dwelt among us, in the early church false prophets were picked out by their by their declaration or their acknowledgment of Jesus Christ is the son of God. Some of them believe that believe that he was a son of God. I want to skip down to Isaiah, chapter nine verse six, Isaiah nine six, says for to us a child is born to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, Prince of peace in the time of great darkness in the history of Israel. Isaiah is his prophet who saw God in action. I love Isaiah five are the Isaiah six, in the year the king 's iodine, I saw the Lord in his glory filled the Temple and in Isaiah has his wonderful vision of God, and how the God is calling him to proclaim the message, but later on Isaiah nine, the prophet talks about how it is coming to Israel and the whole bit is coming to Israel is that there is going to be given to what the child the time of great darkness, God promises that God will send a great light. We'd already read in the New Testament that Christ is the great light. Isaiah prophesied this great light, and the message of hope that was to be found in Jesus Christ and he wasn't going to be an ordinary child is going to be a child that is given the advantage, the government will be on his shoulders. He will be called wonderful Counselor, mighty God, God with us, you manual out God with us, and then he goes on and I say, and I go back to Isaiah seven fourteen therefore the Lord himself will give us a sign guys, and give a sign is going to give to the nation of Israel assign and what is the sign, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, God with us. The virgin will conceive of what we read of in the Scriptures, as we read the text again in Luke chapter one verse twenty six and beginning at verse twenty. In verse twenty six and in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God at the city of Galilee, named Nazareth Marxist meaning of Elizabeth's pregnancy and what is he saying verse twenty seven to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, so hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah the prophet speaks about a virgin conceiving God becoming man, we shall call his name in many well, God with us. So it is in this setting on scriptural and in the setting of prophecies in the setting of how that God has promised you a Abraham onward down through to the birth of Christ, the Messiah would come and how many would come to come through a virgin and that holding. See that holy thing in your womb will be from God. This isn't just a stormy guys made up around the campfires. This is a prosthetic utterance of thousands of years of prophecy of thousands of years of history of the tabernacle of the Old Testament and the sacrifices where the Lamb of God was sacrificed in the Old Testament, a landless sacrifice for the sins of the people we have. Jesus Christ Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world God becoming man, so that we might become like him, for the virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, the betrothal in the old and the time of Christ. The betrothal was that like for us to be like an engagement, but it was a marriage before marriage that it was a year before the marriage ceremony, a woman and a man would be betrothed, meaning that they were married, but yet they could. They didn't live together, so there was no sexual relationships, but they were betrothed. There was a marriage before the marriage, so a year from now you will be husband-and-wife but the narration betrothal starts now and so Mary was in this year of betrothal to Joseph and where it is, and who are they from. They are the house of David, because of the prophecy that was given to Damon. Verse twenty eight and the angel came to her and said how thou that art highly favored, here is a woman who is God honored here is a woman among all humankind who is different to his privileged she is she is human. She is a human person like you and I human being, and that which is conceived in her is divine. So he is divine and human, and our highly favored the Lord is with the blessed art thou among women above all women marrying is the styles are held in high esteem. She is a very, very godly woman, and when she saw him she was trouble. Lisa saw that in the message Bible. It spoke about how that she was thoroughly shaken. She was like, well, what's this all about the Angels showing up. This was not a common thing that happened with Mary video Angel showed up in her and her and her house and talk to her notices. This was something completely out of the ordinary power, highly favored policies. She was signed. She was troubled at his saying, and cast your mind what manner of salutation this should be sure wondering what what was behind the breeding like this coming here is this angel showing up third thing you are highly favored and she couldn't figure out what this was all about. And the angel said to her, you're not, fear not, why is that God tell us to be afraid as were scared to death. So Mary's frightened the FWS found favor. It's interesting how that God God 's love to our life shows up in different ways. Sometimes it comes to us whenever we are in doubt or interfere wondering what's next. Love it. We have the angel coming in making this declaration, but the declaration that the Angels stating fence everything that has been prophesied in the Old Testament about her about this Messiah verse thirty one and behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth assignee shall call his name Jesus should call his name Jesus, Mary, you have nothing to fear God as a surprise for you. I like that of the message Bible, you will become pregnant again breakfast on a call is named Jesus wanting to be like he will be great, they shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give him the throne of his father David. So this is no ordinary child. This is someone who is going to be the fulfillment of everything and everything that the nation of Israel is hope for is all coming at this very point in time into your life. The incarnation God becoming man is so very focal to everything that is going to transpire in the life of Christ, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and obvious kingdom there shall be one. What is it no end. He is eternal. See, it is impossible for God to die. Why is eternal being. The only way God can die is for him to become human. He has to become like us because we are the ones who will die regularly. We are capable dying only because of our sin enough to go back to the garden. We were not created to die. We were created to live forever. We were created to live forever with God and walk with God, and being his children, and L and walk on the earth, and be with God. But we, mankind, said MSN came spiritual death and came physical death in Jesus Christ came spiritual life for pro-life. That's why so important that Jesus rose from the dead, and that's why it's so important that Jesus said his conception be defined then said Mary Anthony Angel house on this being thing I know not a man. Mary understands how these things happen young children are not born in our eye thirty four, married to study how can I've never slept with a man on the farm, she as emergent one who has never had sexual relations and how can this be how to have a child and the angel answered and said the Holy Ghost circle upon the in the power of the highest shall overshadow thee I I liken this cover over you if you go back to creation and hardware speaks about how the spirit hovered over brooded over your and brought it into existence that not that it is this creativity of God in the womb of Mary, the creativity of God over the earth. The creativity of God in our own lives that God is in us, and that the creativeness of God that I believe that we should be the most creative people on planet the critic Christian should be the most creative, playful on the world because the Holy Spirit that abides within us is the same spirit that was bearing creation and end creates and ignites that spark of creativity in our lives, he shall overshadow the therefore also the holy thing which it shall be born of you shall be called the son of God, the incarnation the son of God. The child you bring forth will be called home and you shall be called the son of God in their first thirty six this is this. This is like one of throw in, here's Mary having this experience and your grandma. Those experiences which eat you, you got it really was a good experience. After it's over yell hi, that was really that was really something I want if I was really true. Well here is now. She has this experience with the Angel Gabriel coming to her that she has this nugget of truth that is going to hold her to let her know that everything she has had experience from Gabriel is true because her cousins Elizabeth and her all day and age, and six months with child, and she was there. They didn't have twitter and Facebook. There was no public newsletter. Hey did you hear there was a great distance, not a phenomenon in our time. Greatness, but their time. The great distance between them and she now knows that her husband is having a child and how could she know this install. She travels their little later in the story. She travels there to Elizabeth and gives the salutation and you know, Mary, Elizabeth is having a child and it is exactly at the angel said about with Elizabeth because back to Marion and affirms the her is exactly as the angel is sent on to me, this is what's going to happen and Mary said, and this is bringing them into our life. Mary said, behold the handmaid of the Lord Mary and in the message Bible says. I see it all now all fit into place, be it unto me according to thy word. The word of God to create the force of God. And when we read the Scriptures and the word gives us hope that I will never leave you nor forsake you that God has a plan and a purpose of our life to God as a way of turning things around to the good no matter what happens, God 's work, working things of the good, all things work together for good to those who love God, the called according to his purpose. God has a way of turning things around the word of God 's creative power of God speaking in our life in the spirit of God hovers over on us and creates and brings to life the word of God in us, and it brings the life that divine person, the divine presence of God inside of us that tells us that God is in charge, God will work everything together for good. Did you know it was a year to the day that I had my surgery last year that I was in the hospital again, the very day it was like wow one year to the day I was back in the hospital. I like him thinking while you know God. I'm sure you got a plan that I don't like it, but if what God has a way of your id. what's that the that the all of the stuff behind. I don't know. But God has a way of working everything together for good. And God is a way of working in our life in this Christmas season. Remember, God is with us because of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, God becoming man and being born of the Virgin and the basis of our faith isn't in the presence that we get under the tree. The basis of our faith is in the person of Jesus Christ the divine son of God becoming like us so that we could become like him, that he would become the sacrifice for our sin that nothing would ever separate us from the presence of God. That's the purpose. Some of the purpose of the incarnation of God become man, so that we could become like him so we could become like him, and then so is that Jesus, we thank you that you have saved us from our sin, you become the sacrifice you become the focus of our confession our sin is not the problem. Lord you have removed from our lives and our confession God. We are not worthy to receive. They get large. You love us just simply because of who we are. You accept us because of who we are the Lord you work in our life, because of who we are showing you love us. May this Christmas season alloy that we are entering may be one in which we never forget the incarnation God becomes man so that we might become your child less also. God bless this season as we focus on Christ and not on the Christmas. We pray in Jesus name and everyone said amen, unless youThis morning we're looking at the incarnation of Jesus Christ and were looking at the book of Luke chapter one verse twenty six to thirty eight and were reading from the message Bible and then a little later I'll be reading it again from the King James. It sounds little more traditional if we reason from the King James and benefits into our understanding of Christmas story and solo chapter one beginning in verse twenty six. In the six months of Elizabeth's pregnancy, God sent the angel Gabriel to Galilee for to the Galilean village of Nazareth to the virgin engaged to be married to a man descended from David 's name was Joseph, and the virgin 's name Mary upon entering general greeted her regarding your beautiful with God 's beauty. Beautiful inside and out God be with you. She was thoroughly shaken, wondering what was behind in reading like that but the Angel assured her. Mary, you have nothing to fear God has a surprise for you. I never heard it put that way got has a surprise for you, you'll become pregnant and give birth to a son and call his name Jesus. He will be great because the son of the highest, the Lord God will give him the throne of his father David. He will rule Jacob 's house forever know and ever to his kingdom. Mary said to the angel, but how I've never slept with a man near Angel answered the Holy Spirit will come upon you the power of the highest hover over you. Therefore, the child you bring to birth be called holy son of God, and did you know that you can see the sign holder. She is everyone called her bearing, and here she is six months pregnant. Nothing you see is possible with God. Then Mary said yes I see it all now. I'm the Lords may ready to serve, let it be with me, just as you say, then the angel left her as we think out the birth of Christ, the incarnation of Christ. This is the focal point of the Christmas story. I believe it is the it is the it is a conception of Jesus Christ. If Jesus is not divine, in his origin, then everything that he represents Falls short because it is this incarnation, which means as the assailing by God of human nature, God becomes man is selling of God by human nature and the person of Jesus Christ. The incarnation is the fixed and permanent physical dwelling of God in this world, as opposed to a temporary manifestation of a divine purpose. So we have God becoming man, and if God does not become man, then the sacrifice of Jesus Christ is not divine. She is a big God is going to die for the sins of humanity. God has to become man, and there are a number of, even in the unit agent times there were challenges to this doctrine, or to the spot. Some people felt that the divine Jesus came upon him. The God came upon Jesus at baptism and that the left before the cross, because God can't die me there was, though those types of theologies and types of heresies that were going on, but we had in Adam all die in Christ all are made alive. So if Jesus is not divine and God didn't die for sin and the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life, so the wages of sin the change we just have to be a sacrifice so because God was going to be the sacrifice for sin, he didn't have to change the way he paid the price. I remember the story of the above, the judge, and this is just a story where the judge 's best friend came before him before the judge 's bench and the friend that he had had committed a crime and that he was had a sentence of a financial sentence and also in incarceration and the Johnson in the in the friend, and everybody thought while the judge is the led them off easy yards. His friend, and so on and when the when the case was over. The judge sentenced him to the highest penalty of the law, the maximum amounts of money and the maximum amount of time and this was a great shock to to everyone who heard the judge make this declaration, and then the judge says I will pay that price for you. I will serve your sentence and I will pay the price. So he didn't change you know the guy was guilty and he didn't change what the judgment was because he was his friend. He became him, is aware that the full sentence of what the crime narrative and so in our life and in the life of humanity. The wages of sin is death, there is no other wage, the reservoir. The penalty for sin. Sin is separation from God, God said. I will pay the price for your sin and the full price of sin is death, I will die in your place I will die for you. So that's why when we read this on the incarnation. We read about God becoming man, why is so very important to our faith why so very important to who we are as an individual that everything that is in the Scriptures, and everything that is written about Jesus Christ and about what Christ has done is based upon God becoming man, and because of that, we find that Christ is with us and he is our hope. And he is our strength, and he has our Redeemer and eight. He has these things because he is God becoming man, he gave up all of his divine privileges gave up all of those things and set them aside so that he would become fully human, fully human, fully God, and that he would die for our sins so this is the most critical point. I believe in the life of Christ, and in an and is the understanding of the incarnation, the understanding of the conception of Jesus Christ and everything builds from this foundation. If Christ is not divine, then God did not die if Christ is not human, then he cannot understand what it is like to be like me. So that is why as divinity God paying the price. As humanity. He is like me and understand what it is like to be human in all points tempted as I ought all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. So here we have that package that incarnation of God becoming man and being with us, a member of Pastor number of years ago we were talking in our local clergyman. The past is long gone from our area. I remember him saying in the clergy meeting were sitting around talking to really doesn't matter that Jesus was divine or not the just the idea that became an enormous lunchroom. It matters completely whether Jesus is divine, because he is not fine. Then God doesn't die for our sins. If he is not human, then he doesn't understand what is like to be me to be like us. So here is giving up his divinity to become like us so that we can become like him. We cannot live the Christian life without Christ. We need Christ. We need his strength we need his power to live the Christian life if being a Christian wire be me making an effort to live a better life. We'll let me make a New Year's resolution. Those are coming up to your mind down to you before, be sure and keep in this year. I know last year, you couldn't. But this year, you will write it out right now to try to get all you needed to make up your mind. It will be all right. So as we look at this, we find how the client is at work in our lives to help us live this Christian life as we look to the scriptures, and I gave you a number of Scriptures are probably going to skip through them. The first one is John. One nine, the true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. We have listed in the New Testament we have a number of things written about Christ is the light of the world and the next one is first Timothy three sixteen, beyond all question the mystery from which true God, and the Springs is great. He appeared in the body was vindicated by the spirit was seen by angels, was placed among the nations, was believed on in the world was taken up in glory. We see how Paul is affirming the divinity and yet the humanity of Christ. This is a new doctrine. This is the doctrine that originated at the birth of Christ. This is the doctrine that originated in the early church is the foundational principle of our faith. God becomes man to live to die to rise again, and Paul affirms his humanity and all that the incarnation is the basis of our being right with God is God who takes away the sin of the world. It is Christ who forgives me of my sin for God so loved the world he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life. It is God 's love for us, that brings about our forgiveness that brings about our relationship with Christ was vindicated by the spirit 's resurrection shows us the power of the Holy Spirit abiding in him. It was abiding in him is to say if the same spirit that is in Christ lives in you, he shall quicken your mortal bodies. It is the same spirit, the race price and that is the same spirit that resides within us. If that resurrection spirit so proclaim throughout the Scriptures is his declaration that God became flesh and dwelt among us, in the early church false prophets were picked out by their by their declaration or their acknowledgment of Jesus Christ is the son of God. Some of them believe that believe that he was a son of God. I want to skip down to Isaiah, chapter nine verse six, Isaiah nine six, says for to us a child is born to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called wonderful Counselor, mighty God, everlasting father, Prince of peace in the time of great darkness in the history of Israel. Isaiah is his prophet who saw God in action. I love Isaiah five are the Isaiah six, in the year the king 's iodine, I saw the Lord in his glory filled the Temple and in Isaiah has his wonderful vision of God, and how the God is calling him to proclaim the message, but later on Isaiah nine, the prophet talks about how it is coming to Israel and the whole bit is coming to Israel is that there is going to be given to what the child the time of great darkness, God promises that God will send a great light. We'd already read in the New Testament that Christ is the great light. Isaiah prophesied this great light, and the message of hope that was to be found in Jesus Christ and he wasn't going to be an ordinary child is going to be a child that is given the advantage, the government will be on his shoulders. He will be called wonderful Counselor, mighty God, God with us, you manual out God with us, and then he goes on and I say, and I go back to Isaiah seven fourteen therefore the Lord himself will give us a sign guys, and give a sign is going to give to the nation of Israel assign and what is the sign, the virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel, God with us. The virgin will conceive of what we read of in the Scriptures, as we read the text again in Luke chapter one verse twenty six and beginning at verse twenty. In verse twenty six and in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God at the city of Galilee, named Nazareth Marxist meaning of Elizabeth's pregnancy and what is he saying verse twenty seven to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, so hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, Isaiah the prophet speaks about a virgin conceiving God becoming man, we shall call his name in many well, God with us. So it is in this setting on scriptural and in the setting of prophecies in the setting of how that God has promised you a Abraham onward down through to the birth of Christ, the Messiah would come and how many would come to come through a virgin and that holding. See that holy thing in your womb will be from God. This isn't just a stormy guys made up around the campfires. This is a prosthetic utterance of thousands of years of prophecy of thousands of years of history of the tabernacle of the Old Testament and the sacrifices where the Lamb of God was sacrificed in the Old Testament, a landless sacrifice for the sins of the people we have. Jesus Christ Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world God becoming man, so that we might become like him, for the virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, the betrothal in the old and the time of Christ. The betrothal was that like for us to be like an engagement, but it was a marriage before marriage that it was a year before the marriage ceremony, a woman and a man would be betrothed, meaning that they were married, but yet they could. They didn't live together, so there was no sexual relationships, but they were betrothed. There was a marriage before the marriage, so a year from now you will be husband-and-wife but the narration betrothal starts now and so Mary was in this year of betrothal to Joseph and where it is, and who are they from. They are the house of David, because of the prophecy that was given to Damon. Verse twenty eight and the angel came to her and said how thou that art highly favored, here is a woman who is God honored here is a woman among all humankind who is different to his privileged she is she is human. She is a human person like you and I human being, and that which is conceived in her is divine. So he is divine and human, and our highly favored the Lord is with the blessed art thou among women above all women marrying is the styles are held in high esteem. She is a very, very godly woman, and when she saw him she was trouble. Lisa saw that in the message Bible. It spoke about how that she was thoroughly shaken. She was like, well, what's this all about the Angels showing up. This was not a common thing that happened with Mary video Angel showed up in her and her and her house and talk to her notices. This was something completely out of the ordinary power, highly favored policies. She was signed. She was troubled at his saying, and cast your mind what manner of salutation this should be sure wondering what what was behind the breeding like this coming here is this angel showing up third thing you are highly favored and she couldn't figure out what this was all about. And the angel said to her, you're not, fear not, why is that God tell us to be afraid as were scared to death. So Mary's frightened the FWS found favor. It's interesting how that God God 's love to our life shows up in different ways. Sometimes it comes to us whenever we are in doubt or interfere wondering what's next. Love it. We have the angel coming in making this declaration, but the declaration that the Angels stating fence everything that has been prophesied in the Old Testament about her about this Messiah verse thirty one and behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb and bring forth assignee shall call his name Jesus should call his name Jesus, Mary, you have nothing to fear God as a surprise for you. I like that of the message Bible, you will become pregnant again breakfast on a call is named Jesus wanting to be like he will be great, they shall be called the son of the highest and the Lord God shall give him the throne of his father David. So this is no ordinary child. This is someone who is going to be the fulfillment of everything and everything that the nation of Israel is hope for is all coming at this very point in time into your life. The incarnation God becoming man is so very focal to everything that is going to transpire in the life of Christ, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and obvious kingdom there shall be one. What is it no end. He is eternal. See, it is impossible for God to die. Why is eternal being. The only way God can die is for him to become human. He has to become like us because we are the ones who will die regularly. We are capable dying only because of our sin enough to go back to the garden. We were not created to die. We were created to live forever. We were created to live forever with God and walk with God, and being his children, and L and walk on the earth, and be with God. But we, mankind, said MSN came spiritual death and came physical death in Jesus Christ came spiritual life for pro-life. That's why so important that Jesus rose from the dead, and that's why it's so important that Jesus said his conception be defined then said Mary Anthony Angel house on this being thing I know not a man. Mary understands how these things happen young children are not born in our eye thirty four, married to study how can I've never slept with a man on the farm, she as emergent one who has never had sexual relations and how can this be how to have a child and the angel answered and said the Holy Ghost circle upon the in the power of the highest shall overshadow thee I I liken this cover over you if you go back to creation and hardware speaks about how the spirit hovered over brooded over your and brought it into existence that not that it is this creativity of God in the womb of Mary, the creativity of God over the earth. The creativity of God in our own lives that God is in us, and that the creativeness of God that I believe that we should be the most creative people on planet the critic Christian should be the most creative, playful on the world because the Holy Spirit that abides within us is the same spirit that was bearing creation and end creates and ignites that spark of creativity in our lives, he shall overshadow the therefore also the holy thing which it shall be born of you shall be called the son of God, the incarnation the son of God. The child you bring forth will be called home and you shall be called the son of God in their first thirty six this is this. This is like one of throw in, here's Mary having this experience and your grandma. Those experiences which eat you, you got it really was a good experience. After it's over yell hi, that was really that was really something I want if I was really true. Well here is now. She has this experience with the Angel Gabriel coming to her that she has this nugget of truth that is going to hold her to let her know that everything she has had experience from Gabriel is true because her cousins Elizabeth and her all day and age, and six months with child, and she was there. They didn't have twitter and Facebook. There was no public newsletter. Hey did you hear there was a great distance, not a phenomenon in our time. Greatness, but their time. The great distance between them and she now knows that her husband is having a child and how could she know this install. She travels their little later in the story. She travels there to Elizabeth and gives the salutation and you know, Mary, Elizabeth is having a child and it is exactly at the angel said about with Elizabeth because back to Marion and affirms the her is exactly as the angel is sent on to me, this is what's going to happen and Mary said, and this is bringing them into our life. Mary said, behold the handmaid of the Lord Mary and in the message Bible says. I see it all now all fit into place, be it unto me according to thy word. The word of God to create the force of God. And when we read the Scriptures and the word gives us hope that I will never leave you nor forsake you that God has a plan and a purpose of our life to God as a way of turning things around to the good no matter what happens, God 's work, working things of the good, all things work together for good to those who love God, the called according to his purpose. God has a way of turning things around the word of God 's creative power of God speaking in our life in the spirit of God hovers over on us and creates and brings to life the word of God in us, and it brings the life that divine person, the divine presence of God inside of us that tells us that God is in charge, God will work everything together for good. Did you know it was a year to the day that I had my surgery last year that I was in the hospital again, the very day it was like wow one year to the day I was back in the hospital. I like him thinking while you know God. I'm sure you got a plan that I don't like it, but if what God has a way of your id. what's that the that the all of the stuff behind. I don't know. But God has a way of working everything together for good. And God is a way of working in our life in this Christmas season. Remember, God is with us because of the incarnation of Jesus Christ, God becoming man and being born of the Virgin and the basis of our faith isn't in the presence that we get under the tree. The basis of our faith is in the person of Jesus Christ the divine son of God becoming like us so that we could become like him, that he would become the sacrifice for our sin that nothing would ever separate us from the presence of God. That's the purpose. Some of the purpose of the incarnation of God become man, so that we could become like him so we could become like him, and then so is that Jesus, we thank you that you have saved us from our sin, you become the sacrifice you become the focus of our confession our sin is not the problem. Lord you have removed from our lives and our confession God. We are not worthy to receive. They get large. You love us just simply because of who we are. You accept us because of who we are the Lord you work in our life, because of who we are showing you love us. May this Christmas season alloy that we are entering may be one in which we never forget the incarnation God becomes man so that we might become your child less also. God bless this season as we focus on Christ and not on the Christmas. We pray in Jesus name and everyone said amen, unless you