The Sermon I Have Questions by Brad Price
Dec 11, 2011
I Have Questions (30:51)
Referenced Scriptures: Matthew 1:18-25; Hebrews 3:12-19;
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The scriptures below are from the WEB Bible.
Matthew 1:18-25
18) Now the birth of Jesus Christ was like this; because when his mother, Mary, had been engaged to Joseph, before they came together, she was found pregnant by the Holy Spirit.
19) Joseph, her husband, being a righteous man, and not willing to make her a public example, intended to put her away secretly.
20) But when he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, "Joseph, you son of David, don‘t be afraid to take to yourself Mary, your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.
21) She shall bring forth a son. You shall call his name JESUS, for it is he who shall save his people from their sins."
22) Now all this has happened, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying,
23) "Behold, the virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son. They shall call his name Immanuel;" which is, being interpreted, "God with us."
24) Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took his wife to himself;
25) and didn‘t know her sexually until she had brought forth her firstborn son. He named him JESUS.
Hebrews 3:12-19
12) Beware, brothers, lest perhaps there will be in any one of you an evil heart of unbelief, in falling away from the living God;
13) but exhort one another day by day, so long as it is called "today;" lest any one of you be hardened by the deceitfulness of sin.
14) For we have become partakers of Christ, if we hold fast the beginning of our confidence firm to the end:
15) while it is said, "Today if you will hear his voice, Don‘t harden your hearts, as in the provocation."
16) For who, when they heard, did provoke? No, didn‘t all those who came out of Egypt by Moses?
17) With whom was he displeased forty years? was it not with those who sinned, whose bodies fell in the wilderness?
18) To whom did he swear that they should not enter into his rest, but to those who were disobedient?
19) We see that they were not able to enter in because of unbelief.
The WEB Bible is provided by Public Domain.
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This is a machine transcript of the sermon. It won't be completely accurate of what's said in the sermon.
Chapter one. Starting with verse eighteen, three twenty five ninety one, starting with eighteen number of the Jesus Christ was as follows. After his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly. But while you thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to have a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife for that which is conceived in her in her TV is of the Holy Spirit and she will bring forth the sign, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel L, which is translated, God with us. Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, then, is the Angel Lord commanded him and talk to him, his wife and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn son. And he called his name Jesus, as Max locate out is fond of saying the white space between Bible verses is very fertile soil for questions, you read the Bible and think, I wonder I wonder what wonder if I wonder what Jesus was like as a teenager, where Jesus ever got a little bit. No mechanically, you know, we cancel. I can see no particular son of God being mouthy but it ought, he wondered, did Jesus ever get tired, tired the backfield as well. Wonderful even ever eight any more fruit or Adam. Your wonder if no a slept well and it was raining outside. After the holding after the flood. Think you got nervous every time it rained the new gods promise right, John think just like to eat fish. I wonder, did Moses avoid bushes that Moses stick with trees and grass did Jesus tell jokes now. I love the videos that came out what was about fifteen, sixteen years ago Gospel of Matthew and Alan Bruce Marciano played Jesus because he presented this whole side of Jesus. All this with all his movies years ago Jesus was always this somber somber person and Bruce Marciano portrayed this entirely different Jesus. From what I do remember trigger for the smiling happy in a joyful Jesus because Jesus people want to be around right, maybe morally followed Jesus, don't you think there would've been something convincing about him and his way, but that he just noted to people 's minds, they were decided to follow Jesus. There was an attractive about you is because no one agrees about and keep going. You think. I wonder they are try to walk on water again after Jesus ascended to heaven. You know him. You think anyone would've ever married policy would a master, the Bible next locator says the Bible is some like a fence, full of not holes that we can peek through, but we can't see the whole picture like a scrapbook full of pictures that show people encountering God, but we don't always get the result captured in a photo sorter like a movie, you know, we don't always get the plot resolution normal was. That was the midterm dénouement or something like that I think is the is in his films didn't serve or fear students you know the whole idea plot resolution, we don't get always the whole entire picture from the Bible. So I think about people. Jesus dealt with the demoniac that Jesus set free order to do for a living. After Jesus set them free. What about Jesus and the events surrounding his birth name. We know some of the story now, but you wonder the innkeeper that was too busy to welcome the son of God, do you think he ever learned was that he turned away the key or the shepherds, and I like to sing whatever Han River cats until something okay then. I like to sing while you are doing things in the left of me at work, but you know I'd I wind up a lot of times working solo. I don't work like a male part of the team at work, but I don't have a partner right on handling or finishing drywall is, what one guy thing raised even so, it's you know you're your drawing around and when were doing the things we really don't like like sanding drywall, I'd, I'd wind up singing more than louder and more consciously. Just because the fact that I'm trying to get myself through tasks that I don't care for, but do you think the shepherds think I remember the to the song they heard the angel sings that the shepherds walk around was Lynette or the wise men to follow the star. What was it like to worship the toddler you think they could get Jesus to stay in one place long enough to observe them when they came across Jesus and enjoy your kids were like a two or three or four NL. They were all over the place was like mobility, what's his name on the family Circus. It unless they has which is was like in the auto don't know what this was what was on the Joseph Jesus, father figure wrestled with Jesus. You know the day arm wrestle you think of how that would go to Jesus. Let Joseph when were to justify Jesus when you know I know you really think about that. There wondered him did Jesus ever look up or do Joseph excuse me ever look up as prayers and catch Jesus listening to what he was Brian and whatever happened, the wise men. Whatever happened to Joseph will we know what happened to Joseph, there's inflation story, but there is not much information as a matter fact, Joseph, whose role was so crucial so important. Him you expect we would be your Morgan has been lost. The sermons about Joseph, you know, and in his rolling in Jesus life in his birth, but you know you expect to see Joseph and the rest of the Jesus story when you're young, Inc. I wonder what was his earthly father like, but with the exception of when Jesus was twelve years old in Jerusalem, the temple, Joseph never reappears in Scripture as all the rest of his life is left to speculation and were left with questions and is why I'm asking questions, but what about Bethlehem that night the stars. Keep on twinkling you think Joseph paced around the stable you know where worry of what you do whenever your kids were born, the Joseph pace around the stable. What do you think about what was going to was mine. What was on his mind, while Mary was giving birth. You know what Joseph do that night but it wasn't what it does do thousands of years ago, when her dad, who recently opened Galloways were told to do, but you know to just the water main reason there was a dilemma and is able right. You know in some animals were left understand that young Joseph, the water was drinking water in an article I read years ago someone said the reason that they had many water during childbirth, which is to give them something to do to get them out of the way I okay ladies, we get there. I reject that you know they just bought ready for Mary laydown lie down whatever's proper English. I don't know how comfortable could married be in this table right did. She asked him to get lost this. Yes, Mister Powell could Joseph ever have felt perhaps more alone than he did at that moment, I mean Mary wouldn't be able to talk Mary wouldn't be in the mood to talk. She's in great pain, right, but what was he thinking about what Jesus was being born. They look at the stars. Now the star shining down. They think about God that he think about his baby did he pray after all coming this is what Joseph had in mind, you think wasn't distant when the angel told Joseph God 's plan. You think Joseph envisioned this stable being turned away a bunch of places from the movie the Nativity story. We watched a Christmas time last year, is everything living Nativity story. The stress that it creates time of Jesus arrival in when Mary gave birth was just a mean, I watched a clip of it this morning. Last night and I was just I was stressed out is watching you know him, but this certainly could have been the way Joseph planned for God son to be born when my baby being born is stable is not how I thought this would be gone occasional hole in the stall I just don't know a whole wall. What a donkey. Maybe, maybe couple donkeys. Maybe some check out a note couple of cattle, some animals. We don't know what's there, but with their first, the list of animals and the stars appear very crying out. I doubt that it's all what Joseph imagine the ways the birth of God. Some would be great if Joseph would've imagined it as I think through it. He probably would've dreamed up. What some grandmothers being there to help because they knew what was coming down, you know, holding that they knew what to do, what to do. Maybe Simpson, neighbors, and some of the other guys around outside out-of-the-way weightings. Okay to celebrate a pat on the back probably envision people laughing, excited conversation is that how I envision, or you think that Jesus, the Joseph would've thought it would've been one not some was born you know to be a midwife. There is a handy baby, you know, people applauding very good rest. Then someone to take care of Mary, everyone would celebrate the town would celebrate, but no, Nazareth is five days away, and there in the middle of sheet and smelly animals whose go celebrate with Joseph and Mary, who is there chief Shepherd stars. It doesn't seem right. Sure, God spoke through his messenger Angels, but the Joseph. But, defendant, Joseph thought what kind of husband, in my I can't afford in a midwife to take care of my wife and her greatest time of need in her greatest pain. I can't even put embedded underneath of her soup. Give her some comfort and rest during childbirth. What's my wife's hello maybe a blanket off my donkey that smells that has hair on it, is probably thinking perhaps I can even put a roof over her head, just the borrowed shed and some straw for me. Joseph was a working man right was a working man is supposed to take care of everything is no one working men supposed to be able to build working guys post we'll take care of everything. The smell is bad. Animals might be lobby might be quiet is probably thinking, even. I smell you think Joseph never thought that if I missed something God, did I miss something here. I am God sent the angel and spoke of his son to be born and you will name him a shortened version of your potion, well, God save okay, it's probably not what Joseph had in mind if I was Joseph. Maybe what I would thought about Jerusalem, the temple priests around. After all, this is the Messiah may be a parade, a feast of some sort. Maybe not Jerusalem. Maybe Nazareth what Nazareth and then better than Bethlehem. But for my houses before my business is well. I have out here on the tired donkey, a stack of firewood. Maybe in some stars is not the way I wanted it to be, if not the way I wanted my your son to be born, and maybe Joseph stopped and said oh my. Again, good night, God, I keep forgetting is not even my son is God 's son really another humble moment for Joseph right humility is not easy friends, is it not think Joseph ever got tired of humility I the I in my opinion I think Joseph is the most humble man in all of Scripture. I just my my thoughts as my blog Leslie Joseph is the most humble person in Scripture, but the child which he is to take as a zone is gone. Child is God 's plan. But is this the way God shows to send his son into the world. I dealt with the angel showing up. I dealt with that all the questions people have amino to think Joseph and Mary face gossip from people about why she's pregnant and rumors and stares and whispers and covered mounds you tell someone saying something behind and and then they have to rush to Bethlehem in these dealt with that, finally, finally found a place to what is it, it's a stable any minute now Mary's do they give birth and not just any baby, but the Messiah God 's son not to just any old infant, but Mary, my wife is to give birth to God. That's what the angel said, and that's what Mary and I believe I want to believe that God but you have to understand this is an easy to think it might've been frustrating for Joseph, perhaps a little bizarre little confusing. Joseph probably didn't like strange things. I'm guessing I discussed on the list for certain, but I'm guessing I would imagine that Joseph didn't like this order. Joseph was a carpenter right, Joseph makes things fit for living swings wired. Joseph makes things work squares up the ends. He makes stuff level true bubbles in the right pastor. It makes things square any follows a plumb line right to Carpenter. That's what new measure twice cut it one time builders do not like surprises people who build things to create things make things do not like surprises. There is a plan. We like to see the plan before it happens we like to know what were building before building the Josephus and the builder. This time is a this time Joseph is the pool in God 's hand is a hammer and Gaza Strip is a nail between God 's fingers is a chisel in God 's hand. Joseph is a tool to be used, so if not, Joseph project. It's God 's project so he wonders Joseph praying. I guess it's fullest of me to question you, God. We please forgive my struggling it doesn't come easy for me to trust God because amused and wanted on my own. Maybe we should take care things are line things up. This is my wife right, she's my wife. You think maybe Joseph might've asked God for another angel, maybe for some company and take on life zero realized but I'm not laying down, but think for a moment, but you know, giving Joseph and Mary kick them out of the stable. Many it's possible that they do know united in their but then again, she might not want them there remained like I said the staff at the hospital when Ethan and I were born, they made me very aware that I was only in there because it was. I mean listen, I understand when when when a person 's health and safety is on the line. You know certain things fall away side, but I've no woman alive, was led by the hand by someone in a specific path to walk a little nurse that you will follow me will take my annual go nowhere else. You will touch nothing else, you know, so I always understand I was. I understood where I was supposed to stand that was not to move that I was not allowed to do anything without my wife's hand in case on the e-mail is the way was that I was aware. Joseph was out. I don't know how Joseph was made to feel in the course of things, but I'm asking us to think for a moment from Joseph's perspective in all this. Certainly there's lots of sermons. It can be preach about Mary's perspective on the birth of Jesus and I wouldn't even deign to guess because not being woman just being a insensitive male relative face justice perspective, but when even a more born I was a nuisance to be contended with other nurses surveyed we get it as next weekend, so maybe Joseph wanted some friendship. Maybe Joseph felt alone very certainly wouldn't have felt like conversing you know, did Joseph pray any of these things. I don't know, understand, yes, and I'm looking at it from it all from up about a person 's perspective. It just thinks through that maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But we can probably guarantee that some point in our lives. All of us have prayed the same prayer about a different scenario. Have you ever been caught between what God says and what makes sense as letter for promising your life until you something can happen, but in your natural mind, it doesn't make sense. I've never done what you felt God was leading you to do, only to wind up wondering if God was really ever talking to you in the first place. If you haven't, I have okay I'll say I'm never stared up in the sky and out in my still on the right road like the rest that have we ever asked that question back there when I turn right. God should I actually turn left. Nothing like life 's journey to make you think the lunch of things and ask a lot of questions right, God is there a plan behind this scheme that you have never had anything turn out differently than what you expected it to be or what you felt God was saying it was going to. We have installed outside Staples to search for answers, but worked with Stanley asked questions stay outside an emergency room and ask these questions. God was us your plans. I done something differently. Have we ever stood in the gravel alongside a road and said God that I miss it is your something differently. Are you involved are you here for you present in a time like this. We have stood in cemeteries under green trees and on green beautiful grass and we've asked questions, haven't we if we have lived certainly somewhere along the way. We have questioned God, and if we haven't question God 's plan along our path that I don't think we've lived much truthfully saying, but why does God do what he does in our lives of excellent sky two thousand eighteen. Someone years ago probably was not the first time that some confused traveler asked questions like this so if you are I ask what Joseph did the rescue now may we have recently maybe sometime this year. Next year we might be asking some of these questions, let's do what Joseph did Joseph obeyed when the angel came and spoke to Joseph. We read in Matthew, what Joseph do got up. He obeyed. He obeyed when Mary explain things. Angel appeared to Mary right, Mary shared dream. Joseph obeyed the plan is not necessarily bearing okay resource of our husbands under the rebuild their lives, but we won't such that the Joseph of a plan that God had my Joseph obeyed when God sent him. Joseph obeyed Joseph was obedient to God when it was right outside in it when it was dark at night and things were scary in both situations when things were cool and when things weren't so cool. Joseph learned to obey God. He didn't allow confusion to disrupt his obedience. Joseph didn't know everything, but he did what he knew to do one that applies to you and me. Joseph shut down his business packed up his family and he went to another country, another area. Why, because he felt that's what God said for him to do so. What about us on December eleventh) wrote last month, twelve o'clock what about us. If the Christmas time of year and years and the new year coming up soon were like Joseph we can see the whole picture. No things change things don't happen the way we planned for them after Ron assured they weren't supposed to be in town, there will be away on holiday celebrating with some family things change things all happen the way we plan, but like Joseph. Our job to see that Jesus is carried to the whole world in our parks of the world, I should say in our part. And like Joseph were faced with choices of a disobey because Joseph obeyed God used Joseph to change the world. Joseph Phelan, a humble circumstance final part of what went down. Jesus birth. God used Joseph Lakey using Mary to bring his son his whole entire plan of redemption. Salvation fix in my life. Joseph had a part to it because he obeyed, so your we are two thousand eleven looking forward to two thousand twelve and gone to the same thing with you and I is gone. Still looking for another Joseph is God looking forward another woman like marrying men and women who believe that God is not through with this world an uncommon God needs very common people to be used by him will we be that kind of people 's Christmas this year, will we serve, even when we don't understand God will take honest questions. God will deal fairly. God will deal squarely with people who plead and why God doesn't mind us asking why, if we ask with an honest heart. Maybe God didn't answer everyone addresses questions. Maybe Joseph didn't even ask a question many dosages walk through the whole thing and never had a adult mode of thought, a question, but if I put me in that scenario if you will perhaps put yourself in that position would we of asked why I would've you know in this life that I live I asked while the time. Maybe God didn't answer everyone addresses questions are you still with me. God where my and then maybe just a part of baby cry, and he knew that God was still there and that was God 's way of saying what I'm still here. Joseph here for you. I'm here with you to my son lots of questions. It will never get answered until we get home friends. Lots of non- holes and splinters in the fence were trying to look through to get an idea of what God expects from us and what we can expect from this life. How many times this year in two thousand twelve. Coming up, or this past year in two thousand one were now in how many times have we ever I wondered no, I wonder what would've happened. What if those kind of questions, but when we wonder we never need to ask these questions. Does God care. We never need to ask, do we really matter to God. We never need to ask. Does God still love me because through the baby that was born to answer justice questions and the baby that was born to answer these questions for you and I God says. Yet this our sins are forgiven. Our names are written in heaven. If we only believe I can video the big Christmas with Jesus video. I like how you know of the guys got beautifully in a skillet, many is all over the map. He happens one hundred on a run around the coffee table like that Jesus is trying to get my attention. Insane slowdown slowdown will but spend some time together here was not bit distracted. But Jesus answers the questions we have guests were forgiven. Yes, our names are written in heaven. If we believe. Yes, death has been defeated. Yes, God has entered this world because Emmanuelle Jesus name Immanuel means what God with us, God with us now, one last selection of Scripture Hebrews chapter three. You want to understand what was a put up on the screen. The Marine from the message starting with verse twelve. So watch your step, friends, make sure there is no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course diverting you from the become at last word from living on for as long as as is still God 's today. Keep each other on your toes, citizen doesn't slow down your reflexes. If we can only keep our grip to veterinary margins weren't set right on this one on-the-fly screen we use in one setting. We use the software 's arguments. The next one brother, all are going okay. We started out with wherein this dries we were in this with Christ for the long haul. These words keep ringing in our ears today. Please listen all you got here, as in the white okay for the people turned a deaf ear worked in a very ones. Moses led out of Egypt and will promote this was remembered as great as you turn a deaf ear and ended up courses in the wilderness and money swore they never get where it may. I don't know and I don't abide when the message translation. It's why I don't have on your otherwise it was okay. I want Lindsay turned a deaf ear. They never got there because they never listened never believe that you will you say that you stand up with me lizards like this verse thirteen, gives advice to help with the Magog, to gather eighteen and nineteen break it down like this. They show a very close connection between obedience and belief in teamworkChapter one. Starting with verse eighteen, three twenty five ninety one, starting with eighteen number of the Jesus Christ was as follows. After his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, before they came together she was found with child Holy Spirit. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly. But while you thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to have a dream, saying, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife for that which is conceived in her in her TV is of the Holy Spirit and she will bring forth the sign, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins. So all this was done that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by the Lord through the prophet, saying, behold, the virgin shall be with child, and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel L, which is translated, God with us. Then Joseph, being aroused from sleep, then, is the Angel Lord commanded him and talk to him, his wife and did not know her till she had brought forth her firstborn son. And he called his name Jesus, as Max locate out is fond of saying the white space between Bible verses is very fertile soil for questions, you read the Bible and think, I wonder I wonder what wonder if I wonder what Jesus was like as a teenager, where Jesus ever got a little bit. No mechanically, you know, we cancel. I can see no particular son of God being mouthy but it ought, he wondered, did Jesus ever get tired, tired the backfield as well. Wonderful even ever eight any more fruit or Adam. Your wonder if no a slept well and it was raining outside. After the holding after the flood. Think you got nervous every time it rained the new gods promise right, John think just like to eat fish. I wonder, did Moses avoid bushes that Moses stick with trees and grass did Jesus tell jokes now. I love the videos that came out what was about fifteen, sixteen years ago Gospel of Matthew and Alan Bruce Marciano played Jesus because he presented this whole side of Jesus. All this with all his movies years ago Jesus was always this somber somber person and Bruce Marciano portrayed this entirely different Jesus. From what I do remember trigger for the smiling happy in a joyful Jesus because Jesus people want to be around right, maybe morally followed Jesus, don't you think there would've been something convincing about him and his way, but that he just noted to people 's minds, they were decided to follow Jesus. There was an attractive about you is because no one agrees about and keep going. You think. I wonder they are try to walk on water again after Jesus ascended to heaven. You know him. You think anyone would've ever married policy would a master, the Bible next locator says the Bible is some like a fence, full of not holes that we can peek through, but we can't see the whole picture like a scrapbook full of pictures that show people encountering God, but we don't always get the result captured in a photo sorter like a movie, you know, we don't always get the plot resolution normal was. That was the midterm dénouement or something like that I think is the is in his films didn't serve or fear students you know the whole idea plot resolution, we don't get always the whole entire picture from the Bible. So I think about people. Jesus dealt with the demoniac that Jesus set free order to do for a living. After Jesus set them free. What about Jesus and the events surrounding his birth name. We know some of the story now, but you wonder the innkeeper that was too busy to welcome the son of God, do you think he ever learned was that he turned away the key or the shepherds, and I like to sing whatever Han River cats until something okay then. I like to sing while you are doing things in the left of me at work, but you know I'd I wind up a lot of times working solo. I don't work like a male part of the team at work, but I don't have a partner right on handling or finishing drywall is, what one guy thing raised even so, it's you know you're your drawing around and when were doing the things we really don't like like sanding drywall, I'd, I'd wind up singing more than louder and more consciously. Just because the fact that I'm trying to get myself through tasks that I don't care for, but do you think the shepherds think I remember the to the song they heard the angel sings that the shepherds walk around was Lynette or the wise men to follow the star. What was it like to worship the toddler you think they could get Jesus to stay in one place long enough to observe them when they came across Jesus and enjoy your kids were like a two or three or four NL. They were all over the place was like mobility, what's his name on the family Circus. It unless they has which is was like in the auto don't know what this was what was on the Joseph Jesus, father figure wrestled with Jesus. You know the day arm wrestle you think of how that would go to Jesus. Let Joseph when were to justify Jesus when you know I know you really think about that. There wondered him did Jesus ever look up or do Joseph excuse me ever look up as prayers and catch Jesus listening to what he was Brian and whatever happened, the wise men. Whatever happened to Joseph will we know what happened to Joseph, there's inflation story, but there is not much information as a matter fact, Joseph, whose role was so crucial so important. Him you expect we would be your Morgan has been lost. The sermons about Joseph, you know, and in his rolling in Jesus life in his birth, but you know you expect to see Joseph and the rest of the Jesus story when you're young, Inc. I wonder what was his earthly father like, but with the exception of when Jesus was twelve years old in Jerusalem, the temple, Joseph never reappears in Scripture as all the rest of his life is left to speculation and were left with questions and is why I'm asking questions, but what about Bethlehem that night the stars. Keep on twinkling you think Joseph paced around the stable you know where worry of what you do whenever your kids were born, the Joseph pace around the stable. What do you think about what was going to was mine. What was on his mind, while Mary was giving birth. You know what Joseph do that night but it wasn't what it does do thousands of years ago, when her dad, who recently opened Galloways were told to do, but you know to just the water main reason there was a dilemma and is able right. You know in some animals were left understand that young Joseph, the water was drinking water in an article I read years ago someone said the reason that they had many water during childbirth, which is to give them something to do to get them out of the way I okay ladies, we get there. I reject that you know they just bought ready for Mary laydown lie down whatever's proper English. I don't know how comfortable could married be in this table right did. She asked him to get lost this. Yes, Mister Powell could Joseph ever have felt perhaps more alone than he did at that moment, I mean Mary wouldn't be able to talk Mary wouldn't be in the mood to talk. She's in great pain, right, but what was he thinking about what Jesus was being born. They look at the stars. Now the star shining down. They think about God that he think about his baby did he pray after all coming this is what Joseph had in mind, you think wasn't distant when the angel told Joseph God 's plan. You think Joseph envisioned this stable being turned away a bunch of places from the movie the Nativity story. We watched a Christmas time last year, is everything living Nativity story. The stress that it creates time of Jesus arrival in when Mary gave birth was just a mean, I watched a clip of it this morning. Last night and I was just I was stressed out is watching you know him, but this certainly could have been the way Joseph planned for God son to be born when my baby being born is stable is not how I thought this would be gone occasional hole in the stall I just don't know a whole wall. What a donkey. Maybe, maybe couple donkeys. Maybe some check out a note couple of cattle, some animals. We don't know what's there, but with their first, the list of animals and the stars appear very crying out. I doubt that it's all what Joseph imagine the ways the birth of God. Some would be great if Joseph would've imagined it as I think through it. He probably would've dreamed up. What some grandmothers being there to help because they knew what was coming down, you know, holding that they knew what to do, what to do. Maybe Simpson, neighbors, and some of the other guys around outside out-of-the-way weightings. Okay to celebrate a pat on the back probably envision people laughing, excited conversation is that how I envision, or you think that Jesus, the Joseph would've thought it would've been one not some was born you know to be a midwife. There is a handy baby, you know, people applauding very good rest. Then someone to take care of Mary, everyone would celebrate the town would celebrate, but no, Nazareth is five days away, and there in the middle of sheet and smelly animals whose go celebrate with Joseph and Mary, who is there chief Shepherd stars. It doesn't seem right. Sure, God spoke through his messenger Angels, but the Joseph. But, defendant, Joseph thought what kind of husband, in my I can't afford in a midwife to take care of my wife and her greatest time of need in her greatest pain. I can't even put embedded underneath of her soup. Give her some comfort and rest during childbirth. What's my wife's hello maybe a blanket off my donkey that smells that has hair on it, is probably thinking perhaps I can even put a roof over her head, just the borrowed shed and some straw for me. Joseph was a working man right was a working man is supposed to take care of everything is no one working men supposed to be able to build working guys post we'll take care of everything. The smell is bad. Animals might be lobby might be quiet is probably thinking, even. I smell you think Joseph never thought that if I missed something God, did I miss something here. I am God sent the angel and spoke of his son to be born and you will name him a shortened version of your potion, well, God save okay, it's probably not what Joseph had in mind if I was Joseph. Maybe what I would thought about Jerusalem, the temple priests around. After all, this is the Messiah may be a parade, a feast of some sort. Maybe not Jerusalem. Maybe Nazareth what Nazareth and then better than Bethlehem. But for my houses before my business is well. I have out here on the tired donkey, a stack of firewood. Maybe in some stars is not the way I wanted it to be, if not the way I wanted my your son to be born, and maybe Joseph stopped and said oh my. Again, good night, God, I keep forgetting is not even my son is God 's son really another humble moment for Joseph right humility is not easy friends, is it not think Joseph ever got tired of humility I the I in my opinion I think Joseph is the most humble man in all of Scripture. I just my my thoughts as my blog Leslie Joseph is the most humble person in Scripture, but the child which he is to take as a zone is gone. Child is God 's plan. But is this the way God shows to send his son into the world. I dealt with the angel showing up. I dealt with that all the questions people have amino to think Joseph and Mary face gossip from people about why she's pregnant and rumors and stares and whispers and covered mounds you tell someone saying something behind and and then they have to rush to Bethlehem in these dealt with that, finally, finally found a place to what is it, it's a stable any minute now Mary's do they give birth and not just any baby, but the Messiah God 's son not to just any old infant, but Mary, my wife is to give birth to God. That's what the angel said, and that's what Mary and I believe I want to believe that God but you have to understand this is an easy to think it might've been frustrating for Joseph, perhaps a little bizarre little confusing. Joseph probably didn't like strange things. I'm guessing I discussed on the list for certain, but I'm guessing I would imagine that Joseph didn't like this order. Joseph was a carpenter right, Joseph makes things fit for living swings wired. Joseph makes things work squares up the ends. He makes stuff level true bubbles in the right pastor. It makes things square any follows a plumb line right to Carpenter. That's what new measure twice cut it one time builders do not like surprises people who build things to create things make things do not like surprises. There is a plan. We like to see the plan before it happens we like to know what were building before building the Josephus and the builder. This time is a this time Joseph is the pool in God 's hand is a hammer and Gaza Strip is a nail between God 's fingers is a chisel in God 's hand. Joseph is a tool to be used, so if not, Joseph project. It's God 's project so he wonders Joseph praying. I guess it's fullest of me to question you, God. We please forgive my struggling it doesn't come easy for me to trust God because amused and wanted on my own. Maybe we should take care things are line things up. This is my wife right, she's my wife. You think maybe Joseph might've asked God for another angel, maybe for some company and take on life zero realized but I'm not laying down, but think for a moment, but you know, giving Joseph and Mary kick them out of the stable. Many it's possible that they do know united in their but then again, she might not want them there remained like I said the staff at the hospital when Ethan and I were born, they made me very aware that I was only in there because it was. I mean listen, I understand when when when a person 's health and safety is on the line. You know certain things fall away side, but I've no woman alive, was led by the hand by someone in a specific path to walk a little nurse that you will follow me will take my annual go nowhere else. You will touch nothing else, you know, so I always understand I was. I understood where I was supposed to stand that was not to move that I was not allowed to do anything without my wife's hand in case on the e-mail is the way was that I was aware. Joseph was out. I don't know how Joseph was made to feel in the course of things, but I'm asking us to think for a moment from Joseph's perspective in all this. Certainly there's lots of sermons. It can be preach about Mary's perspective on the birth of Jesus and I wouldn't even deign to guess because not being woman just being a insensitive male relative face justice perspective, but when even a more born I was a nuisance to be contended with other nurses surveyed we get it as next weekend, so maybe Joseph wanted some friendship. Maybe Joseph felt alone very certainly wouldn't have felt like conversing you know, did Joseph pray any of these things. I don't know, understand, yes, and I'm looking at it from it all from up about a person 's perspective. It just thinks through that maybe he did, maybe he didn't. But we can probably guarantee that some point in our lives. All of us have prayed the same prayer about a different scenario. Have you ever been caught between what God says and what makes sense as letter for promising your life until you something can happen, but in your natural mind, it doesn't make sense. I've never done what you felt God was leading you to do, only to wind up wondering if God was really ever talking to you in the first place. If you haven't, I have okay I'll say I'm never stared up in the sky and out in my still on the right road like the rest that have we ever asked that question back there when I turn right. God should I actually turn left. Nothing like life 's journey to make you think the lunch of things and ask a lot of questions right, God is there a plan behind this scheme that you have never had anything turn out differently than what you expected it to be or what you felt God was saying it was going to. We have installed outside Staples to search for answers, but worked with Stanley asked questions stay outside an emergency room and ask these questions. God was us your plans. I done something differently. Have we ever stood in the gravel alongside a road and said God that I miss it is your something differently. Are you involved are you here for you present in a time like this. We have stood in cemeteries under green trees and on green beautiful grass and we've asked questions, haven't we if we have lived certainly somewhere along the way. We have questioned God, and if we haven't question God 's plan along our path that I don't think we've lived much truthfully saying, but why does God do what he does in our lives of excellent sky two thousand eighteen. Someone years ago probably was not the first time that some confused traveler asked questions like this so if you are I ask what Joseph did the rescue now may we have recently maybe sometime this year. Next year we might be asking some of these questions, let's do what Joseph did Joseph obeyed when the angel came and spoke to Joseph. We read in Matthew, what Joseph do got up. He obeyed. He obeyed when Mary explain things. Angel appeared to Mary right, Mary shared dream. Joseph obeyed the plan is not necessarily bearing okay resource of our husbands under the rebuild their lives, but we won't such that the Joseph of a plan that God had my Joseph obeyed when God sent him. Joseph obeyed Joseph was obedient to God when it was right outside in it when it was dark at night and things were scary in both situations when things were cool and when things weren't so cool. Joseph learned to obey God. He didn't allow confusion to disrupt his obedience. Joseph didn't know everything, but he did what he knew to do one that applies to you and me. Joseph shut down his business packed up his family and he went to another country, another area. Why, because he felt that's what God said for him to do so. What about us on December eleventh) wrote last month, twelve o'clock what about us. If the Christmas time of year and years and the new year coming up soon were like Joseph we can see the whole picture. No things change things don't happen the way we planned for them after Ron assured they weren't supposed to be in town, there will be away on holiday celebrating with some family things change things all happen the way we plan, but like Joseph. Our job to see that Jesus is carried to the whole world in our parks of the world, I should say in our part. And like Joseph were faced with choices of a disobey because Joseph obeyed God used Joseph to change the world. Joseph Phelan, a humble circumstance final part of what went down. Jesus birth. God used Joseph Lakey using Mary to bring his son his whole entire plan of redemption. Salvation fix in my life. Joseph had a part to it because he obeyed, so your we are two thousand eleven looking forward to two thousand twelve and gone to the same thing with you and I is gone. Still looking for another Joseph is God looking forward another woman like marrying men and women who believe that God is not through with this world an uncommon God needs very common people to be used by him will we be that kind of people 's Christmas this year, will we serve, even when we don't understand God will take honest questions. God will deal fairly. God will deal squarely with people who plead and why God doesn't mind us asking why, if we ask with an honest heart. Maybe God didn't answer everyone addresses questions. Maybe Joseph didn't even ask a question many dosages walk through the whole thing and never had a adult mode of thought, a question, but if I put me in that scenario if you will perhaps put yourself in that position would we of asked why I would've you know in this life that I live I asked while the time. Maybe God didn't answer everyone addresses questions are you still with me. God where my and then maybe just a part of baby cry, and he knew that God was still there and that was God 's way of saying what I'm still here. Joseph here for you. I'm here with you to my son lots of questions. It will never get answered until we get home friends. Lots of non- holes and splinters in the fence were trying to look through to get an idea of what God expects from us and what we can expect from this life. How many times this year in two thousand twelve. Coming up, or this past year in two thousand one were now in how many times have we ever I wondered no, I wonder what would've happened. What if those kind of questions, but when we wonder we never need to ask these questions. Does God care. We never need to ask, do we really matter to God. We never need to ask. Does God still love me because through the baby that was born to answer justice questions and the baby that was born to answer these questions for you and I God says. Yet this our sins are forgiven. Our names are written in heaven. If we only believe I can video the big Christmas with Jesus video. I like how you know of the guys got beautifully in a skillet, many is all over the map. He happens one hundred on a run around the coffee table like that Jesus is trying to get my attention. Insane slowdown slowdown will but spend some time together here was not bit distracted. But Jesus answers the questions we have guests were forgiven. Yes, our names are written in heaven. If we believe. Yes, death has been defeated. Yes, God has entered this world because Emmanuelle Jesus name Immanuel means what God with us, God with us now, one last selection of Scripture Hebrews chapter three. You want to understand what was a put up on the screen. The Marine from the message starting with verse twelve. So watch your step, friends, make sure there is no evil unbelief lying around that will trip you up and throw you off course diverting you from the become at last word from living on for as long as as is still God 's today. Keep each other on your toes, citizen doesn't slow down your reflexes. If we can only keep our grip to veterinary margins weren't set right on this one on-the-fly screen we use in one setting. We use the software 's arguments. The next one brother, all are going okay. We started out with wherein this dries we were in this with Christ for the long haul. These words keep ringing in our ears today. Please listen all you got here, as in the white okay for the people turned a deaf ear worked in a very ones. Moses led out of Egypt and will promote this was remembered as great as you turn a deaf ear and ended up courses in the wilderness and money swore they never get where it may. I don't know and I don't abide when the message translation. It's why I don't have on your otherwise it was okay. I want Lindsay turned a deaf ear. They never got there because they never listened never believe that you will you say that you stand up with me lizards like this verse thirteen, gives advice to help with the Magog, to gather eighteen and nineteen break it down like this. They show a very close connection between obedience and belief in teamwork